[04:55] rock8787: there already exist a bug ID for that [04:55] oh ok cool [04:55] rock8787: bug #2039543 affect this please [04:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2039543 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu) "Miss placed Hexchat icon when switching workspaces" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2039543 [04:56] and the motherbug, bug #2012388 [04:56] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2012388 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu) "X11 window (usually AnyDesk) at top-right of the screen is invisible and steals mouse clicks" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2012388 [05:01] this one if any window is maximized then you click the black gnome bar on top just once the window unmaximizes and makes an orange snap window covering the top half of screen. the orange snap box wont go away until you drag another window [05:14] can you screenshot that rock8787 [05:14] yeah [05:19] where do i paste it [05:19] imgur.com [05:20] https://imgur.com/a/pewL7ko [05:21] the quassel window was maxed then i clicked the gnome top bar just once [05:22] ah thats normal rock8787 , thats the new tiling [05:23] seems to only happen when two windows are maxed [05:23] oh new tiling [05:24] checkout your gnome settings/ubuntu desktop/tiling [05:24] ok [05:25] well sure enough doesnt happen when i turn off tiling [05:26] ill probably just leave it off [05:26] seems like it wasnt working right though or i may just be missing something [05:26] glad you found it rock8787 [05:27] because the orange box wouldnt go away until i windows key drag a window [05:27] thanks lotuspsychje [05:27] np [05:27] when you maximize window, the orange goes away [05:28] i didnt drag it to the top so it does that. it was maxed then i just clicked anywhere on the black gnome bar on top of screen [05:29] then that pic was right after that [05:29] then the orange box wouldnt go away [05:29] i have to windows key drag a window then it goes away [05:31] so like i pressed prtscreen on keyboard and selected take picture of screen. that was the pic [05:31] the orange box just stayed there [05:39] but turning off the new tiling fixed it. but might be worth checking out if its a bug [05:39] dont think it is rock8787 [05:39] k [05:40] checkout your gnome settings, hotkeys rock8787 [05:40] and experiment a bit with tiling [05:40] i was just about too [05:41] :D [05:45] ruenoak: bug #2063075 [05:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2063075 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "When I click on the plugin, nothing appears." [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2063075 [08:52] hi [08:52] can I report an issue? downloading apps from app store is very slow for 24.04 beta [08:54] Guest73, that probably needs to be filed at https://forum.snapcraft.io [08:54] https://forum.snapcraft.io/c/store/16 probably specifically too [10:39] helo does anybody have experience with preseeding (cloud-initing?) the new flutter based desktop intaller? [10:53] Hello. I have some issues while upgrading on 24.04 (something wrong with ubuntu-minimal). https://gist.github.com/Kakadu/86cca4fc6cc6d7c57dd6e85d55e207d9#file-apt-log-L1549 Is it more likely something wrong with my setup or I just should wait to official release? Does it worth bug report? [11:41] Hi [11:41] I think Ubuntu Repo is having issue as it is very slow in downloading [13:21] any release date yet ? [13:21] 25 april Guest30 [13:21] oh nice [13:21] thanks [13:21] Hi, will there be some sort of release notes of new things added/changed of the autoinstall section when 24.04 is released? [13:21] (if everything goes as scheduled) [13:22] this schedule link didnt work for me https://ubottu.com/y/nn [13:22] site cant be reached [13:22] works at my end Guest30 [13:24] ok strange, geo block ? [13:24] geo ip [13:25] or maybe vpn block im in german vpn [13:25] protovpn [13:28] well, hope everything, have a good day [13:28] goes well [13:30] madjax, yes ... there will be a page like: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/24668 [13:31] (obviously for noble instead of jammy indeed) [13:33] ogra_, thanks I know I am early but we would very much like to get it to work at my university with the automatic installs :-) [13:33] oops, i missed the "autoinstall" in your question 🙂 [13:34] every other day during this daily live image, it has been like roller coaster with fail and success. It was a fail with todays version [13:35] just shows "preparing Ubuntu..." and never completes [13:35] the desktop and server images now share the same installer backend, so perhaps this gives you some starting point: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall [13:36] there is also https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/reference/autoinstall-reference.html [13:37] I got it to work on 23.04 and 23.10 so I know the basics, but it never got this unstable as it has been these 2 weeks. [13:38] it last worked for me on 16 april with 24.04 with that image. [13:49] There has been very troublesome to find info on autoinstall that works I must say. There is a guess/try situation game at the moment with what is available on discourse and forums for the server towards what can be applied on the desktop version. Coding for server seems sometimes far apart from the desktop. [14:01] rock8787: I had the same thing happen to me [22:51] Good day all. Does Ubuntu 24 server come with some facility to join active directory during (or post) installation? Currently, using legacy PBIS and not opposed to manual setup, but would love a modern option for virtual machines. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc