[23:07] Eickmeyer: As I was saying, the Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration program might be translatable (and may also need a multi-lingual desktop file) [23:14] Eickmeyer: but may I interest you with something I taped together over the weekend: https://git.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/+git/ubuntustudio-audio-config [23:16] liushuyu: I was about to answer you and then my computer decided to freeze (HW problem). [23:17] BTW, the source is at lp:ubuntustudio-installer as it's source is still there. It was only supposed to do one thing and then... feature creep happened. [23:17] Eickmeyer: I see. Your computer does not want you to reply [23:17] 😂 [23:18] Oh I see, you converted the entire thing to Python! [23:19] and using PyQt5 to get a better UI (I see PyQt5 is present in a default installation of Ubuntu Studio, but PySide2 isn't) [23:21] Right, that can be added as a dep. But, next release will be on Qt6 and Plasma 6, so something to keep in mind. [23:21] The upgrade is easy! sed -i 's|PyQt5|PyQt6|g' *.py [23:22] Eickmeyer: Yes, the intention was to avoid introducing new packages (re-use existing ones as possible) [23:24] I'm not worried about introducing an extra 5MB (assuming it's pyside2.qtcore