
zaraI'm having prbem with bluetooth device. It works in debian 12.05/12bluetooth device is detected, lsusb shows it, but doesn't work. No bluetooth icon is shown. after `service bluetooth --full-restart` command, it shows the icon02:38
zarabut cant add any device, it searchs but found nothing02:39
zarakubuntu 22.04.04 LTS02:40
zaraIt works in fresh Kubuntu 22.04 LTS Install. means something is messed up in my os. Im trying to fix that for many days :(02:42
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> Hi06:13
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> as I don`t have Facebook nor Twitter.. and don`t want to install this KubuQA-stuff: where can I simply report that bug? (re @IrcsomeBot: <valorie> @Zebraherz have you reported the bug AND linked the bug# on the QA tracker?)06:13
valoriesimplest way is in the konsole - `ubuntu-bug` although I might add "partitioning" to that06:15
valorieit will take you to Launchpad, where it will ask you if any other bugs match; if so, just say you are affected. The QA tracker is where testers work; it has nothing to06:16
valoriedo with FB or Twitter, nor would any report in either place be read/seen/responded to06:17
valoriethe bug tracker is the proper place to report06:17
valorieif it is release-critical, then QA tracker is really helpful, and that's why it exists06:18
valorie#kubuntu-devel is right here in IRC06:19
valoriethere is also a kub-devel ML if you use those06:19
valoriethe KubuQA is just an attempt to make the process more streamlined but it's use is not necessary06:21
valorielast time I filed a bug I used ubuntu-bug in konsole, and once I picked a bug #, reported it to the devel chan06:22
valorieand it's now fixed06:22
valoriethat was a week ago06:22
valorieso it works very well; I've been using kubuntu almost as long as it has existed06:23
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> I assume I have to do that from a running 24.04 beta? (re @IrcsomeBot: <valorie> last time I filed a bug I used ubuntu-bug in konsole, and once I picked a bug #, reported it to the devel chan)06:23
valoriewell, a crashed system can still use it06:24
valorieor variously borked06:24
valoriethe advantage is that the system takes care of gathering the correct error logs etc.06:24
valorieI was actually using the system a bit off-label, because I upgraded rather than fresh install06:25
valoriestill worked06:25
valorieI didn't use the QA tracker because there is not a way to report on upgrades yet06:27
valoriebut I'm part of the team (well, Kub. Council) so ....06:27
valorieI used to lead the testing effort06:27
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> Problem is, the installer failed. Can I do "ubuntu-bug" from the console in the live-session? I takes me back to the testing environment, after the installer crashes06:31
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> Problem is, the installer failed. Can I do "ubuntu-bug" from the console in the live-session? It takes me back to the testing environment, after the installer crashes06:33
valorieI believe so -- and think I have done so06:33
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> Ok, I`ll try that06:34
valorieor when you connect to the devel team, they will tell you which logs will be useful06:34
valoriethe bug tracker tells you that as well if it can't call for them directly06:34
valorie"them"= the logs06:35
valorieI know it seems convoluted, but the QA tracker allows devels to dig into issues on a more global level and get directly to the bug db06:36
valorieand they can check to see if it's 'buntu only or also in Debian06:37
valoriemany are also deb devels06:37
webchat24I am trying to use wireguard, and KDE network manager keeps randomly altering settings06:41
webchat24(in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf06:41
webchat24how can I tell it to stop overwriting my config files? where does KDE network manager keep config files for each interface?06:42
webchat24I installed wireguard, and tried to add private key for wireguard interface in KDE network manager, and then once I did that it is adding all sorts of random settings to the wg0.conf ... it adds listen ports, IPV6 addresses, etc ... no matter what I do, every time I restart wireguard, KDE overwrites my settings now06:43
webchat24I just want to go back to my manually written wireguard conf and never have KDE touch it again06:43
valorieall your configs AFAIK are in ~.config06:44
valoriethey are just text files06:44
valoriein kubuntu we've only recently moved to pipewire06:45
Unit193webchat24: Can you go into the KDE network settings and uncheck "manage device" somewhere?06:45
Unit193pipewire is audio, wireguard is VPN.06:45
valorieerr, sorry06:45
Unit193Too many wires!06:45
webchat24Unit193 - I removed the device from kde network manager altogether ... there is nothing there that I can click on06:45
webchat24I am just starting the interface with systemctl start wg-quick@wg006:47
valoriein any case, you can look at and read your config files06:47
valorieif you are going to edit, it's good to save a .bak06:48
valoriemessing with the permissions can get the user in trouble tho06:49
Unit193webchat24: And just to confirm, wg.conf doesn't have SaveConfig, right?06:52
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> I tried it on live.. and it does not work. It ends up with "could not determine the package or source package name"08:08
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> I hope that the error will be noticed and passed on by others who are more knowledgeable than I am. (re @IrcsomeBot: <valorie> I believe so -- and think I have done so)08:08
valoriea report here is not a report08:09
valoriebut if you have reported it somewhere that devels will see so they can contact you, thank you08:10
iomari891greetings, been battling this for over a week now. My 23.10 desktop is now black with no panel displayed. My cursor is still there but right clicking does nothing. I can launch some apps from terminal but I often get a message "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so: undefined symbol: sqlite3_column_table_name16". I've been managing using cairo-dock as08:30
iomari891my panel for now.08:30
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BluesKajHi all12:34
IrcsomeBot<lecturerif> 👍13:40
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Guest6does anyone know if the beta updates to final lts 24.04 if i were to install17:32
Guest6anyone ?17:34
IrcsomeBot<jailhouselawyer> Yes, when it is released later this month (re @IrcsomeBot: <Guest6> does anyone know if the beta updates to final lts 24.04 if i were to install)17:52
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