[07:23] Hmmm, just noticed (after a week) that since upgrading to Kubuntu 24.04 I no longer had the plasma-nm package installed. From what I can tell there's no alternative in its place. Easily fixed by manually installing the package but seems strange it would not be part of kubuntu-desktop. If I were to file a bug, would that be against kubuntu-desktop? Unless there's been some decision made to not include it in 24.04. But again it seems strange since most [07:23] people probably want a GUI way to manage their network connections. [11:46] They have regressed the supported nvidia drivers available in Additional Drivers in Noble. Previously both 550 and 545 were supported. Now it is only 535 and 470. [11:47] I can sort of understand why the default 550 was dropped before the 6.8.0-28 was releases as 6.8.0-25 lacked signatures for the 550 drivers. [11:48] But 6.8.0-28 now has the 550 signatures so, even if 550 isn't made the default, it should at least be supported... that or 545. [11:49] Well actually the 545 signatures are gone now from 6.8.0-28 [11:49] what package is the Additional Drivers in? [12:45] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-drivers-common/+bug/2062967 [12:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Launchpad bug 2062967 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-drivers no longer offers nvidia 550 drivers" [Undecided, New] [12:45] Hopefully that gets fixed before the release next week [12:46] It is really bad form to have nvidia 550 driver signatures in linux-signatures-nvidia-6.8.0-28-generic but not have ubuntu-drivers or Additional Drivers at least offer the nvidia 550 driver as an untested option. [14:06] Hello guys, the linux-kernel upgraded to 6.8.0-28-generic and I still have the same issue, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2061840 [14:06] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Launchpad bug 2061840 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 24.04 freezes after plug in power cable" [Undecided, New] [14:08] Also there's no much time for final freezing of Ubuntu to be an LTS version [17:08] hey does it make sense to take ubuntu next? on my shool computer [17:08] ß [17:08] ? [17:08] or rather normal ubuntu [17:12] where can i find the uwuntu beta [17:21] Guest15: here's an incomplete list pf known bugs in the beta (and possibly the coming release, too): https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-notes/39890#heading--known-issues [17:22] you'll need to decide on whether you want to have a reliable computer (install 22.04 LTS) or can handle some, possibly grave, bugs, for another half or so year. [17:22] https://releases.ubuntu.com/noble/ provides the beta [17:23] (for amd64 at least) [17:23] So I have to comeback to Ubuntu 22.04 ? what if the developers want more information, should I re-install Noble again ? [17:24] Ubuntu 22.04 contain old softwares :( [17:24] !22.04 [17:24] Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is the 36th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/jj [17:25] from the 22.04 release notes: "support lifespan: Maintenance updates will be provided for 5 years until April 2027 for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Cloud, and Ubuntu Core. All the remaining flavours will be supported for 3 years. Additional security support is available with ESM (Extended Security Maintenance). " [17:25] !latest [17:25] Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [17:26] ubuntu developers will continue to support 22.04 LTS after the 24.04 LTS release, as indicated abive. [17:27] And what about my reported bug? will they need more information for me to keep Ubuntu 24.04? [17:28] zakaria: are you the same person as Guest15, whom I was initially responding to? [17:28] Nuh [17:28] I'm zakaria and what brings me here is a bug that I report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2061840 [17:28] okay, so none of the above was directed at you, and i had not looked at your bug report, yet [17:28] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Launchpad bug 2061840 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 24.04 freezes after plug in power cable" [Undecided, New] [17:29] Ah! okay [17:29] the linux-kernel upgraded to 6.8.0-28-generic and I still have the same issue [17:30] Also there's no much time for final of Noble to be an LTS version [17:31] it's to be expected that a new ubuntu release will take place while not all bugs have been fixed (though we need yet to ensure that the issue you report is actually a bug in ubuntu) [17:32] bug reports will continue to be triaged post-release and many will get fixed, primarily if they affect many of there are already known