
JoeBkhas 24.04 been released?  https://releases.ubuntu.com/noble/01:48
Bashing-omJoeBk: Yup - out: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2024-April/000301.html .01:52
Guest70yes sir01:53
JoeBk24.04 was not supposed to releases until april 2801:57
JoeBk24.04 was not supposed to be released until april 2801:57
arraybolt3JoeBk: ...according to whome?01:59
arraybolt3The official release schedule had it targetted for the 25th, which is exactly what the Ubuntu Release Team did. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-schedule/3564901:59
Guest70I read 25th also02:00
JoeBkarraybolt3: according to Google02:00
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Guest70Chris is cool02:01
Guest70CoolChris has logged in02:01
arraybolt3JoeBk: mhh, weird. Maybe Google had it wrong then.02:01
arraybolt3The Discourse link I posted earlier should be authoritative, and it had better be since that's what both volunteer developers and Canonical employees went by :P02:02
JoeBkarraybolt3: could be02:02
Guest70How are the humans enjoying the new Ubuntu version:?02:12
webchat14Hi, recently did a fresh install of ubuntu 24.04 and since then Wake On Lan is not working. I am not able to start the server from remote using ethool.  I see that the output of sudo ethtool enp4s0 shows  Wake-on: d02:13
webchat14When I set it to g - it works but on the next reboot,  Wake-on:g reverts to Wake-on: d02:13
webchat14How to make this change persistent ?02:13
Guest70Is the 13th Gen Intel CPUs, not yet have good compatability with Linux drivers? I know this happens anytime new tech comes out, it takes a few months to add the drivers to the kernels etc02:17
arraybolt3Guest70: I would expect 13th and 14th gen Intel hardware to work OK at this point. Kubuntu Focus at least is shipping 14th gen Intel CPUs in some of their higher-end laptops that ship with Kubuntu LTS.02:19
Guest7013th gen is the last 'i' gen right?02:19
Guest70i7 etc02:19
arraybolt3There are some 14th gen i9 CPUs and I think i7's too. Raptor Lake Refresh.02:19
arraybolt3(Meteor Lake probably still has shaky support - that's the Intel Core Ultra line)02:20
arraybolt3but the kernel in Ubuntu 24.04 may be able to work even with that.02:20
leftyfbmodel name: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1370P02:20
leftyfbUbuntu 22.04 works fine for me02:20
Guest70When 12th gens just came out, I was getting lots of glitches with the LTS ubuntu02:20
Guest70So I tend to buy 1 generation old02:20
Guest70to ensure compatability02:21
JanCIntel/AMD usually add hardware support to the kernel before it's released nowadays02:30
bebopwhat is the latest ubuntu lts release?02:35
webchat14bebop: 24.04 LTS02:35
bebopwebchat14: I run do-release-upgrade and I'm using LTS and it doesn't prompt me to upgrade02:37
jadeiaIf you're on LTS, you need to wait until the August release.02:38
webchat14or do do-release-upgrade -d but that would take you to the development branch02:38
jadeiaGives them time to iron out everthing and make it a true LTS02:38
jadeiaDon't do the -d option. You'd be asking for issues if it even works.02:38
bebopwhy does it say 24 release in april? developmental?02:39
jadeiaLTS means stability - if thats the most important, just wait till Aug02:39
jadeiaI think its 24.01 released in April.02:39
jadeia24.04 which is LTS is August.02:39
bebopUbuntu 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat is now available for download!02:40
bebopsays right on ubuntu site02:40
jadeiaKinda buried in this document: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2024-April/000301.html02:40
jadeiaI'm not disagreeing with you there - but the devil is in the details as always with just about everything.02:41
jadeiaLTS needs to wait for an extra .01 -- Users of 22.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 24.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for the 15th of August.02:42
arraybolt3bebop: The ISOs release a few months earlier than upgrades are enabled. This is intentional, so that we have time to iron out bugs that we couldn't fix before the release date.02:42
JanCor that only are found after release02:42
jadeiaYeh if stability counts for you, definately wait a few months.02:43
Guest70ok good02:45
Ali_nzI want multiple monitor support for Ubuntu when connecting from my Windows desktop - it looks like the build in RDP server doesnt do this and I should install remmina (which is different from the built rdp server?)02:47
TuxHubdo the staff at canonical pray to bill gates three times a day?03:09
luna_3Software Updater: failed to download repository information. check your internet connection: - Could this be becuase I am using wifi instead of ethernet?03:22
Bashing-omluna_3: Ping a mirror and see - from terminal ' ping -c3 ca.archive.ubuntu.com '.03:25
geekyis there some special incantion to get 24.04 server image working on a rpi, I wrote the image to the usb key and it wouldn't boot04:02
notlocalhorstI'm looking for disk encryption in 24.04, in manual partitioner mode. I can't find it, is it gone or am I overlooking it?04:04
notlocalhorstyes, i saw the TPM option in auto mode, but that is not what i want ...04:05
lotuspsychjenotlocalhorst: check the release notes, it mentions TPM things there04:10
ubottuUbuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) is the 40th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release - Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/nn04:10
notlocalhorstlotuspsychje: thanks, but as I said I don't want TPM, just plain old luks. the release notes are saying "However, the traditional passphrase-backed FDE is still available for those who prefer it. ". But I can't find it in the new installer ...04:13
notlocalhorstno option to encrypt a partition as far as i can see ... really?04:15
notlocalhorstand the legacy installer image is not available for 24.04 as it seems04:16
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Sigcatcher24.04.. God that makes me feel old.04:41
Guest9I have installed Ubuntu on my lenovo thinkpad e16 gen 1. The issue is while the charger is plugged in, it remains the same and the charging status is not charging. After I remove the charger, the status shows for example 48 percent remaining and the battery begins to drain. I've tried this solution -04:42
Guest9https://askubuntu.com/questions/1051209/battery-not-charging-but-detected. But it is still not working04:42
Guest9Any help?04:52
Guest9I have installed Ubuntu on my lenovo thinkpad e16 gen 1. The issue is while the charger is plugged in, it remains the same and the charging status is not charging. After I remove the charger, the status shows for example 48 percent remaining and the battery begins to drain. I've tried this solution -05:03
Guest9https://askubuntu.com/questions/1051...g-but-detected. But it is still not working05:03
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NeilRGHow do I resize a window in the 24.04?06:32
NeilRGthere are no corner widgets06:32
