=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [08:00] noobuntu is so LE bloated reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [11:31] vala tags 27f5147 Rico Tzschichholz upstream/0.56.17 * Upstream version 0.56.17 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vala/tags/upstream/0.56.17 [11:31] vala upstream/latest 5f1b390 Rico Tzschichholz * pushed 18 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vala/compare/37552b2...5f1b390 [11:31] vala upstream/latest 50ff0ac Rico Tzschichholz codegen/valaccodemethodcallmodule.vala tests/objects/gsource.c-expected * codegen: Add missing initializers for private fields of GSourceFuncs * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vala/-/commit/50ff0ac [11:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 50ff0ac in gnome-team/vala "codegen: Add missing initializers for private fields of GSourceFuncs" [11:31] vala upstream/latest b6b8b98 Rico Tzschichholz configure.ac * tests: Add -Werror=null-dereference flag * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vala/-/commit/b6b8b98 [11:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit b6b8b98 in gnome-team/vala "tests: Add -Werror=null-dereference flag" [11:31] vala upstream/latest 0247d6e Rico Tzschichholz tests/Makefile.am vala/valaparser.vala tests/methods/local-functions-to-delegate.c-expected tests/methods/local-functions-to-delegate.vala * parser: Allow declaration of static nested methods (local functions) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vala/-/commit/0247d6e [11:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 0247d6e in gnome-team/vala "parser: Allow declaration of static nested methods (local functions)" [11:31] vala upstream/latest 7a2c210 Simon McVittie vala/valacodecontext.vala * vala: Correctly use Path.build_path() * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vala/-/commit/7a2c210 [11:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 7a2c210 in gnome-team/vala "vala: Correctly use Path.build_path()" [11:31] vala upstream/latest aca6c70 Rico Tzschichholz tests/gir/ off_t.gir off_t.vapi-expected time_t.gir time_t.vapi-expected * tests: Extend off_t/time_t test cases to increase coverage * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vala/-/commit/aca6c70 [11:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit aca6c70 in gnome-team/vala "tests: Extend off_t/time_t test cases to increase coverage" [11:32] vala pristine-tar 3910340 Rico Tzschichholz vala_0.56.17.orig.tar.xz.delta vala_0.56.17.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for vala_0.56.17.orig.tar.xz * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vala/-/commit/3910340 [11:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 3910340 in gnome-team/vala "pristine-tar data for vala_0.56.17.orig.tar.xz" [13:03] hey desktop ppl :) I just updated all packages in a laptop (latest packages in noble release pocket) and after the update I started seeing a small square instead of a mouse cursor. I donĀ“t see that many gnome packages in the excuses page though. Am I the only one seeing the issue? Which package should I report a bug to? [13:10] athos, do you have any other window manager installed for a quick test? If it doesn't happen elsewhere, I'd report it to gnome-shell. [13:16] athos: see the link in comment 4 at bug 2062377 [13:16] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Bug 2062377 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 24.04. Xorg crash when dmz-white cursor is selected" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2062377 [13:25] thanks, nteodosio, jbicha. I left a (mostly irrelevant) comment there :) [13:31] Thanks (: [22:21] libcanberra Michael Biebl 483290 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483290 [22:21] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 8 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Revert time_t related changes" [Opened] === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [22:23] libcanberra Michael Biebl 483291 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483291 [22:23] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 8 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Revert time_t related changes" [Opened] [22:30] libcanberra Jeremy Bicha 483292 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483292 [22:30] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 8 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Revert time_t related changes" [Opened] [22:55] libcanberra Michael Biebl 483293 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483293 [22:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 8 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Revert time_t related changes" [Opened] [22:59] libcanberra Jeremy Bicha 483294 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483294 [22:59] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 8 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Revert time_t related changes" [Opened] [23:01] libcanberra Michael Biebl 483295 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483295 [23:01] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 8 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Revert time_t related changes" [Opened] [23:03] libcanberra Michael Biebl 483296 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483296 [23:03] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 8 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Revert time_t related changes" [Opened] [23:04] libcanberra Jeremy Bicha 483297 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483297 [23:12] libcanberra Michael Biebl 483298 * commented merge request !8 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libcanberra/-/merge_requests/8#note_483298 [23:12] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 8 in gnome-team/libcanberra "Revert time_t related changes" [Opened]