
EickmeyerBashing-om: Yep, love it, but they referenced an article about leaving Matrix that is quite old as we've since gone back to Matirx XD   Either way, love it!00:17
Bashing-omEickmeyer: cdm done us good there. Very uplifting,00:25
Bashing-omUWN: Saved the update and out.00:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Let’s talk open design @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/lets-talk-open-design02:24
guivercadding two summaries; skipped 2 already as not-english..06:01
* guiverc pasted both in wrong spot (?????) so refreshed screen & tried again (no CANCEL buttun) ... but review now again ... finally out06:07
guivercBashing-om, is there a reason for noble-status-tracking??   its not new; just updated; very topical of course.. but last week's summary said "(page is updated regularly)"06:35
* guiverc posting summaries06:59
* guiverc out07:04
Bashing-omguiverc: Agreed that "noble-status-tracking" is repeditive and should be dropped.08:19
* guiverc going to paste some summaries (unless you're editing ^)08:22
Bashing-omguiverc: Outta here - heading to bed - will catchup on my morrow / not editing at this time.08:22
guivercack & thanks08:22
guivercsleep well08:22
Bashing-omthanks - have a good session :D08:23
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 836 shortly for Saturday thingies - will be a spell at this. 22:01
Bashing-omopening 836 now.22:30

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