do3meliHi everyone. I am using the api https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/series to get release information for various ubuntu versions. unfortunately the new noble release has a differente title attribute format than any other release: For example all titles except noble have something like "The Lunar Lobster" or "The Xenial Xerus". Noble currently06:41
do3melihas the title "Noble". I was wondering if and how we can get this changed for noble series?06:41
NeilGI'm getting very weird focus stealing behaviour when I click on hexchat06:47
NeilGif there's any application behind HexChat at the point that I click, the app behind takes the focus06:47
ccccccombobreakeNeilG: you are not serious right?06:55
NeilGccccccombobreake, I am serious?06:56
NeilGam I doing something wrong?06:56
NeilGthis worked fine on 22.0406:56
NeilGI'm looking into changing my IRC client for this06:56
ccccccombobreakeNeilG: you can't resize a window?06:57
NeilGoh the resize I figured out06:57
ccccccombobreakeif it's gnome, then i 100% trust you06:57
NeilGit's gnome06:57
NeilGwhich I guess is default?06:57
ccccccombobreakebecause they have their own ideology what a gui is06:57
ccccccombobreakeNeilG: well you didn't say you figured it out06:57
NeilGsorry, didn't think anyone was awake06:58
NeilGI'm still trying to configure the new ubuntu06:58
NeilGwill have to figure out how to use mac os keyboard layout next06:58
veegeewhat the hell... do-release-upgrade returns "There is no development version of an LTS available."07:12
veegeeI just did `sudo do-release-upgrade` from 22.0407:12
veegeeisn't the latest LTS version out?07:13
rfmveegee, LTS upgrades aren't offered until the first dot release, so somewhere around August.07:15
DarkWitcherHello everyone!07:31
DarkWitcherLooking for some help with Ubuntu 24.04 and a sound issue - Dummy Output on Dell XPS 9560 - Intel i7-7700hq, nvidia GTX 1050, 16gb ram.07:33
DarkWitcherTried the different fixes I found online for Pipewire, but no luck07:34
DarkWitcherlspci gave me the following audio device 00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation CM238 HD Audio Controller (rev 31)07:34
veegeenever mind, fixed it07:40
veegeeshitty canonical software as usual07:40
veegeethey can't do a damn thing right07:40
ogra_veegee, the LTS version comes out in august as usual with the .1 release ... until then only 23.10 users get upgrades ... as usual ...07:44
veegeeogra_ yeah I figured that out after too much searching07:45
veegeewouldn't it be nice if the shitbuntu updater just mentioned that?07:45
ogra_(and cursing)07:45
ogra_why are you using it if it is so awful07:45
veegeeclient wants it07:45
ogra_and the work i and others here do is so bad ?07:45
veegeenot you specifically07:45
ogra_(it isnt really nice being insulted like that all the time)07:46
veegeebut whoever came up with "snap" and the modified gnome07:46
ogra_well, theer is code of mine in the updater too07:46
veegeeand whatever their competition to wayland was07:46
ogra_and i'm workign heavily on snaps07:46
veegeeand bzr07:46
veegeesnap is just shit..07:46
veegeewhy build a whole other standard instead of improving the better alternatives that exist07:46
ogra_well, most enterprise customers disagree ... as well as canonicals wallet07:46
veegeethat's funny... I disable snaps on all enterprise clients07:47
veegeeI have more than 2 large enterprises07:47
veegee(as clients)07:47
ogra_well, canonical has 100s07:47
veegeefirst thing I do is disable anything non-standard07:47
veegeestupid shit like snap07:47
veegeefor desktops, get rid of their disaster of a UI and install KDE07:47
ogra_could you stop the insulöts please ? we have rules here07:47
veegeeI'm not insulting07:48
ogra_you are07:48
veegeeI'm criticizing software07:48
veegeeif you can't take criticism, you shouldn't be a software developer07:48
DarkWitcherYes, but you are being vulgar instead of providing constructive feedback07:48
LuckyManveegee I find your words offensive.07:48
ogra_please read the code of conduct and stick to it ... it applies to all ubuntu communication07:48
veegeeLuckyMan I find you offensive07:49
ravageWelcome on my ignore list07:49
ogra_criticism is totally fine ...07:49
ogra_... just not *that* way ...07:49
veegeeWhy not just build on Nix?07:49
DarkWitcherI dislike Snaps as well, however, currently they work way better than what it used to be. And if you don't like using them, you can always go the Arch way and build the system your client wants. Or if they need deb support, build based on Debian.07:49
veegeeDebian is what I use by default07:50
ogra_veegee, nix didnt exist 12y ago when we started to plan snaps07:50
DarkWitcherYou want to use Ubuntu, you need to accept the packages they use.07:50
veegeebut when it did, it beats snap in every way07:50
LuckyManI just want to say I did a fresh install of 24.04 and everything is working and I'm very glad with this new version :-)07:50
ogra_nor did any other packaging format even remotely similar to what snaps became in 201407:50
veegeeLuckyMan every distribution ever works on install07:50
LuckyMancongratulations to the team07:50
DarkWitcherI did a fresh install on 24.04 and have Audio issues07:50
DarkWitcherAnd I am looking for help, since I am totally lost.07:51
veegeeogra_ yes but now that Nix is widely available and very very good, why not migrate to it?07:51
veegeeYou could support developing it instead of snap07:51
LuckyManDarkWitcher: what are your troubles?07:51
ogra_veegee, lets take this to #ubuntu-discuss if you want ... we're massively getting offtopic for the support channel07:52
ogra_>(happy to answer you there)07:52
DarkWitcherLucky - I am getting Dummy Output.07:52
DarkWitcherCan I DM you?07:52
LuckyManDarkWitcher: what's dummy output?07:52
ravageDummy output is the device you see if no real hardware is detected 07:53
DarkWitcherYep, hardware isn't dettected, but according to they system drivers are installed and hardware is visible07:55
LuckyManDarkWitcher: was the sound ok on previous Ubuntu versions?07:55
DarkWitcherLast I used it was with a 23.10 and yes, worked fine07:55
LuckyManwhat's your soundboard?07:56
DarkWitcher  Device-1: Intel CM238 HD Audio driver: snd_soc_avs07:56
DarkWitcher  API: ALSA v: k6.8.0-31-generic status: kernel-api07:56
DarkWitcher  Server-1: PipeWire v: 1.0.5 status: active07:56
LuckyMandid you tried installing drivers yourself?07:57
LuckyMandid you put a checkmark on third party software when installing ubuntu?07:58
DarkWitcher1 - can't seem to find them. 2 - yes, always07:58
NeilRGMy system forces me to logout the moment I log in, how can I debug this08:02
NeilRGhm, I think it was a bad fstab line that killed my system08:22
Nethan_atHi, trying to install 24.04 Server with software raid but the installer does not shows the aviable partitions in the raid create dialog - maybe text color same than background - i can jump between the partitions but without text - only can guess photo here: https://postimg.cc/PNF01C7P08:23
veegeeLuckyMan NeilRG - reinstall08:35
