[00:58] UWN: Opening 837 for the day's update. [01:08] Exceptional article from last week - April 19, 2024; https://mondoo.com/blog/exploring-the-latest-security-features-in-ubuntu-24-04. Break protocol and run this issue ? [01:26] Saved and out [02:24] Bashing-om, 24.04 release should be big this issue... we could 'list' ^ amongst others rather easily.. (I'm betting we'll have a list (or two) related to 24.04 release) [02:25] i have no objections anyway with regards inclusion. [02:25] guiverc: Sounds like a plan - there too is: https://ubuntu.com//blog/whats-new-in-security-for-ubuntu-24-04-lts . [02:26] * guiverc just notes (in surprise!) some flavor/teams are marked as ready for 24.04 release.... (I'm waiting for a new Lubuntu ISO to be spun...) [02:27] guiverc: respins are comming up soonest. [02:27] for calamares installer ISOs anyway (kubuntu, ubuntu.unity & lubuntu) that I'm aware of... [02:28] yup :) [02:37] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: What’s new in security for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS? @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/whats-new-in-security-for-ubuntu-24-04-lts [02:37] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu MATE: Ubuntu MATE 23.04 Release Notes @ https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-lunar-lobster-release-notes/ [02:53] :) @ What's new in security (^) getting summary (which i see as highlighting article) [02:55] guiverc: May work out as a bulleted item under the release notice, rather then as a summarized article ? [02:55] i have no objection to that (prefer to just listed under Canonical News..) [02:57] * guiverc is expecting a largish issue.. though haven't really thought about uwn... mostly sick of seeing 'no new ISO found" response [02:57] guiverc: Had that thought too; as it is a Canonical blog. we see what develops [02:57] * guiverc just got a different response anyway.. ... Modify: 2024-04-25 12:42:09.000000000 +1000 [03:00] guiverc: Hope there is not too many more wrinkles to iron out - getting close to the release schedule time. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::portugal:: E296 Nobre Mirmecóbio Refrigerado @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/e296/ [15:57] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is Available to Download @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/ubuntu-24-04-released [20:56] UWN: Opening 837 shortly for the day's update - 24.04 has been released ! [21:03] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: How to Enable OneDrive File Access in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/set-up-onedrive-file-access-in-ubuntu [21:51] saved and out [22:21] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2024-April/000301.html [22:26] ^ is in mousepad and being tweaked for fridge (slowly) [22:39] fridge appears down & can't paste what I've created :( [22:39] testing fridge. [22:41] guiverc: Home page for the Fridge loads fine for me. [22:43] login screen finally appeared for me too... may have been brief outage due change.. or canonical-sysadmins were ultra quick & fixed within a 'sec' of my irc query :) [22:44] :D [22:51] ubuntu 24.04 lts released up for review (https://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=10156&action=edit) [22:51] I'll return in an ~hour (can self-review then if required) [23:22] guiverc: Trying to remove the spacing in the link lists right now, also the "More Information" section is a bit messed up. [23:38] guiverc: Wrangling with WordPress successfully done! [23:45] thanks krytarik, appreciated. [23:47] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/04/25/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-released/