
valoriehmmm, our website hasn't been updated yet -- b/c Rick is gone I guess?02:28
sgmoorevalorie: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-released/ ahoneybun did it :)09:01
sgmooreOh. It seems https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ needs updated too. I will be on the road much of today if someone can let ahoneybun know to update.10:09
Guest64Maybe someone should put a link to download the ISO. :)10:39
valorieciao - doubt I'll have access to IRC in Bellingham15:33
arraybolt3@whoever-does-the-website-stuff (Rick_Timmis?) We need the 24.04 sha256sum added here: https://kubuntu.org/alternative-downloads/22:25

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