deadromSo after xz-utils, what's the general take? Not all of the umpteenth-thousand packages are maintained by hordes of well known open src bigheads. There are probably dozens of little helper tool packages maintained by one overworked hobbyist, so how are distros kept clean?08:51
lotuspsychje!discuss | deadrom08:52
ubottudeadrom: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!08:52
enycjoin #ubuntu-discuss08:52
scoothgerHello. Am i forced to install jammy and then dist upgrade if i want an encrypted 24.04 setup?09:25
jcduttonI have dependancy problems with 24.0409:47
jcdutton libzmq5 : Depends: libpgm-5.3-0 (>= 5.1.116~dfsg)09:47
jcduttonbut only libpgm-5.3-0t64 is available.   Note the t64 suffix09:48
lotuspsychjejcdutton: explain what you did exactly, so the volunteers can help you better; added ppa? installing wich main package?10:01
jcduttonlotuspsychje, its simple really, the libzmq5 dependancies are expecting libpgm-5.3-0  but it is not available in ubuntu Noble10:17
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zetheroo1Ubuntu 24.04 installer doesn't allow you to create a LUKS partition manually. Is that a bug or intended?11:17
ogra_did you check launchpad ? might eb a bug ...11:24
MadLambI am struggling to figure out why my thunderbolt 4 dock does not connect. I run boltctl list and nothing comes up.11:25
zetheroo1ogra_: seems the option has been missing from the installer since 23.0411:29
zetheroo1so it seems intentional 😲11:29
ogra_well, likely not intentional, but low prio to newly implement it (the installed is brand new written from scratch)11:31
zetheroo1brand new ... since 23.04 ;)11:32
ogra_well, yes11:32
tomreynzetheroo1: i would expect it to work if you use the server installer11:33
tyklinghello :) does the 24.04 server installer have zfs support?11:33
ogra_the thing is, the installer is now a snap so it is rolling and can be updated out of sync at any time (IIRC there is even an upgrade button to upgrade itself before installation)11:33
ogra_so features can roll in before 24.04 becomes the next LTS in august11:34
GSMarquisHow often does Ubuntu update linux-firmware package?11:51
mimicathi! I have a problem with my ubuntu 24.04 LTS installation. I would like to have a dualboot with windows 11 with encrypted ubuntu. So I always installed Windows 11 first and after that, I installed ubuntu 22.04 LTS with encryption! This worked always fine. But now with 24.04 LTS, there is no option to encrypt only my ubuntu partition. I have to11:52
mimicaterase the whole disk which would delete my windows installation. How to handle this?11:52
tomreynmimicat: try the server installer, that might work.11:53
tomreynGSMarquis: there are changelogs, they should tell11:53
mimicattomreyn Thank you for the hint!11:53
zetheroo1mimicat: I have a solution for you, but first I need to make a couple screenshots. My colleague and I were just now dealing with the exact same issue, but we found a loophole/hack/bug in the installer that allows what worked previously in 22.04 by manually creating a LUKS partition.11:54
mimicatzetheroo1That sounds great!11:54
tomreynmimicat + zetheroo1: could you also report a bug if it's a regression?11:54
tomreynagainst ubuntu-desktop-provision11:55
mimicattomreyn I don't know whether its a bug or a feature. Maybe canonical doesnt want us to encrypt only specific partitions.11:55
tomreynmimicat: zetheroo1 just wrote that this "worked previously in 22.04".11:56
zetheroo1tomreyn: correct. But it's been removed from the installer since 23.04, which tells me that it's removal from the installer since a year was very likely intentional11:57
tomreyn(but sure, dropping previously supported functionality could still be on purpose)11:57
mimicattomreyn Yes, indeed. I used to do this in 22.04 as well. But unfortunately, due to a mess of dependencies or so the upgrade from 22.04 lts to 24.04 lts killed my ubuntu installation. I tried the standard steps to fix it, but it didn't work and i had no time. Thus, I choose to reinstall ubuntu. The shock came up when I saw that there was no option11:58
mimicatfor encryption in the manual partitioning step. Only the option to erase and encrypt the entire disk.11:58
tomreyni'd rather say it could just as well be an oversight when the new installer was created11:58
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tomreynzetheroo1: ^11:59
mimicatzetheroo1Do you have any information whether the removal of this option to encrypt specific partitions (not the entire disk) was intended?12:02
zetheroo1mimicat: no I don't. I would also like to know. ;)12:03
BluesKajHi all12:13
mimicatThis made me really upset and I cried yesterday in the evening. I now spent so much time on setting up a fedora on my laptop. Fortunately, ubuntu didn't touch my windows partitions during the failed upgrade. But today i realized, that the Xorg Version of Gnome on Fedora doesn't support fractional scaling, which is pretty sad since my laptop has a12:23
mimicat3k display. :(12:23
juliankneither installer supported encrypting individual partitions12:30
juliankthe old installer supported installing to existing luks partitions so you could go to gparted or so and create them and unlock them and then select them12:31
juliankbut the new one doesn't detect them as valid install targets so that workaround no longer works12:31
juliankmimicat: zetheroo1 ^12:31
juliankI think the very old installer supported manual luks creation itself but that hasn't been used in ages12:32
juliankit's a problem for me as I like to reinstall my system from scratch and then reprovision it12:32
* ogra_ bets patches wouldnt be rejected 😉 12:34
mimicatjuliank: hmm, I see. But somehow i managed to do it. And it wasn't creating encrypted partitions on my own. However, how would you solve this problem? (installing windows and ubuntu in dualboot with encryption for the ubuntu system)12:36
Mimicat_phone(if somebody wants to reply, I'm here on my phone now)12:40
JanCmimicat: if you are somewhat experienced, and the installer doesn't work (for your situation), you can always use debootstrap or a similar tool from the live CD...12:41
Guest93Hi..I installed Ubuntu Gnome 24.04 in Virtualbox.  Now I want to add LXDE to it just to try it out.  But getting the following error.  https://dpaste.com/539XE47B4  Please help.12:55
CosmicDJGuest93: why dont you just install lubuntu?12:57
ogra_Guest93, i think lxde has long been discontinued and replaced by lxqt12:58
Guest93Don't want to do a full blown installation as I just want to try it out temporarily.  Don't think I have that much disk space either.  If I can just add lxde on top of Gnome, try it out and then remove once done..I am good.12:58
Guest93"ubuntu2404@ubuntu2404-virtualbox:~$ sudo apt-get install lxqt12:59
Guest93Reading package lists... Done12:59
Guest93Building dependency tree... Done12:59
Guest93Reading state information... Done12:59
Guest93E: Unable to locate package lxqt12:59
ogra_Guest93, do you have universe enabled and is your package list up to date (apt update)13:01
zetheroo1mimicat: sorry for the delay - here you go --> https://techtalkblog.ch/ubuntu-24-04-lts-fde-alongside-windows-installation13:01
