[01:19] But...isit? [08:16] !isitout [08:16] For all I know, the latest Ubuntu release is 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur). You can double-check this on the https://ubottu.com/y/announce *archives* and subscribe for future release notifications. [08:16] lol [08:16] nope [08:25] could someone update the channel topic in #ubuntu-release-party ? [09:15] ogra_: Erm, that is you have ops. [09:23] Unit193, yeah, i noticed the DIY token 🙂 [09:23] ubottu is missing the the channel too (i dont think i can easily add it back) [09:32] ubottu: join #ubuntu-release-party [09:32] ogra_: I figured you'd see, but it occured to me much later you might well not since your focus could well be elsewhere. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [15:34] ogra_: if you identify to your account you'll be able to do more things :P [15:34] el, yeah, i'm lazy ... [15:50] i updated #ubuntu's /topic about 24.04 already because we have https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2024-April/000301.html [17:15] tomreyn: I don't see the topic updated yet though. [17:17] omg, i posted it to the channel instead of updating it [17:19] Oh, haha. XD [17:20] better don't ask me to hold your beverage today.