[15:28] Just upgraded to 24.04. Not a whole lot broke this time! [15:29] good deal [15:29] also, ahoy hoy all [15:30] I'm not sure when it happened (I have join/parts turned off) but I now notice that cmaloney is no longer in channel :( [15:31] is 24.04 officially out? [15:37] Seems to be [15:37] Also, :( [15:39] yeah, yesterday I think (24.04) [16:05] https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-desktop-24-04-noble-numbat-deep-dive [16:05] oh cool. [16:06] 12:00 apr 9th: 12:00 cmaloney [~snap-l@peppercarrot/maintainer/cmaloney] has quit from #ubuntu-us-mi [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] [16:07] RIP [16:08] the YT video is making me laugh. so silly. [16:09] oh! this is the 20yr anniversary release. I didn't even think of that. [16:37] oh man, we're old [16:44] when warty warthog came out I was living on the 3rd floor of a old ass rental house in south minneapolis with 3 roommates. [17:12] btw, I only saw the news of the 24.04 release because I follow https://mastodon.social/@sylvia_ritter/112336284482355255 [18:30] https://news.itsfoss.com/ubuntu-24-04-disappointment/ [18:30] sad and true [18:30] honestly, I believe ubuntu is ripe for disruption as enterprise king. [21:46] yup