Guest93https://dpaste.com/5354MZH2F Same error...Something is wrong with my virtualbox connecting to Ubuntu sources??  apt-get update works just fine.13:01
Guest93ogra_ Yes and yes .  https://dpaste.com/5KYLBZL7V13:03
zetheroo1juliank: in the 22.04 installer you could make the LUKS partition directly in it. No need to do it in gparted outside of the installer.13:03
Guest93Can't even install conky.  Same error.13:05
ogra_well, you likely miss universe ... open "software and updates", check if universe is ticked there13:06
zetheroo1 tomreyn + ogra_ : maybe interesting to you as well --> https://techtalkblog.ch/ubuntu-24-04-lts-fde-alongside-windows-installation13:06
Guest93ogra_ https://dpaste.com/DMFVMX2T813:07
Guest93Universe IS checked13:07
ogra_hmm, weird ... both packages are in universe and available ... perhapos the us mirror is not up to date ?13:08
Guest93Changing to "Main Server" from US.  Let's see.13:09
Guest93Jeez..that did it!  So it was the US mirror that wasn't working for me!  Weird.13:09
JanCthe "US mirror" is just a subset of the "main servers"13:10
Guest93Thanks ogra_13:10
Guest93Should I leave it as Main or switch back to US mirror?13:11
ogra_mirrors a day after release ... 🙂13:11
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ogra_(the main server is usually hammered heavily on release day and the days after, lines might be saturated for mirroring)13:12
Guest93I see.  Interesting.13:12
ogra_i'D switch back once the dust has settled ... just to save you from updating from london13:13
JanCogra_: us.archive.ubuntu.com just resolves to 3 of the 5 IP addresses that archive.ubuntu.com resolves to13:14
ogra_so probably just the wrong one ...13:14
JanCusign a non-official mirror might help a bit13:14
ogra_or we have an archive.u.c instance in the US now13:14
ravageNever noticed those release day problems. Been using my own mirror since 2009 :) 13:15
JanCand you can also have multiple mirrors configured at the same time of course13:16
ravagePro tip: if you control your DNS set archive.ubuntu.com to your favorite mirror 13:16
JanCthat's not a pro tip13:16
ravageSo you do not need any manual changes for your home setup 13:16
ravageIt's a tip then. Geez13:17
JanCjust configure both your favourite local mirror & the official ones13:18
Guest80JanC How to add multiple ones?13:19
ravageUsually you can just choose one of the country Subdomains 13:19
ravageThat is more relevant to non us people though 13:20
JanClarger hosting companies usually have their own mirrors too13:22
JanCravage: the CC subdomains often point to the main servers nowadays (local mirrors can't always handle the load from all users in that country)13:24
JanCespecially in larger countries, I suppose13:25
Guest80JanC or someone : Can you show how sources.list looks like with multiple servers/mirrors please?13:39
Guest80I want to add Main server AND one/two US mirrors as backup.13:39
leftyfbGuest80: you don't add multiple entries for the same repository. Just use us.archive.ubuntu.com which is load balanced13:41
leftyfbor maybe it's jsut round robin, not sure13:41
ogra_amd outdated currently (see above)13:42
leftyfboh, sorry. Just joined and missed that13:43
JanCit uses round robin AFAIK13:43
JanCGuest80: you just add them as you would otherwise add them, but remember for each repository you add it has to contact it & download data every time you run "apt update" or its GUI equivalent, so that will become slower then...13:56
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Guest89hello I normally stick to Ubuntu lts, I recently upgraded to 24.04, I went to run an appimage, it asked for fuse, so I installed fuse and it removed the file manager and broke my install14:15
Guest89how do I fix this14:15
Guest89why did fuse break everything14:15
lotuspsychjeGuest89: theres a bug ID for that14:15
Guest89cool this is unacceptable on LTS releases14:15
Guest89what the hell were you people thinking14:16
Guest89people rely on this14:16
Guest89this is unacceptable unexpected behavior14:16
lotuspsychjeGuest89: bug #171787814:17
Guest89how the hell do I fix this?14:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1717878 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm3/gdm-session-worker crashed with SIGTRAP logging 'GdmSession: no session desktop files installed, aborting...' from get_fallback_session_name from get_default_session_name from get_session_name from get_session_filename from gdm_session_is_wayland_session" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171787814:17
Guest89UNTIL YOU FIX IT14:17
Guest89fucks sake14:17
AFDthere's no way to catch every bug14:17
Guest8997 installs this hosed14:17
lotuspsychjecalm down please Guest8914:17
AFDLTS doesn't mean bug free14:18
Guest89you wouldnt be calm if it broke 97 PCs14:18
AFDit means that a fix will be worked on14:18
ravageyou do not test a new OS on 97 PCs14:18
Guest89its not new its LTS14:18
ravagethat makes no sense14:18
Guest89you had 2 years14:18
AFDits new to your environment is what ravage meant14:18
leftyfb24.04 was released less than 24 hours ago. How long did you test the alpha and beta for in this exact configuration?14:19
Guest8922.10, 23.04, 23.1014:19
Guest89you had time14:19
leftyfbso did you14:19
AFDdid you test the configuration on a standalone PC before pushing it to all of them?14:20
ravageof course he did not test anything14:20
AFDif not then that might be a good idea next time; testing on production is never a good idea14:20
ravagebut he is gone. lets move on14:20
AFDfair enough14:21
AFDhe didn't even click on the link did he14:22
AFDthere's a single command listed in there to fix it14:22
JanCalso, LTS upgrades don't happen until .1 so he did something unsupported I presume?14:32
JanCand I recognise that fuse bug: he installed an old deprecated version of FUSE14:32
AFDkeyword here being "deprecated" i'm guessing?14:33
AFDat least we have a fix for him if he returns14:33
JanCwell, it's still available for compatibility with some stuff that wasn't ported yet, I think?14:34
AFDi meant that there's a command to run on that launchpad page14:34
JanCin any case, he should install 'fuse3', not 'fuse' (which is version 2)14:34
AFDreally though there's a bigger problem14:35
AFDhe seemed to be testing on production14:35
AFDor rather not testing before pushing changes to production14:35
AFDthere's gonna be bugs no matter what you do, you'll eventually come across one; that's why we have test machines14:36
AFDpushing directly to production doesn't eliminate the bugs, only your warning of them14:36
BluesKajkde/plasma is still buggy. it works but some of the desktop settings don't hold14:40
juliankSpeaking as the apt maintainer, the "fuse removes desktop" thing is apt's fault and I've designed a new solver that doesn't have the problem but I need to implement14:40
AFDoh neat14:41
AFDhow difficult does the implementation seem? i haven't looked into how apt runs14:41
AFDjust curious, no pressure meant14:42
juliankAFD: It seems easy but I'm sure I'm going to hit hard edge cases14:45
