
guivercgrrrr.  s/Kroean/Korean  typo  (FOSSASIA)02:47
Bashing-omguiverc: Yuk - fixing.02:49
Bashing-omnext ?02:51
* guiverc slowly getting there... i typed ^ then went looking for coffee... outside to put out nectar-food for birbs.. 02:55
Bashing-omguiverc: Similar here - got to take care of the little ones - here - puppies, dogs, cats, birds (care - cats will attack) :D02:59
guivercshould the first reference to 'topic' be changed to 'theme' or something in "The topic, Deploy with Ubuntu, is given along with recommendations for proposal topics"03:01
guiverc(a given topic is provided, then a request for proposed topics.. irks me I guess)03:02
guivercI suggest dropping " and clues as to how to test it"  as its not required given the next sentence is "Details of how to test for flaws.."  (Upcoming AppArmor post)03:04
guivercalso suggest dropping "the expectation"  (its followed by 'is expected', only one expect* is required.. could also drop "is expected"03:06
Bashing-omguiverc: droped the 2nd "topic" as redundant.03:08
guivercnew feature: snapshot.. I don't like "intends"... suggest replacing with "intention"  maybe03:08
guivercmiracle-wm:   s/. we/. We/   (case)03:10
* guiverc been sidetracked.. issue with release notes I'll alert team about..03:14
Bashing-omguiverc: Edits are caught up - take this opportunity to adjust my nicoteen level - helps the thought process :P03:18
guiverclxqt 2.0 one...  "we’re told of the apps that aren’t in this release" will be understood that the summary is talking about Wayland compatibility  (sorry if I left a note asking this earlier.. in review I look only at how users see it)03:18
Bashing-omre-reading for penetration.03:21
* guiverc goes :( when I see a (1) on fb link being used... does highlight that logging in (yuk) & pasting there maybe worthwhile though...03:23
guivercI've finished my read thru.. my comments ^, but looks good Bashing-om 03:24
Bashing-om^ edited to "we're told of the apps that aren't in this release due to Wayland incompatibilities".03:24
guivercthe apps are in release.. the apps are Xorg only still, thus the lack of Wayland compatibility... 03:25
guivercyeah i'm now less satisfied with that summary03:26
guivercdo you want me to try & fix.. or are you going to?03:26
guivercs/aren't/aren't Wayland compatible/ maybe03:26
Bashing-oma bit more editing done - how does it read to you now ?03:29
guivercyou may not have saved.. I don't see it changed yet.03:30
Bashing-omsaving :(03:30
guiverc(last change ~7hrs ago currently)03:30
Bashing-omsaved and out03:31
guiverci suggest "we’re told the apps that aren’t yet Wayland compatible"  in brackets 03:32
Bashing-ommaking it so03:33
guiverc(leaving out release details.. those apps are in all lxqt releases.. lxqt 1.7, 2.0, ..)03:33
guivercthanks.. will rescan (again) in a few mins03:33
guivercanother suggestion SORRY.. s/aren't Wayland compatible/aren't yet Wayland compatible/  03:38
guiverc(the current wording allows for removal of those apps as the 'fix'.. that is not what's proposed..03:39
guiverc:)   @ dropping second 'topics" 03:40
guivercBashing-om, I think there's a \n after "we are advised \n of the final release"03:41
guiverc:) @ something in #ubuntu-release...  "vorton:  did you happen to notice that fonts-ibm-plex is in contrib in Debian, not non-free, and is thus a candidate for possibly moving from multiverse to universe"  (as an ex-s390 coder.. I still use those fonts as i find em comfortable..)03:45
* guiverc ^ my quote wasn't complete sorry.. 03:47
Bashing-omguiverc: opening and doing a re-do :D04:22
Bashing-omsaved and out.// fonts: I like the NOTO fonts myself.04:32
guivercthanks Bashing-om :)04:51
Unit193...For a second there I read NATO fonts... >_<04:51
Bashing-omguiverc: Thanks more to your sharp eyes :D04:52
Bashing-om^ shows where the sub conscious is at - world in in a sad state of affairs. 04:54
guivercwe're human.. there's conflict somewhere in the world any year/era  (& if we don't see it, we're not looking close enough... why we always have poor... mat 26:11 etc)04:56
Bashing-omguiverc: So true - seems now no place is peaceful --- Not even your Australia :(05:01
Bashing-omguiverc: Toddling off to bed - save as we are set to push my tomorrow :D06:08
guivercyep... still not seen any 'news' about noble RC :(06:09
guivercnight & sleep well 06:09
Bashing-omguiverc: I check the log and M/L when I fire up -- we play that by ear :D06:12
guivercyep & thanks.. 06:13
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Audacity 3.5 Released with Cloud Saves, Beat Detection + More @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/audacity-3-5-released-with-cloud-saves-beat-detection-more15:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Firefox Nightly is Now Available for Linux on ARM64 @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/firefox-nightly-is-now-available-for-linux-on-arm6418:42
Bashing-omUWN: Pulling WIP/Comments/WIKI - setting the news tag - log and M/L checked; no further edits or additions are known.19:48
Bashing-omUWN: 836 set to go - will start the push soonest.20:02
Bashing-omUWN: M/L is away - doing the Forums posting next.20:11
Bashing-omUWN: Forums posting completed - Making up a Mastodon post next.20:35
Bashing-omUWN: Mastodon blogged - Making up 837 next.21:06
Bashing-omUWN: Issue837 off and running :D21:34
guiverc:)  smiles, I finally see a base-files updates.. 22:21
guivercyep... system here finally reports itself as 24.04 LTS 22:22
* guiverc back to reviewing fridge post22:22
guiverctweeted 836, posted telegram (& mewe)22:26
guivercuwn 836 posted to fb too22:43
Bashing-omguiverc: \o/23:16
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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