
=== JanC is now known as Guest4088
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pycuriousmaybe some docker user on ubuntu knows what the issue here is  https://dpaste.org/Wrsey  (happens in ubuntu 24.04lts + lxc container)01:47
sarnoldheya pycurious, this is my guess https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-notes/39890#unprivileged-user-namespace-restrictions-1401:48
pycurious@sarnold - https://dpaste.org/P2FiS - this looks like you are in the right direction.01:52
sarnoldpycurious: nice; check dmesg, you'll probably see some more messages there01:53
pycurious@sarnold type=1400 audit(1713837244.007:652): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" class="mount" info="failed flags match" error=-13 profile="incus-ubuntu-container_</var/lib/incus>" name="/var/lib/docker/165536.165536/vfs/dir/899b9b63502beb3586a2622ab5641f318855f354cdfc7d8141036118b756e858/proc/" pid=153686 comm="runc:[2:INIT]" fstype="proc" srcname="proc" flags="rw, nosuid, nodev, noexec"02:05
pycuriousfixed the issue, thanks!02:16
tarzeaureading https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/03/gnome-46-new-features i wonder what is the details on "Remote login using RDP", gnome-remote-thing or xrdp? probably the first05:14
Bashing-om!next | tarzeau05:17
ubottutarzeau: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.05:17
Jim`When is the next LTS release?05:24
lotuspsychjeJim`: 25 april05:24
Jim`lotuspsychje: Guess I might as well wait a few days then05:24
lotuspsychje!final | Jim`05:25
ubottuJim`: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Noble and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 24.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.05:25
Jim`M$ is pushing Win 11 down our throats and aint nobody got no money under Biden'twin to buy a new setup05:25
lotuspsychjeJim`: feel free to join the #ubuntu-release-party channel05:25
Jim`lotuspsychje: I just hope I can get my HP Deskjet 2040 to work05:26
lotuspsychjeJim`: depending on your HP model, some models might need a latest hplip version, instead of the hplip version default on the ubuntu repos05:27
Jim`lotuspsychje: I suppose I can try all that under Live ?05:28
Jim`before I go installing?05:28
lotuspsychjeJim`: you can test the add printer in a live05:28
lotuspsychjesee if it picks up your model by default05:29
Jim`lotuspsychje: That's the only thing I'm worried about.  My games run under Linux now anyway.05:29
lotuspsychjeJim`: its a minor thing, HP printers are supported pretty well under Ubuntu05:30
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gebbionehi all, is it normal that last reboot shows two entries as still running https://termbin.com/752n ?07:18
Apachezwhen in the boot process are the stuff from /etc/sysctl.conf being applied?07:39
aatkiJOIN #cha107:58
aatkiPASS poi07:58
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mozambiqueckserv identify wantmykids09:29
MaddieMousehey everyone o/  was hoping to get a question answered ^.^12:02
MaddieMouseI've installed the latest ubuntu on my Asus TUF laptop, been great so far! Came across a weird problem: my WASD keys dont really work simultaneously for some reason12:04
MaddieMouselike when I hold down W and press A, the A isnt triggered12:04
MaddieMousesame issue with my mouse (no mouse movement when holding down a key on the keyboard)12:05
MaddieMouseis there a fix out there for this? :312:05
ioriaMaddieMouse, on games ?12:13
MaddieMouseioria: yes!12:15
ioriaMaddieMouse, what's the kb layout in use  ?12:16
MaddieMouseUSA layout :312:16
MaddieMouseEnglish (US)12:17
ioriaMaddieMouse, try the varaint :  English (US, alt. intl.)12:19
MaddieMousei'm a bit of a linux noob tbh12:19
MaddieMouseon the keyboard settings GUI, the list of keyboard layouts dont have English (US, alt. intl.)12:20
MaddieMousethere's English (US), (UK), etc...12:20
ioriaMaddieMouse, it should; press '+'12:20
meandrainwhat is the recommended swap size for a linux server ?12:21
ioriaMaddieMouse, select English (United States)12:22
ioriaMaddieMouse, and scroll down12:22
MaddieMouseok I see now12:22
MaddieMouseok, I selected it12:23
MaddieMouseshould probably restart?12:23
MaddieMouseIĺl give it a run then and see ^.^ hope it works!12:24
ioriabut probably would depend on the game12:24
MaddieMouseahh kk12:25
MaddieMousewow it actually works :D now my only issue is the mouse wont move when holding down a key :312:26
ioriathat's , maybe, a mouse setting... disable when typing or similar, idk12:28
MaddieMousethanks for the help though ^.^ progress!12:29
ioriaMaddieMouse, try with gnome-tweaks -> mouse12:30
MaddieMouseIĺl look into it :D cheers <312:30
BluesKajHi all12:34
ollewhat's the deal with wine on ubuntu 22.04-lts?12:37
tyrone_jwhat deal?12:37
olleBroken as f12:42
leftyfbolle: try installing it from scratch using the ubuntu repo's, not the 3rd party repo.12:42
olleI'm just using apt12:44
leftyfbolle: please pastebin the error you are getting12:45
