=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays === alucardromero6 is now known as alucardromero [07:57] GJOR [07:57] GJOP [07:57] MGAT [07:57] MCAT [07:58] 3BAS [09:00] Unfortunately, it is still not possible to install 24.04 (current daily) encrypted on an external hard disk. I tried it with two different disks: with the T7 Samsung the installer aborted with an error message (during partitioning), with the Samsung EVO 980 NVMe I aborted myself after 30 minutes - the partitioning got stuck at 1%. [09:00] How many days are left until the release? Maybe it's time to take care of this... [09:42] Hello! [11:14] guys [11:14] what is the bell in konsol when i press left or right arrow [12:27] Hi all [14:20] Unfortunately, it is still not possible to install 24.04 (current daily) encrypted on an external hard disk. I tried it with two different disks: with the T7 Samsung the installer aborted with an error message (during partitioning), with the Samsung EVO 980 NVMe I aborted myself after 30 minutes - the partitioning got stuck at 1%. [14:20] How many days are left until the release? Maybe it's time to take care of this... [18:50] J0AE [18:51] º¿º [18:52] Hi [18:52] allo GuilleToranzo === JHolmes-mannamia is now known as panamaJHM [20:26] foto? (re @Omarvx211: what is the bell in konsol when i press left or right arrow) [22:25] @Zebraherz have you reported the bug AND linked the bug# on the QA tracker? [22:25] if not, plz do, or it likely will not be fixed before release [22:26] this is user support chan, NOT for upcoming releases [22:26] if you need to talk to the devels, come to #kubuntu-devel with bug# [22:27] otherwise, I think the support chan is #ubuntu-next or some such [22:30] yep, #ubuntu-next === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc