
salty-horseHi. I came across this bug description about a failed installation with 24.04 after choosing "LVM with Encryption". I have no idea where to start looking to see if it's a known issue or not. Tweet 1: https://twitter.com/cmuratori/status/1783551576390660412 ; Tweet 2: https://twitter.com/cmuratori/status/178355579963116349908:37
andersson1234salty-horse: Thanks for bringing this to our attention! twitter isn't generally a great place to report bugs. I'll verify now that lvm+encryption isn't busted (I've tested it a lot recently with no issue) but otherwise there's not enough detail in the tweet to do anything. I'm not on twitter but perhaps you could redirect that user to bugs.launchpad.net and ask them to report a bug against "ubuntu-desktop-provision" ?11:12
andersson1234or if they can boot into the "broken" system they can report with `ubuntu-bug ubuntu-desktop-provision` which will give us detailed logs :) 11:13
salty-horseandersson1234, this user seems pretty fed up with their messing about (tried to install 3 distros), so I doubt I can get them to file a detailed bug report, which is why I'm doing this. Basically, they're describing just picking the basic options and not doing anything fancy, so it might be reproducible on its own. If your test doesn't repro it, what should I ask them?12:30
salty-horseI don't think they can boot into it  - it failed to install. Their third installation attempt was Fedora, which worked12:32
salty-horseThis is a desktop with a Ryzen 8500G processor. Initial attempt was with Debian Stable, which successfully installed, but failed to boot into GUI - assuming it's because the APU is too new for stable https://twitter.com/cmuratori/status/178326447204141884512:57
andersson1234Thanks for the info, I'll check in with some relevant people 13:27
salty-horsethanks. if I'm not around, please CC me on any bug you open - this my launchpad handle13:41
andersson1234Thanks, will do!14:14

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