juliankAPT's current code quite frankly is a bit of a nightmare, beign 26 years of ad-hoc "let me fix that"14:45
juliankThe focus for my solver is to be predictable, less powerful14:46
AFDfair enough14:46
AFDi'm assuming there's enough of it that a refactor would be difficult right?14:46
juliankRight now you see installing stuff removes half your desktop and that's crap; or you remove foo:amd64 and it installs foo:i386 instead14:47
juliankAFD: The current solver is actually two solvers, the first tries to guess the best solution recursively for each dependency; and then a 2nd solver runs if any packages remains broken, whacking one or the other for a couple of times until it is fine or it gives up14:47
juliankThe first solver is in a very essential class in the current design, refactoring it to get rid of the class takes ages14:48
juliankSadly this is the class that takes the 1s or so during startup to build the "dependency cache"14:48
julianki.e. it's the slowest part of apt14:49
juliankThe new solver I'll plug in roughly using the extension points we have for external solvers, so no refactoring or speed ups at first14:49
juliankI'm not sure how succesful it will be as it's a pretty conservative design, it is fairly reliant on you managing your state of which packages are automatically installed correctly for optimal results14:51
JanCjuliank: I assume it's possible to put in better warnings/protections against mistakes, but the main problem here is packages names being somewhat confusing on their own, and people installing packages without checking it's actually the packages they want, just based on its name  :)14:52
julianki.e. it allows you to switch between different providers/solutions for automatically installed packages, but if you manually installed a package it won't get removed ever (until it is obsolete, once it has obsolete tracking)14:52
AFDthe problem with warnings is a lot of people go "yea yea, it says warning, ignore and move on"14:52
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juliankJanC: yeah I mean not much one can do about that, sadly14:52
JanCthey manually installed (the wrong) 'fuse'14:53
juliankYes and with the new solver it would have failed and they would not have figured out how to install it14:53
juliankin all likelihood14:53
juliankwhich is kind of helpful14:53
AFDand then they would be here complaining "its in LTS so why is the solver not letting me install it"14:53
JanCbecause some upstream complained about a missing 'fuse' and they ran 'apt install fuse' without thinking14:54
juliankBut at least their system works14:54
paul424where is the interface for bluetooth ?14:54
AFDanyway the new solver sounds like a good idea, i hope it goes well?14:54
JanCjuliank: is it available as a plugin now?14:55
juliankThe design is there, but I still need to sit down and implement it14:55
AFDpaul424 depends on which version of ubuntu you use but my end it's system settings > hardware > bluetooth14:55
juliankBut also I suppose apt is not helpful here, it should have told you that fuse is already provided by fuse3 and skip installing it until you force it I suppose14:56
juliankbecause fuse3 does have a Provide: fuse14:56
JanCit does not install 'fuse' until you ask it to explicitly14:56
paul424AFD, uhh under the ubutnu 22 lts , xfce414:56
JanCI suppose you could add some warning14:57
juliankapt install fuse could say "N: fuse is already provided by installed package fuse3"14:57
juliankbut not sure it would have helped14:57
juliankthis is like the "Yes, do as I say!" thing where LTT Linus removed his Pop OS desktop14:58
AFDyea in cases like this there isn't much to do14:58
AFD"would you like to do the thing that we didn't do because it breaks stuff" "yes" "why did it break stuff"14:58
JanCconsidering how he handles upgrades, he probably also has an alias for apt to have -y always  ;)14:58
juliankNew solver would just give you annoying "Removing fuse3 but ... depends on it" messages until you add all the ... to your remove call manually14:58
juliankWhich for careful, experienced users is annoying to do, but for new users it is annoying to do in a different way that makes them not do it14:59
JanCand if you add an extra level --yes-really some people will add that too14:59
julianki.e. it's different if you need to run `apt remove foo` `apt remove foo bar` and so on 10 times until you finally collected all manually-installed reverse dependencies15:00
juliankvs "Here I am going to remove 10 packages, continue?"15:00
JanCI mean, lots of how-to blogs & upstream install manuals, etc. have -y on all apt commands too15:00
juliankyeah that is not a good idea with the current state of things I'm afraid15:01
JanCno matter how often you point out that's dangerous15:01
juliankAt least use -y --no-remove15:01
juliank-y --no-remove is safe in that it fails if it would remove packages15:02
AFDat what point do you label it user error though?15:02
AFDbecause if a user is going to intentionally use a program in a way that is known to break things, despite warnings, then surely the developer of the program shouldn't be responsible or liable15:02
juliankwhich depending on what you want is the right property, others might want it to find a solution that does not involve removing packages15:02
JanCAFD: the problem is also other people telling them to do that15:02
JanCnot a good idea to run commands you don't understand, but...15:03
AFDthat means that whoever's telling them to do that is responsible15:03
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JanCin case of this "fuse problem" I proposed a rename of the v2 'fuse' package to something else as a workaround against people being somewhat careless, but I guess that wasn't implemented (in time?) for 24.04...15:06
paul424What is the main program to deal with bluetooth under ubuntu ?15:07
paul424I need a gui application15:08
JanCmost stuff is integrated in Gnome Shell & Gnome Settings, I think?15:08
JanCmaybe better if you explain what the problem is?15:09
paul424I use the xfce4 :(15:10
JanCmaybe ask in #xubuntu then15:11
JanCthey will be more familiar with xfce GUIs15:11
juliankDo people need the fuse 2 program?15:11
JanCjuliank: I'm not sure15:11
juliankOtherwise I suppose just making that a transitional package for fuse3 would be good enough15:11
JanCmost people don't, for sure15:11
JanCmaybe only libfuse2 is really needed?  I'm not sure15:12
juliankpackages shouldn't because fuse3 Provides: fuse15:12
JanCwhich makes me wonder, did our "Guest" really install 'fuse' on their 97 desktop machines without bothering to test if that actually works?15:17
AFDseems so15:17
AFDas i said, its a bad idea to not test before pushing to production15:17
AFDhe doesn't seem to really know what he's doing since he didn't even seem to know what LTS means15:19
AFDhe seemed to think that it meant everything was guaranteed to work, whereas it actually just means that the dev team will try and work on fixes15:21
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richarhola gente16:04
tomreynrichar: welcome to this english speaking ubuntu support channel!16:05