fixes. [17:33] *oR there [17:34] So bugs fixes will continue even after the release of Noble LTS [17:34] ?? [17:36] yes [17:37] as long as it gets support [17:38] that's pretty common for operating systems and major application softwares. [17:38] Is there anyone who had the same issue as mine? because It (bug) does not exist in previous versions of Ubuntu ! [17:40] so far there is only a symptomatic description of this issue, the root cause is yet unknown. unfortuantely it's difficult to catch the root cause for issues involving entering or leaving power management states. [17:41] if you can reproduce the issue and then share a system log from when it froze, this *may* help dagnosing this further and eventually identifying the root cause. [17:42] you have a good point about this not occurring in previous releases, so this *could be* a regression. but it could also be that the newer kernel supports functionality which the older ones did not, and since it now tries to use that new functionality it hits a bug in, for example, your firmware [17:43] How can I precisely get that log? I have shared 'ubuntu-bug linux' outputs to launchpad [17:43] Also my BIOS is updated [17:44] save all work / open files, reproduce the issue, try to use magic sysrq to reboot more gracefully, then export the previous kernel log to a file using sudo journalctl -b -1 > /tmp/kernelfreeze.log 2>&1 [17:45] !sysrq [17:45] In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [17:46] so I have to reboot my laptop then I use the command "sudo journalctl -b -1 > /tmp/kernelfreeze.log 2>&1" ?? [17:47] do I have to plugin or plugout the power cable? [17:47] you don't strictly need to reboot your computer first, although it's a good idea, since it will keep the log shorter. [17:48] Okay I'll try [17:48] then reproduce the issue, i.e. plug in the power cord [17:48] then reboot using the sysrq instructions above [17:48] or, if this does not work, hard power off [17:49] the journalctl command I have to do it before and after the freezing ? [17:49] then boot normally and run the journalctl command, and attach the /tmp/kernelfreeze.log log file to your bug report [17:49] actually make this: "sudo journalctl -kb -1 > /tmp/kernelfreeze.log 2>&1" [17:50] -k means just kernel log lines, otherwise it would log everything [17:50] Okay, I'll try it now [18:01] here's my log https://pastebin.com/DgF3UaG2 [18:01] zakaria: there was actually this line on the end of your auto-submitted kernel log, which *may* be related: workqueue: delayed_fput hogged CPU for >10000us 4 times, consider switching to WQ_UNBOUND [18:01] I couldn't even do anything after plugin power cable, I have to shutdown by force [18:01] so sysrq keyboard combos had no effect? [18:02] I can't do anything everything stops [18:02] what's your computers' current time of day? [18:03] 20 April 19:03 the current time [18:03] so the last lines on this log were captured 8 minutes ago [18:03] i mean 12 [18:05] I have seen the log, the time is correct ! [18:05] GMT / GMT+1 after sync using internet [18:06] you left irc at Apr 20 18:50, the last log timestamp is from Apr 20 18:51:37, and you rejoined irc at Apr 20 18:59 [18:06] i'm just wondering whether the log uploaded completely [18:06] and whether maybe not all events were logged due to the system freezing [18:06] the last log line is "Apr 20 18:51:37 Latitude-E7450 kernel: rfkill: input handler disabled" [18:07] right [18:08] the log you posted is 1065 lines long, so probably not cut off at 1000 lines or something [18:08] does tail -n1 /tmp/kernelfreeze.log print the same line you just quoted? [18:09] thanks tomreyn but I could finally make my opensuspect work, with zram on my minicomputer xD didnt thought that I could fix this buggy os with that [18:09] zakaria: alternatively, does this report "1065"? wc -l /tmp/kernelfreeze.log [18:10] use it prints 'Apr 20 18:51:37 Latitude-E7450 kernel: rfkill: input handler disabled' [18:10] ok, thats the same line, all good then [18:10] Yes 1065 [18:12] it's a shhot in the dark, but try disabling power saving for the wireless network interface. [18:15] zakaria: see the first answer here on how to do this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/269661/how-to-turn-off-wireless-power-management-permanently/315400#315400 [18:16] once this is done, reboot and see if you can still reproduce the issue. [18:26] Done, I'll reboot now [18:39] What a bad day, it does not work, the issue stills exist [18:39] but after plugout cable nothing happens, except the thunder icon alongside battery tray icon on the top panel kept [18:42] Nope, I was just able to move the cursor [23:21] hello, how can i fix this apt issue? https://pastebin.com/yGB8B1Vg