
=== mamarley_ is now known as mamarley
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @sgmoore arraybolt3 RikMills: hey so apparently we didn't hook up the boot entry for OEM to our actual icon03:58
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> https://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1305/revisions/1673/info03:58
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Looking into it03:58
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> This one is actually really easy... some small glue to debian-cd for a custom boot parameter which is picked up by the installer prompt which kicks the user to the OEM install04:00
BluesKajHi all13:40
BluesKajhey sgmoore14:00
BluesKajstill have some annoyances on kde/plasma, but nothing serious14:01
valorierunning updates (254!) on my travel lappy21:26
valorieI'm no longer in the release chan - any insight on when the final might be published?21:26
valorieif it's not until Friday I'll stop worrying because I will have little time to dl on that travel day....21:27
valoriecool, updates are done and it's restarting21:28
valorieI am LOVING our new branding21:29
valorieall is well, including discover21:33
arraybolt3valorie: Final is due to be published tomorrow on Thursday.21:35
arraybolt3(though depending on yoru timezone you might *be* in thursday and it's due for Friday)21:35
arraybolt3I hate time21:35
* valorie is in PDT21:35
arraybolt3oh then you're two hours behind me in CDT21:36
arraybolt3so yeah, thursday is release day21:36
valoriethe release chan is fun, but my peace of mind is better with fewer chans21:37
valoriein #ubuntu-next but it's been quiet21:38
arraybolt3yeah it can be intense21:39
arraybolt3-release I mean21:39
arraybolt3I've kind of gotten numbed to channel overload being a defender on the Matrix side though - I probably am in almost 100 different chat rooms at this point.21:39
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Ditto. I can't keep track either  :(21:52
mparilloYou hate time? Not as much as this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5wpm-gesOY22:32
arraybolt3mparillo: you were right XD22:43
arraybolt3That was an amazing summation of everything I hate about time plus a lot I didn't until now.22:44
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Here in Arizona we don't do the daylight savings thing. I never know what time it is anywhere haha. My phone even gets confused. 30 miles away on the Indian reservation, they do. So confusing.22:59

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