tomreyn!es | richar16:06
ubotturichar: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:06
TuxHuball hail canonical16:16
patrick__How are you guys enjoying 24.04 so far?16:19
mimicatzetheroo1 Thank you for the link! I saw it in the logs!16:55
mimicatthats exactly my problem16:57
lotuspsychjewelcome applepear17:15
www2hi all i have a problem with upgrading from ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04 the upgrade tool see not the new version17:46
oerheksthat is correct, upgrade path is available with 24.04.1, somewhere in july17:47
oerheksas usual17:47
www2thanks oerheks is the a option to use 23.10 as a between step?17:51
oerheksa option? i know the -d option17:51
oerheksand no, we do not recommend to use the -d development option, but if you do, prepare an usb with a fresh 24.04 iso first17:51
www2oerheks i mean 22.04 -> 23.10 -> 24.04 as my upgrade route17:55
oerheksyou'll be stuck on 23.1017:55
JanCalso test that fresh 24.04 first, in case it doesn't work  :)17:55
www2that is not a big problem for me i have 3 ubuntu systems and the system that i wand to upgrade is use for gaming17:57
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luna_3HI my problem was solved (could not dl repository. I need (really want) to understand a couple of things. 1. It was solved bypowering down a "closed liid" HP laptop. How was this closed-lid laptop keeping my computer from handling the repository information? (Both computers wee/are on wifi.18:10
luna_3My second question is about understanding haw to follow this answer EVEN IF I no longer "need" to do it. ;; <Bashing-om> luna_3: Ping a mirror and see - from terminal ' ping -c3 ca.archive.ubuntu.com '.18:11
oerheks"How was this closed-lid laptop keeping my computer from handling the repository information?"  why would one close lid during such task?18:13
tsutsuI think they mean some _other_ computer was sitting around on but with its lid closed (presumably asleep, though perhaps not); not that the computer that was trying to update was closed18:14
oerheksboth should be able to update18:14
tsutsuI mean, I don't know what the original context was, but my guess is network configuration problems -- IP address collision, one computer relying on the other as its DNS resolver, etc18:18
oerheksnot naming what repository ... go wild18:19
tsutsuanyway: I have a testing machine running ubuntu server 22.04.4, and I want to upgrade it to 24.04. but `sudo do-release-upgrade` (with Prompt=lts) says "there is no development version of an LTS available."18:21
oerheksthat is correct, upgrade path is available with 24.04.1, somewhere in july18:21
oerheksas usual18:21
tsutsuah, I did see this in the docs ("Users of 22.04 LTS however will be offered the automatic upgrade when 24.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for the 15th of August.") but I interpreted it as specifically referring to _automatic_ upgrade rather than the ability to manually upgrade18:23
tsutsuguess I'll install 24.04 from scratch18:23
luna_3The original problem is that Update in the GUI said repository failed to load. Chech your internet connection.  tsutsu  ::thecomputerswerenotconnectedthatIknowofthoughbothwereonthesamerouter.-thetex-on-the-phoneknewnotheing.AssoonasIwantedhimtotellmewhyhewantedtogo.NPIwashealedI justwonderwhathappened.--IftherewereanIPaddresscollisionthensho18:23
luna_3I was am having some problem sorry about that.18:23
luna_3I couldnt edit18:24
luna_3The 2 computers were only connect at the router. If there were an IP address collisiion than that would be at the router. (I wonder what the closed computer was doing. Fir the future it might be set to go hibernate when the lid is shut.)18:25
oerheksluna_3, not naming what repository ... how would we know?18:26
oerheksare you running ubuntu?18:26
luna_3The GUI did not tell me. It was for the last/most recent update to 23.1018:27
luna_3oerheks, yes sir. I am morgan-u but the irc client sometimes goes to the global nick.18:27
luna_3Next time I will see if there is a details button, oerheks Yesterday the tech flashed my rom. Today I was  interested in what he said was connected. I asked about it, then went to checl on the laptop. Then shutdown.18:30
oerhekspastebin the output of sudo apt update?18:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:31
luna_3Well I am hook up now. I still am curious about what the laptop could have been doing with it's cover closed, that was enough to tank the download.  (I used to get 30 and now I get 50 Mbps so it's faster. Prev I used ethernet. NP.)18:33
luna_3oerheks, the problem is gone. I will look at that later on today. Thanks.  (IRL calling)18:34
oerhekshave fun!18:35
Bart__Advise me please how to insert my set up service between cloud-init by the installer of 24.04 and GUI launch during first boot and all other boots.18:37
Bart__Here is my Systemd service - https://pastebin.com/vRpHsHLE - with dependency on `display-manager.service` and `cloud-init*`.18:37
Bart__Here is at what a jobs all stacked forewer until I do `sudo plymouth --quit` over SSH - https://pastebin.com/G8w4vvjK18:37
Bart__What is a mistake in dependencies or elsewhere?18:37
Bart__How do achive it properly?18:37
ph88when do packages from -proposed or -devel land in regular repo usually? https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rust-alacritty i'm waiting for 0.13.2 for ubuntu/noble18:52
eaglehello :319:10
eagleanybowy here -_-19:10
LuckyManhey this is a bit offtopic but does anyone knows how to "enable" dark mode on hexchat?19:13
ph88https://github.com/HexChat/hexchat o_O archived19:15
oerheksLuckyMan, find a dark theme? https://hexchat.github.io/themes.html19:15
JanCph88: -proposed is for testing new packages before they are released19:19
ph88JanC, how long does it typically take for a package to move from -proposed to a release ?19:19
JanCusually there is also a bug report linked to it where they collect test experiences19:19
JanCit depends19:20
JanCe.g. on if people actually test it  :)19:20
JanCand on how urgent it is19:21
oerheksthere is no rule-of-thumb/timeline for proposed19:21
oerheksindeed, is the package a fix to a CVE ..19:21
JanCis there a problem with the older rust-alacritty package?19:21
LuckyManoerheks, I extracted the dark theme to config but it didn't change anything... :-(19:29
LuckyManit created a directory with the theme name, should it be outside the directory?19:30
ph88JanC, yes it doesn't run anymore on 24.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rust-alacritty/+bug/206126919:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2061269 in rust-alacritty (Ubuntu) "Alacritty panics on startup" [High, Fix Committed]19:37
JanCph88: did you try the version in -proposed?19:38
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ph88JanC, no19:45
SquareThere is no general update debacle atm for 22.04? I get the dreaded "Not all updates can be installed" running Software Updater19:46
MAGICyoup, wanted to resume to upgrade some vms today, but using do-release-upgrade -d wont work, yes everything is up2date and some vms upgraded fine yesterday so I am a bit confused now19:47
