
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== deltreey7 is now known as deltreey
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ice9do you recommend waiting for 24.04.01 to upgrade or it's okay to do it now?09:59
lotuspsychjeice9: for production & the LTS route, always await the next .110:00
lotuspsychjemore bugs will be sorted by then = safer system10:00
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=== xispita is now known as Guest3142
=== xispita_ is now known as xispita
znfwhy is the "network installer" linking to a dead forum thread?14:40
znfand where is that "mini.iso like" installer we've been promised? :-|14:42
sdezielice9: also, by default the new LTS is only proposed for upgrade when the LTS' .1 version is released14:49
oerheksmini iso 15:14
znfYeah, but that's not functional if you don't have a dhcp server in your network 15:19
oerheksthen use the live server, lke the network factoid says15:21
oerheksi think mini iso works without your own dhcp service, why not/15:21
znfoerheks, it doesn't15:57
znfit gets stuck at waiting for dhcp15:58
znfand you're never presented with a prompt to set up networking15:58
znfPXE is not an option... if it were, I'd have DHCP in there, don't you think?15:59
znfbasically the new mini iso is completely useless if you don't have DHCP16:54
znfalso, the mini iso doesn't offer you 24.04 lol16:54

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