
holmanmeena: if we got to that point, in the logs there should be a warning log00:23
holmanUnexpected input in find_freebsd_part: <something>00:24
meenaholman: right now I'm throwing an ValueError08:24
meenathat seems most sensible, as it's a programming error more than anything else 08:26
holmanIf that's the case then we can probably drop the call into the parent class right? 10:28
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 5033 in canonical/cloud-init "OpenBSD: Cloud-init not applying changes after the initial first boot" [Open]10:28
holmanmeena: trying to recall, did we fix this one? 10:29
holmanI thought we had but i don't recall the fix10:29
meenaholman:  I thought the fix was ephemeral (var)/run?11:50

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