JanCMAGIC: there is no development release right now19:49
leftyfbMAGIC: The LTS upgrade path to 24.04 won't be available until 24.04.1 is released in August19:49
tomreynalso, do-release-upgrade -d generally means russian roulette, buti'm not sure Square was actually referring to a release upgrade19:50
MAGICbut -d should skip it no lef?19:50
JanC-d means development release19:50
leftyfbMAGIC: what release of ubuntu are you running?19:50
JanCthere is none right now19:50
leftyfbMAGIC: The LTS upgrade path to 24.04 won't be available until 24.04.1 is released in August19:50
MAGICso why i could do it yesterday JanC?19:51
oerheks "Not all updates can be installed" some can be held back, and an other cause could be snaps, snap refresh fixes things19:51
JanCyesterday before 24.04 was released, noble was the development release...19:51
leftyfbMAGIC: you didn't do an LTS upgrade to 24.04 from 22.04 yesterday using Ubuntu 22.0419:51
oerheksphased updates, it is called19:52
leftyfbif you did -d, then that was a development release and not really supported19:52
MAGIChm ok19:52
leftyfbyou upgraded to the latest release that was still under development19:52
derek_gorczynI noticed that in Ubuntu 24.04 you can't change the default NetworkManager Ethernet connection named "netplan-...." to manual/static IP. It immediately switches back to "auto". I can set to "manual" by creating a new connection. Is there a known issue for this?19:53
Squaretomreyn, just launching the "Software Updater" desktop app.19:57
SquareThis is the output i get from "sudo ap upgrade" https://dpaste.org/gqwJK19:59
leftyfbSquare: what is the current issue you are trying to resolve?20:00
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Squareleftyfb, getting rid of this message https://imgur.com/a/yCVXCsu20:01
jcduttonSquare, that output looks ok, why did you say "n" to carry it out?20:01
leftyfbinstall the updates20:02
SquareI thought it might be a "partial upgrade"20:02
oerheks"The following packages have been kept back: "  probably after next boot20:02
Square(which people seem to discourage)20:02
Squareok, ill try a reboot then20:03
sarnoldMAGIC: apparently do-release-upgrade -d is blocked from working due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/205476120:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2054761 in mutter (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with signal 5: Settings schema 'org.gnome.mutter.wayland' does not contain a key named 'xwayland-allow-byte-swapped-clients'" [Medium, Confirmed]20:03
leftyfbno, do the updates20:03
oerheksyou can force them manually, sudo apt install linux-signatures-nvidia-6.5.0-26-generic python3-update-manager tracker-extract tracker-miner-fs20:03
oerheks  update-manager update-manager-core20:03
jcduttonSquare, you can do a manual install of all the kept back packages if you wish. They are only kept back for some arbitrary reason. You can manually force them20:03
ravageAlso the first sentence on that message box tells you to do the partial upgrade 20:03
ravageWould not call that did encouraging 20:03
Squarewell I'm referring to most guides I found on this matter20:04
Square(they discourage partial upgrade)20:04
ravageThe people on the Internet 20:04
jcduttonSquare, which ubuntu version?20:05
ravageSure. That must be true20:05
leftyfbSquare: do the updates20:05
jcdutton22.04 should be fine.20:05
leftyfbSquare: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade20:05
jcduttonI am on 24.04 on one of my laptops, and it is somewhat unstable, so don't go there.20:06
ravageI think the GUI will work too but just do leftys command's 20:06
oerheksi agree, google does not give the best info20:06
Niklas_E_is it possible to install php7.4-fpm? I only find 8.120:06
ravageNo the official source only offer one Versions 20:06
ravageYou can find 3rd party ways to do that20:07
ravageThey work for me but are not supported here20:07
leftyfbNiklas_E_: php7 is end of life. Don't use it20:07
ravageI am aware how that is against what I just said but the Google term is sury php 20:08
ravageBut avoid if possible 20:08
Niklas_E_well dont think roundcube 1.5.0 can use 8.0 or above :(20:08
ravageDon't use it20:08
ravageAt least try something like squirrel mail 20:08
ravageAlmost sure that supports newer versions but did not check for a while 20:09
jcduttonNiklas_E_, there is a roundcube 1.6.6, maybe that is happy with 8.020:09
jcduttonsupports php 820:10
Niklas_E_Well I have to try20:10
sarnoldNiklas_E_: php 7.4 is in focal, you could install focal in lxd or something?20:10
Niklas_E_well I will try 1.6.620:11
ravageHe will be fine with a newer roundcube I think 20:11
sarnoldoh, nice, I thought it was just a case of ancient software requiring other ancient software20:11
leftyfbtechnically roundcube 1.5 is supported, but I think that should only be for existing installs on end of life php installs. Not new installs20:12
SquareI went for this: `sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade <list of packages kept back>`20:17
SquareSeems to have fixed the problem20:18
ravageSure why not try your own commands after asking for help :P20:18
Squaresudo apt ... *20:18
ravageGlad it worked 20:18
SquareI felt I had to understand what I was doing20:18
ubottuSince Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.20:19
ravageThe kept back packages are usually not a problem 20:19
ravageAnd they don't cause the message you posted 20:19
oerheksenable esm20:20
Squarethank you all for help and guidance20:20
ravageThat's a good plan anyway yes20:20
ravageNo real reason not to do that20:21
ravageWell actually there is one. Bugs in those updates have no place to be reported really  20:24
ravageDoes not work for pro package at all20:24
sarnoldwell now this I gotta try20:24
sarnold*** Problem in lynx20:25
sarnoldThe problem cannot be reported:20:25
sarnoldThis is not an official Ubuntu package. Please remove any third party package and try again.20:25
sarnoldravage: well dang, thanks. <3 :)20:25
ravage:) 20:25
leftyfbyou can't report the bug on launchpad?20:26
sarnoldlmao https://termbin.com/fbkv20:26
oerhekseaster egg ?20:26
jcduttonleftyfb, it appear one cannot report bugs for any universe packages20:26
leftyfbno, the package name which provides ubuntu-bug is apport20:27
ravageI can report a problem with vlc20:27
ravageJust not the pro patched one20:27
SquareYay. I now have Ubuntu Pro.20:28
ravageAnd it did not start 20:28
ravageSo I had a proble:) 20:28
sarnoldjcdutton: https://termbin.com/rzqm20:28
jcduttonleftyfb, for example, I could not report a bug with "libzmq5"  that is in universe20:28
sarnoldjcdutton: try dpkg -l libzmq5 --- that'll probably show an esm version string20:29
ravageubuntu-bug works fine on libzmq5 here now20:29
ravagechooses zeromq3 which seems ok20:30
sarnoldravage: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/206388420:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2063884 in apport (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug can't report bugs in Ubuntu Pro packages" [Undecided, New]20:34
