
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
ice9how to use u2f for sudo over ssh, I tried this https://neilzone.co.uk/2022/11/using-a-yubikey-or-other-security-key-for-sudo-via-pam/  but 'sudo -i' still works without asking for the key11:40
JanCdoes pam_u2f.so check for the presence of a Yubikey?12:26
ice9JanC, should I see this in auth.log? there is nothing about u2f there13:40
JanCI don't know, I don't use or have a Yubikey13:43
JanCjust wondered, as it wouldn't see a *remote* USB device obviously13:44
JanCdo you have this working locally?13:46
JanCthat would allow you to compare13:47
irgendwer4711hi, ubuntu server installer keeps crashing again and again. I can't install after selecting partitions...18:23
irgendwer4711seems like the setup script is exiting with "returned non-zero exit status 100."18:24
tomreynirgendwer4711: which installer exactly? can you get a full log?18:31
irgendwer4711tomreyn: 22.05.118:32
tomreyni'm guessing that's the subiquity version?18:33
tomreynwhich ubuntu server version are you installing?18:33
tomreyn22.04.0 LTS?18:34
irgendwer4711I found some interessting part in log: https://paste.mozilla.org/ZAPTkceJ18:35
tomreynhttps://paste.mozilla.org/ZAPTkceJ/raw < raw view18:35
tomreynno worries, i'm just trying to make it easier for anyone reading this chat later on.18:36
cpete_"apt-get update" failed. most likely a mirror issue18:37
cpete_check the journal for apt errors18:37
irgendwer4711ok, I went into shell and tried myself. there was an error with internet, so opened firewall and accpted connections without proxy, but that didn't helped18:38
irgendwer4711journal or install log?18:39
cpete_both are good, but apt errors usually show up in the journal18:39
irgendwer4711with grep?18:39
cpete_however you like. I usually just do "journalctl -b | less" and search around 18:40
irgendwer4711I didnt find any interessting18:41
cpete_you may need sudo depending on how you're logged in18:41
irgendwer4711I am already root18:41
cpete_gotcha. well if there's a crash you can submit a bug report and I can take a look later18:42
tomreynusing "ubuntu-bug subiquity"?18:43
cpete_there's been a few bugs with "apt-get update" and the culprit is usually something like a bad ISO download, bad installation media, or a bad mirror18:43
irgendwer4711cpete_: would be nice, because I want to install my new server :-)18:43
irgendwer4711I used installers reporting tool18:44
tomreynoh i forgot that exists18:44
cpete_tomreyn: hopefully soon that should collect enough information, but it's a good start in lieu of a crash file. if you have a crash file you can do "apport-cli -c /var/crash/<crash_file>" and it will pick up more useful information 18:44
irgendwer4711so that tool didnt report that?18:45
cpete_I think those go to a separate place than launchpad, I can try find those on Monday 18:49
irgendwer4711so later is when? :-D18:51
tomreynthat's a bug id for launchpad, but it appears to be hidden: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subiquity/+bug/206298418:51
irgendwer4711yes a private report18:52
irgendwer4711I assigned you now18:53
cpete_I see the bug, bugs are easier18:53
irgendwer4711and you too18:54
cpete_hmm. Could you attach "sudo journalctl -b > syslog.txt" ?18:54
irgendwer4711I could do anything while power is on and this box is running ;-)18:55
tomreynlooks like the 'apt-get update' run is against the locally mounted cdrom source18:56
irgendwer4711oh yes, it is an usb stick with an iso18:57
irgendwer4711I used usb-creator-gtk18:58
tomreynthat should be fine, i think, as long as it was written successfully and properly (i.e. the installer media isn't broken, or the data didn't get stored properly for some reason)18:59
tomreyncpete is the one qualified to debug this, though, not i. ;)19:00
tomreynmy point is i'm just a random volunteer, he's probably part of the server team.19:01
cpete_hmm not the errror I expected. the md5 checks ran okay too. sorry but this'll take more time than I have now to properly debug19:01
cpete_subiquity team :)19:02
tomreynoops :)19:02
irgendwer4711maybe the problem is mdraid19:02
=== dbungert1 is now known as dbungert
tomreynirgendwer4711: if you got another spare stick, keep this one around for more debugging, and create a new one now to try to work around it.19:04
tomreynpersonally i prefer balena ether (GUI) for creating bootable usb sticks from ISO files, because it verifies the data was successfully written.19:06
tomreynor cmp to compare from a shell19:07
irgendwer4711tomreyn: I could boot via pxe19:07
tomreynwhatever floats your boat!19:08
irgendwer4711I tried that before and that didnt work. but I had bios problems. had to boot into efi ...19:09
irgendwer4711oh hm, strange. maybe the iso wasnt complete19:12
irgendwer4711it is 1,5GB and I am download a new one with 2GB19:13
tomreyncould be that, or maybe the http proxy name you provided was not resolvable19:16
irgendwer4711I can open that iso.19:17
irgendwer4711no, this iso is on my server, I put it there for netboot19:17
tomreynthere are checksum files for all .iso's19:18
irgendwer4711my now downloaed iso has 125022addbe20d3a9e3b71e04653f67b19:18
irgendwer4711and the md5sum of my smaller iso, I cant find with google19:19
tomreynlooks like the links to the checksums were removed off the download page again...19:22
irgendwer4711yes, so I try to check my isos now19:24
tomreynah, no, there they are, once you started the download, with javascript on, you can click on "verify your download" and it will show the checksums19:24
tomreyni.e. here https://ubuntu.com/download/server/thank-you?version=22.04.4&architecture=amd6419:25
irgendwer4711the smaller file I got from there: https://people.canonical.com/~mwh/20220523/19:25
irgendwer4711indeed that file has 1.3GB19:25
tomreynthose are dialy builds, which can be broken19:25
tomreynalso outdated , from 202219:26
irgendwer4711sorry :-(19:26
irgendwer4711I added info to report19:26
tomreynnow you see why i was trying hard to establish which installer / iso you were using initially. ;)19:28
irgendwer4711damn I spend 4 hours on that19:31
irgendwer4711itrying new iso with netboot19:33
irgendwer4711ahh got to the package selection screen now :-)20:01
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irgendwer4711tomreyn: setup is done. server ready :-)20:13
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tomreynirgendwer4711: glad you got it sorted.20:31
tomreynirgendwer4711: how did you end up with the iso from https://people.canonical.com/~mwh/20220523/ in the first place?20:32
irgendwer4711search with google20:32
irgendwer4711because canonica sites showed my 24.04 only20:33
tomreynyou mean this? https://ubuntu.com/download/server20:34
irgendwer4711I dont know. I searched for the small netboot installer.20:35
tomreynoh, this could be a good hint for those working on making things easier to find.20:35
irgendwer4711I used it for decades20:36
irgendwer4711today this was my first install with the new installer20:36
tomreyni think it no longer exists20:36
irgendwer4711btw the new installer is "rubbish". I have to download a big ISO??? baaaad!20:37
MTecknologyIf you're complaining about having to load the iso into memory, consider yourself fortunate. ;)22:12
MTecknologyOne of my next goals with early-commands is to rewrite parts of the installer in order to "fix" some templates and behavior.22:30

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