
=== dviererbe1 is now known as dviererbe
john-cabajWhen creating a deb package backport from noble for jammy, do you use the latest point release in the version (eg. foo~22.04.4)?17:25
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ahasenackjohn-cabaj: I haven't seen that practice, that last digit tends to be used to just iterate over the packaging updates17:51
ahasenackbut I could be wrong, I haven't done many backports17:51
john-cabajahasenack: Thanks, that makes sense17:52
sudipjohn-cabaj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports  specifically the section "Preparing the Backported Package"18:14
john-cabajsudip: That page appears dead18:15
sudipdead? its opening for me and has "(last edited 2023-12-07 14:33:47 by ddstreet)"18:16
john-cabajsudip: Strange, it's working now..18:19
john-cabajMost of this is going to ReadTheDocs. Maybe I had something cached - I don't know18:19
cgmbginggs: sorry, I didn't notice your question. A no-change rebuild is sufficient. The problem is now fixed.18:43
ginggscgmb: \o/18:43
cgmbThank you very, very much for you help in making this release such a success.18:43
cgmbI've been working to get ROCm into an Ubuntu LTS for nearly five years now, and I'm thrilled to see it finally happen18:44
ginggsde nada!18:47
=== utkarsh51 is now known as utkarsh2102

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