ravagemarked as affected 🙂20:44
oerheksbug 120:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:48
NourdyThe 24.04 installer can't detect logical volumes, and Canonical seems to have wiped the legacy installer off the face of the planet. I want to create my own partitions and logical volumes, encrypt as I see fit, and install. Do I have any options for getting this done?20:51
luna_3LuckyMan, btw there is a #hexchat and I have gotten actual help there.20:56
ravageNourdy: not really ☹️ i setup my 24.04 with debootstrap20:56
tomreynravage: no luck with server installer either?20:59
ravagea little more20:59
ravageyou get to the lvm part21:00
ravagebut it refuses to import any custom created lvm21:00
tomreyni see. bunt if you create everything in there and start with blank disks it could work, i assume21:00
ravageblank disks was not an option21:01
ravagewell actually it was. but i wanted another system on it too21:01
ravagenot even that works21:01
ravagemulti boot with encrypted lvm is a not go21:02
ravage*no go21:02
NourdyThanks. They really screwed the pooch on this one. I'm just going to go with another distro.21:03
ravageyou are not the first one in the last 2 days21:03
ravageand i get it21:03
NourdyYeah, I've already seen people asking about this on StackOverflow and such. It's such a glaring flaw.21:04
sarnoldI followed the "root on zfs" instructions five or six years ago, it is some nice handholding around the debootstrap method, even if you don't go with zfs21:06
ravagewill bookmark that. made my system boot on 2nd try. so i was kind of impressed with myself 😄21:08
sarnoldI spent twenty minutes tracking down a swapped , for . in my crypttab. or maybe it was the other way around.21:08
sarnold4k 15" laptop display was *not* super friendly on my old eyes :)21:08
sarnoldor maybe it's 14"? dunno. them pixels is tiny.21:09
ravagecrypttab was my problem too21:09
sarnoldthe crowning achievement was that I made TWO mistakes in that file, so when I fixed the first and it still didn't work, it looked like it wasn't being used at all or something like that..21:09
ravageoh that will cost you a lot of time21:10
ravageyou try 10 other things before you realize that21:10
arraybolt34k 14" with no display scaling? Paradise /s21:16
arraybolt3Tons of screen real estate with none of the size problems21:16
NourdyI just finished an in-place upgrade of my 22 to 23, and now the settings app won't open. I think I'm done with Ubuntu, which is a shame, because I've been daily driving it for many years. I think 8 was my first Ubuntu desktop. I switched over from SuSE. Thanks for the help, all.21:17
sarnoldarraybolt3: that's what I thought until I had to find a , vs . problem in my crypttab! :)21:19
bray90820S0 after a botched ubuntu upgrade I can't seem to get working internet access it connects to the Local network but can't access the internet21:54
JanCso you can access other computers on the local network but not computers on the internet?21:55
bray90820That is correct21:56
bray90820No websites load21:56
sarnoldcan you ping
bray90820But when I ping facebook.com it says temporary falure in name resolution but I can ping Facebools IP address22:00
JanCsounds like a DNS problem then22:01
bray90820So where should I go from here?22:02
JanCnetwork configuration22:03
JanCdo you have everything set to automatic, or is all or some of it manual there?22:04
bray90820Usually it's all Manual but I have set it to automatic for testing22:05
JanCwhen you set it all manual, you also have to configure a working DNS server, of course22:06
oerheksgo into your router, and delete your lease22:07
bray90820I had that22:07
oerheksand explain  botched ubuntu upgrade?22:07
oerheksoh crossposting in #linux..22:09
bunjeetomreyn: newbie back again....just istalled a new graphics card and need to shrink the scree...way too big....22:16
bunjeetomreyn: screen22:17
bunjeeanyone give me an idea or some help/22:17
jcduttonbunjee, do you mean the words and letters on the screen are too big?22:19
bunjeejcdutton: very....22:20
jcduttonbunjee, and it would look better if more words and letters could fit on the screen ?22:20
jcduttonOk, it can two one of 2 things: 1) Try to adjust the display resolution.  2) A problem with the graphics driver.22:21
jcduttonbunjee, can you see the settings cog when you click in the top right ?22:21
bunjeejcdutton: yes...I can't get the display to revert to any type...x22:22
bunjeeI'll look.22:23
jcduttonThat should bring up the settings, then select "Screen Display" and see if you can change the "Resolution". You want a resolution with bigger numbers in it22:23
jcduttonIf it does not give you a choice of bigger numbers, the problem is (2)22:23
bunjeejcdutton, no choices.22:24
jcduttonOk, do you know what graphics card you have?22:24
jcduttonAlso, is it a external display, or a laptop screen ?22:25
bunjeejcdutton, wait one....22:25
bunjeejcdutton, Zotac connected to HDMI.... that's all I have right now.22:27
oerhekslspci would show the list22:27
bunjeejcdutton, it's a 32" TV Vizio.22:27
oerheksnot knowing what videocard you just installed, weird22:28
bunjeeoerheks, it's a GeForce 840022:31
jcduttonbunjee, when you looked at the screen resolution, what number did it display?22:32
bunjeejcdutton, 640x480 nothing else to select.22:33
oerheksthen you are stuck to nouveau, that old card is no youtube racemonster22:33
oerheksthe old 304 driver is EOL, afaik22:34
jcduttonoerheks, But nouveau driver will at least give bunjee a better resolution whon't it?22:34
jcduttonbunjee, Which version of Ubuntu are you using?22:37
jcduttonbunjee, You might need to google a bit on how to install nouveau drivers.  I don't have knowledge of whether nouveau is compatible with the 8400 or not.22:39
bunjeejcdutton, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS22:39
bunjeeRelease: 24.0422:39
oerhekslspci -nnk | egrep -i --color 'vga|3d|2d' -A3 | grep 'in use'22:43
jcduttonbunjee, This is what I think the problem is: You might have "nvidia" drivers installed, and they probably don't support the 8400 because that is a 2007 era GPU. The "nouveau" drivers will problem work.22:43
oerheksit will drop to nouveau22:43
jcduttons/problem/probably work22:43
oerheksstill not a promising videocard22:44
jcduttonbunjee, are you ok to do that command that oerheks mentioned? You need to do it in a terminal at the command line22:45
jcduttonIt is going to tell use whether it is currently already using nouveau or nvidia22:45
bunjeejcdutton,sorry, I had some stuff to do..I will try now, ok23:19
bunjeeoerheks, Kernel driver in use: ehci-pci23:20
jcduttonbunjee, try this command instead:  lspci -nnk | egrep -i --color 'vga' -A3 | grep 'in use'23:24
jcduttonbunjee, ehci-pci is a USB driver, so it found the wrong one.23:27
bunjeejcdutton, ok...I tried that and just returned to the root23:28
jcduttonbunjee, try "lspci" and post the output to pastebin23:29
jcduttonI have to go now.23:33

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