
=== packagethief is now known as packagethief_
=== packagethief_ is now known as packagethief
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BluesKajHi all12:06
=== paul is now known as Guest7592
charles_I have a problem and I don't know what to do about it17:24
charles_I used Clonezilla to clone an NVMe (500GB) drive to a NVMe (2TB) drive.  When it finished, the new drive boots but its the same size as the original drive (500GB).  I used Partition Manager to expand the partition, which completed, but it still shows the smaller size.17:26
charles_What am I doing wrong?17:26
charles_The unallocated space is used up, but the drive is still 500GB?17:27
charles_The partition type: lvm2 pv17:28
IrcsomeBot<zenort> Is the new nvk drivers,mesa drives available in kubuntu 24.04 beta release?17:29
hateballcharles_: sounds like you've expanded the physical volume, but not the logical volume17:52
hateballI am not sure what GUI tools there are available to do this... if any17:54
hateballI am trying and failing to find any official documentation/how-to but this is a pretty good writeup on how to extend your LVM setup https://4sysops.com/archives/extending-lvm-space-in-ubuntu/18:00
charles_hateball: how do I expand the logical volume?18:01
tomreyncharles_: i'd day you need yet to grow the LVM2 physical volume, using pvresize.18:06
charles_pvresize?  I've got KDE, so I've tried expanding the volume with Partition Manager which showes the partition at 2TB18:08
tomreynand once that is done, you may want to add more LVs, or resize (grow) an existing LV, using lvresize (using the parameter it provides to also resize the file system it contains).18:08
charles_So maybe I need to resize the partition and then the volume?18:08
tomreynjust like hateball, i do not know whether kde provides graphical utilities for manipulating LVM2 metadata18:08
charles_OK, I appreciate your input!18:09
charles_I'll chase the LVM2 size for a bit18:09
tomreynyou'd need to 1. resize the partition (which effectively means deleting and recreating the partition / rewriting the partition table), 2. resize the LVM2 physical volume on this partition, 3. resize the LV containing your / or /home file system, as well as the filesystem.18:10
tomreyni'm assuming a common, installer created, partition layout.18:11
tomreynbased on what you describe, step 1 is already done.18:11
=== mzoo is now known as JHMxxx
=== mzoo is now known as PanamaJHM
=== PanamaJHM is now known as JHolmes-mannamia

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