[00:21] cual es el tema [01:04] arraybolt3, i tihnk what messed me up is I put http:// into firefox to test it, but ff was set to always switch to htts and it confused me,,, [01:05] guiverc, thanks! I thought there was something special about the beta; i'll keep trying alphas [01:06] meanwhile, do you know of a way to get keyboard shortcuts for shutdown and standby? [01:06] I'm used to the windows shortcuts of super+x, u,u for shutdown or super+x, u, s for standby, but I could learn another way. Couldn't find anything in https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/F/keyboard_shortcuts.html [03:20] the only shortcut I'm aware of for shutdown is the general linux sysrq reisuo sorry; nothing desktop specific [03:21] is that the thing that also helps recover from crashes? [03:22] Like, R for read only, one of the letters runs the OOM killer, ...? [03:24] found it https://blog.kember.net/posts/2008-04-reisub-the-gentle-linux-restart/ [03:38] sorry... you can just search 'magic sysrq' & wikipedia page is usually at or near top... the letters are commands for the kernel; Alt+SysRQ alerts kernel to listen to command... B=reboot in your paste title; O=Off being last part of commands (resiu*)