
roadkillBeen using 24.04 nightlies. Did a reboot about a week ago and the system would flash some kernel messages, go to black screen and never recover. Figured I broke something, waited until last night and downloaded the most recent iso, did a fresh install, copied over my home folder, same issue. Downloaded newest nightly iso today, didn't copy home folder over after a fresh install, still booting to a black 03:35
roadkillAny known issues for AMDGPU setups?03:35
roadkillLooks like the kernel version shipping with the release ISOs is broken for AMD GPU based configs. 03:55
roadkillSafe/Recovery Mode works, installing the latest kernel via mainline fixes the issue03:55
roadkillhope this doesn't end up being the release version in 3 days.03:56
guivercroadkill, the system I'm using now runs noble & has a amd/radeon gpu (+ intel; I'm using both) & all good here..  I'll suggest filing a bug report as kernel isn't Xubuntu specific, and issues can't be worked on unless reported. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs04:33
guivercif you want attention to be drawn to issue; was it reported on the ISO.QA tracker?  04:35
roadkillWhelp. Tried an experiment. Swapped out the GPU (6800XT) with an nVidia GTX 1070. No issues. Seems to come down to the kernel version with potentially specific AMD GPUs.04:52
roadkillThe experiment involved doing yet another fresh install, that is04:52
matifassanomi dni es 2333314114:11
matifassanovendo nenes14:11
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xu-help24wSorry to ask in the wrong place (I haven't found an official support channel). Am I right in saying that Edubuntu 22.04 has never existed? Or is it just that I cannot find it?19:33
Eickmeyerxu-help24w: That's correct, Edubuntu 22.04 never existed.19:33
xu-help24wThank you so much19:34

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