olleIt's  libgphoto2-6:i386 : Depends: libgd3:i386 (>= 2.1.0~alpha~) but it is not installable12:49
ollebut same error as other people are getting12:49
olleAh wait, the program actually has linux packages, I might not need wine, lol12:50
ioriaolle, you got libgd3 from a sury ppa, probably12:58
leftyfbolle: do you still need help with wine?12:58
tyrone_ji decided to test if yabridge needs wine-staging and it doesn't. 9.0-stable works fine. maybe some newer plugins need wine-staging13:03
olleleftyfb: not 100% sure, the program has a linux client but13:09
olleit didn't get the folder right13:09
Guest8538Hello from OnePlus 6T on postmarketOS14:27
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Guest76KDE network manager is constantly altering my wireguard configuration in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf even though I removed wg0 from network manager interfaces. How do I tell it not to change settings anymore? Right now, if I manually fill out wg0.conf with my desired settings, when I start the service ("systemctl start wg-quick@wg0") then KDE network19:44
Guest76manager overwrites the configuration files with its own settings19:44
leftyfbGuest76: why not configure wireguard in network manager?19:45
Guest76Because it breaks everything19:47
leftyfbdefine "breaks" and "everything"19:47
Guest76It randomly sets listening ports when I didn't ask it to, alters the IP addresses without me asking it to, changes CIDR settings without me asking it to. And then if I try to manually change these things back it overwrites my changes19:47
leftyfbGuest76: did you try configuring a wireguard profile in the network manager GUI (nm-connection-editor)?19:48
leftyfbGuest76: https://www.xmodulo.com/wireguard-vpn-network-manager-gui.html19:48
sarnoldGuest76: this might work https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/configuring_and_managing_networking/configuring-networkmanager-to-ignore-certain-devices_configuring-and-managing-networking19:49
Guest76leftyfb - Is there something that you think I should be seeing in that guide, because following the instructions there is what broke everything19:50
Guest76I made mistake of trying to make the configuration settings in KDE network manager match the ones that I had manually written in wg0.conf19:50
Guest76the ones I wrote had been working, but once I touched settings in KDE network manager, everything is permanently broken.19:51
Guest76is there a way to just stop KDE network manager from ever touching settings, at all?19:51
leftyfbsarnold: gave you a link telling you how19:52
Guest23Sorry if anyone already responded, but I got disconnected. Does anyone know how to make it where KDE network manager doesn't overwrite wireguard config setttings in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf? I have removed the wg0 interface from network-manager with nmcli device delete wg0 but network manager keeps overwriting the wireguard config file every time I20:17
Guest23try to restart the service.20:17
Guest23all I want is for network manager to never touch the file /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf ever again.20:17
leftyfb2024 Apr 23 15:49:53 <sarnold>Guest76: this might work https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/configuring_and_managing_networking/configuring-networkmanager-to-ignore-certain-devices_configuring-and-managing-networking20:17
Guest23leftyfb - Yes, I tried that, and it didn't fix the problem. It just removed the interface from list of connections in network manager GUI but still keeps overwriting the config20:18
leftyfbGuest23: please pastebin your /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/99-unmanaged-devices.conf20:18
leftyfband did you reload network manager?20:20
webchat24leftyfb, Hey, user formerly known as "Guest23" here (with the wireguard problems) ... I switched to chat on a different computer so I don't keep getting disconnected. I don't know if you saw my response that, yes, I reloaded network manager20:30
leftyfband did you reload network manager?20:31
webchat24`nmcli device show` lists wg0 as unmanaged20:31
webchat24but it's still re-writing wg0.conf every time I restart the service20:31
webchat24I replaced wg0.conf with my manually written version, and then when I stop/start wireguard service, it rewrites it with all the random settings (listen ports, incorrect CIDR, FwMark, etc) that KDE network manager started inserting20:33
webchat24Is there a way to just wipe out Network Manager altogether, purge all of it's configuration files, and then reinstall so that it acts like a clean new copy that was there during initial Ubuntu install?20:33
webchat24I would rather just re-enter my wifi passwords than waste any more time dealing with this broken mess20:34
ComputerTechSo randomly after rebooting my PC, the gnome authenticator app is now empty, not sure if this is even the correct channel to ask this in, but anyone have any ideas where i can recover the data file of that app?23:22
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