[00:01] My samba stopped working after upgrading 23.10->24.04, it looks like the problem is apparmor. log says profile="samba-rpcd-classic" name="/usr/libexec/samba/samba-dcerpcd" denied_mask="x" [00:03] There doesn't appear to be an entry in the profile for samba-rpcd-classic for samba-dcerpcd. [00:04] Seems like a pretty severe bug unless I'm missing something? [00:38] quidnunc: Are you affected: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/upcoming-apparmor-security-update-for-cve-2016-1585/44268 ? [00:38] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- In all versions of AppArmor mount rules are accidentally widened when compiled. [00:41] Bashing-om: It doesn't look relevant (there are no mount rules in the profile in question), thanks though [00:41] How do I turn off apparmor? When I try to do "systemctl stop apparmor" I still get apparmor denied log messages in syslog === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [10:09] indyZ, can you show me your in the pastebin? [10:10] toddc, so I'm not the only one seeing this sources.list loooking odd? I have to say my cloud image is from three months ago but I've been dilligent to get the updates though dist-upgrade [10:11] donofrio_: some users were reporting scrambled sources on kubuntu 24.04 [10:12] but didnt see them on ubuntu-desktop broken [10:12] wich flavour are you testing donofrio_ ? [10:21] cloud-image [10:22] https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/noble/current/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img [10:26] oh right, cant help with that [10:26] maybe the server guys can advice on that [10:38] what "should" it look like can you paste.opensuse.org your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ so I can try it and see if it works for the cloud image? === Guest84 is now known as ghibourg [20:23] Hello, I am experiencing a weird DNS issue on Noble beta on 2 different machines. Some applications can properly resolve DNS (dig, resolvctl query, curl deb, getent, epiphany browser) but others can't (firefox snap, chromium snap, mattermost-desktop, element-desktop, konqueror deb, curl snap). I already discussed this issue with people on Matrix in [20:23] UbuntuSupport, but did not make much progress. It all worked fine yesterday. I upgraded packages on my laptop before finishing up yesterday, and today I am in this situation. I booted my desktop that was not updated recently, and have the same issue today. I have ruled out my home network by using my phone hotspot instead, and my desktop works fine [20:23] under Windows. I also ruled out routes and firewall, as I can connect directly to the IPs being returned through DNS. Also, all the apps that are failing can be seen making successful DNS queries through `resolvectl monitor`. Running `getent hosts` inside the environment of a snap like charmcraft also gives me this issue. If anyone has any ideas on [20:23] how to narrow this down further, it would be appreciated. [21:14] ghibourg: spooky. have you looked into packet dumps? maybe there's some fragmentation, bad router with low MSS or something. [21:14] ghibourg2: you, too [21:38] tomreyn I looked at some packet dumps, there is nothing obviously wrong there [21:40] so it's mostly containerized apps? [21:42] at this point, every snap I tested was failing, but some apps like konqueror also had the issue [21:45] It looks like a library issue somehow, or maybe some sandboxing, but I do not see apparmor denials in the logs when that happens === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc