
lotuspsychjeconfirmed bug #206300004:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2063000 in apport (Ubuntu) "Running ubuntu-bug outputs errors" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206300004:45
lotuspsychjea bit related to bug #201812804:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2018128 in apport (Ubuntu) "Apport does not collect all logs when the package is HWE kernel" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201812804:48
lotuspsychjehexchat & gimp window resizing works now05:15
CosmicDJmy noble desktop is in a weird state, I have nvidia-545 and nvidia-550 packages now (after running apt update/apt upgrade) and the nvidia driver is not loaded anymore :(07:33
quidnuncHow do I turn off apparmor temporarily? "systemctl stop apparmor" doesn't stop DENIED messages from appearing in syslog12:36
MenzadorWhy in the world would you want to disable AppArmor just to disable system log output? What are you trying to do?18:55
Menzadorquidnunc: ^18:55
MenzadorYeah. You really don't want to disable kernel security...18:58
quidnuncMenzador: I'm having multiple issues after upgrade and I want to determine if they are caused by apparmor19:21
quidnuncravage: thanks19:21
quidnuncravage: Actually that doesn't answer my question. That suppresses the message, I want it turned off19:23
ravagefix the application19:23
quidnuncravage: Well I have to find out what the problem is first19:24
quidnuncIf I turn off apparmor I can rule it out (or in)19:24
ravageGives some information about the different modes 19:32
ravageSo try complain more for your binary19:32
sbirulinohello there.20:41
sbirulinoi have an issue making minidlna working.20:42
sbirulinohere's the error log: https://pastebin.com/KHZ8SDFy and here's the conf: https://pastebin.com/kzMZpEmv20:43
sbirulinoI followed this guide without luck: https://linuxlasse.net/linux/howtos/MiniDLNA20:44
ravageThe port you set for http is already in use20:44
sbirulinoby whom?20:45
ravageIf that is what your configured then yes 20:45
ravageThe error message is clear about that 20:45
ravageMaybe just a second instance 20:46
ravageOr another tool20:46
ravagesudo ss -ltnp | grep ':8200'20:48
sbirulinoLISTEN 0      16 *    users:(("minidlnad",pid=249992,fd=6))20:49
ravageSo it's already running 20:49
ravagekill 24999220:50
sbirulinolooks like he can't see media files20:50
sbirulinomedia directory is already owned by me20:51
ravageIt does not run as your user 20:51
sbirulinochanged the conf now20:52
sbirulinooh gosh now it works20:55
sbirulinothe service should be runned by root tho, it is normal?20:55
ravageThere is no need to run any part as root20:56
ravage8200 can be used as your users and your user has access to the media files20:57
ravageIt may use other ports but they all are over 1024 and so can be bound usually by normal users 20:57
sbirulinofabio@squanchy:~$ minidlnad -R20:58
sbirulinorm: cannot remove '/var/cache/minidlna/files.db': Permission denied20:58
sbirulinorm: cannot remove '/var/cache/minidlna/art_cache': Permission denied20:58
sbirulino[2024/04/21 22:53:00] minidlna.c:944: fatal: Failed to clean old file cache /var/cache/minidlna. EXITING20:58
sbirulinoit's because of that20:58
sbirulinobut apparently i configured minidlna for nothing. i thought media streaming would be faster than samba but the movie on the tv is buffering even worse :(20:59
sbirulinoany tips?21:00
ravageChange the path to the database to something in your home directory 21:00
sbirulinook, thanks!21:00
ravage or allow your user to access the files it needs21:01
quidnuncravage: The problematic app is samba which unfortunatey has a half a dozen binaries. Is there no way to simply turn apparmor off?21:34
quidnuncAnd I'm also having a problem with thumbnailing and I don't know what the binary is for that21:35
quidnunc(there was supposed to be an apparmor fix for thumbnailing released but mine is still not working)21:37

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