=== noor is now known as noor_ === diogeness_ is now known as diogeness === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [09:43] Torrent for Kubuntu 24.04 LTS is not available in https://kubuntu.org/alternative-downloads/ === tertitten74 is now known as tertitten [12:57] Hi all [13:35] I'm having trouble with krfb on wayland, it crashes with "kpipewire_dmabuf_logginf: Failed to record frame" [13:36] Is this something that would ever be fixed, or not because it's on wayland? [13:37] Unrelated but I tried adding "export MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1" to my .xprofile but it doesn't seem to take effect [13:37] Using firefox from the mozilla ppa === bryan is now known as MegaMasterX [14:55] Hello! With 24.04, Kubuntu now preinstalls Fcitx, which does not work well with Plasma widget popups. With a million of settings, it's an overkill for my European languages, so I'd like to disable it in favor of Plasma's own input system. How should I do it? [15:17] I found one way: using `im-config` on the terminal and choosing "do not activate any IM from im-config and use desktop default". But that's really unintuitive, I imagine many users will struggle with this… [15:29] hey [15:30] kubuntu 24.04 is not booting anymore after fresh install, boot repair was useless [15:31] can someone help [15:32] i only get blackscreen [15:36] i think its a bug [16:08] hi folks, just another (bug?) from kubuntu 24.04. -> using an amd rx 7800 xt grafix and have to not use "quit splash" in my boot options - otherwise the screen stays black after booting! [16:10] another question: i didn't have to install any driver to get full operation with this card (even if i uninstall the pre-installed xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu driver) so i guess the driver is fully integrated into the kernel? how do get the exact version of this driver? [16:19] the bug i mentioned is known as "bug 2063877" in the net [16:19] -ubottu:#kubuntu- Bug 2063877 in Ubuntu "Only black screen on boot with AMD Barcelo GPU without nomodeset" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2063877 [16:24] p01nt3r: amdgpu is the official and open source driver for current amd gpus [16:25] there is no driver installed with this name in my system [16:25] amd offers that driver, i know, but only for ubuntu 22.04. yet [16:25] so things usually work out of the box with amd graphics. when that's not the case, it's usually dues to one or more of: outdated bios (AGESA), outdated loadable firmware (linux-firmware), outdated kernel / mesa / amdgpu [16:26] sudo modinfo amdgpu [16:26] lsmod | grep amd [16:26] those should both list the driver [16:27] yes, kernel module amdgpu is in use, i know, but where does it come from? xD [16:27] it's shipped with ubuntu and the ubuntu kernel [16:28] "sudo modinfo amdgpu" gives a lot of output. can i shrink it somehow for my use-case? [16:28] sudo lspci -knnvd ::0300 probably also lists it with auxialiary info, incl. that amdgpu is loaded and being used to drive this hardware. [16:28] you can filter output by piping a command's output into grep, or head, or tail [16:28] so it's integrated into the kernel? [16:29] but for what am i searching at? [16:29] it is a loadable kernel module which is distributed with the kernel, which is possible because it is fully open source. [16:29] i don't know what you are searching for [16:30] aah ok, that's enough info for me also. i wondered just why the driver ran smoothly without doing anything for it ^^ [16:30] how do i get the driver version from that output you posted? [16:33] cat /proc/version gets you the kernel version, which is the relevant part, along with the mesa version, but that's also tied to your (k)ubuntu version. [16:34] and another one: tried to stop the (wayland) display-server by: "sudo service sddm stop" but the server ran regardless of that command. how do i now stop the Display-Server correctly - by logging out and unloading the amdgpu-kernelmodule with "sudo rmmod amdgpu"? [16:34] journalctl -b | grep 'Initialized amdgpu' prints the original 2d driver version, but that's not really relevant, because it has been patched a lot since. [16:35] for replacing gpu drivers, you should usually reboot [16:35] in case amd offers a new driver for 24.04? [16:35] no, but because you'll have a hard time unloading it [16:36] so the kernel manages the drivers by itself? [16:36] gpu drivers are loaded early on nowadays and thus remain active pretty much all the time, too, and are hard to unload. [16:37] suitable drivers are automatically laoded by the kernel 0on boot, yes [16:37] i prefer not to explain all of linux right now. do you have a concrete support question? [16:37] is something not working you'd try to work on? [16:38] the output of your last command is: "... kernel: [drm] Initialized amdgpu 3.57.0 20150101 for ..." so the driver version itself is 3.57.0? [16:38] please re-read what i wrote about the output generated by this command [16:39] informations about this are very hard to find. and it's a very complex thema. but thx so far. [16:41] yes, it takes a while to get to understand it all comes together. i'm definitely not understanding much of linux myself. operating systems are complex beasts. but there IS a lot of documentation, you just need to find the various places. [16:43] where do i get informations about the used amd kernel driver? [16:43] in the internet i mean [16:44] well, it's called "amdgpu" and is a linux kernel module. those are terms you could search for, and you'll probably find some form of documentation on it. [16:45] arch linux usually has pretty good user documentation on their wiki. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AMDGPU [16:45] not all of this will apply to (k)ubuntu, but much of it will. [16:45] wikipedia has some info here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMDgpu_(Linux_kernel_module) [16:47] thx a lot. [16:48] kernel documentation for the latest upstream kernel version is available at https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/gpu/amdgpu/ [16:49] other linux versions's documentation can be found here https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/ [17:24] thank you! [20:44] Testing testing! I join Kubuntu irc channel, 15-20 year old Toughbook and Kubuintu 8.04 LTS. [20:45] hmmm [20:45] soon you will be mining bitcoins [20:45] perusjuntti: I don't think this network was even up back then :P, nice try [20:49] This is default network channel Kubuntu 8.04 Konversation app. [20:50] hmmm [20:51] perusjuntti: sure I could do the same in a VM, hmmm there's no need, I mean, hell a long time ago I used to run Mandrake and SuSE9.2 [20:54] no it was not. [20:55] this is not freenode [20:55] hello, I am pretty new to Linux and I got Kubuntu installed but I did the base installer and I have no browser. Is anyone able to help me get a browser going? I am on version 24.04 and I would like to use Librewolf if it is still considered good these days. [20:56] Guest63: hmmm I use Opera, chromium-based browser, many prefer Firefox, you can also download Vivaldi, another chromium-based browser, or of course Chrome, all good, pick your poison [20:57] Next week I make me first ms-dos pc build. Of course I try IRC some Windows 3.1 app. Or if I install Minix my secondery disk, IRCing like Linus Torvalds. [20:57] minimal comes without a browser, open terminal: sudo snap install firefox [20:57] hmmm [20:58] Guest63: why did you install the minimal version anyhow? did you download the wrong .iso? [20:58] it is an option in the kubuntu installer? [20:58] oerheks: I don't think is an option in the installer nope, at least I've never seen it [20:59] I was having installing the ISO and idk if it was becuase I wasnt connected to the interest during instalation or what so I got annoyed and just kept it simple as it kept failing. [20:59] Hmmm I saw 3 options in the installer I had [20:59] minimal, normal, and 3rd party [20:59] yes it does " And, the final one is “Minimal Installation”, which only installs the desktop environment, with no pre-installed apps or tools being included." [20:59] https://news.itsfoss.com/kubuntu-24-04/ [21:00] Guest63: well, one is "run kubuntu", namely a LiveUSB session, the other is "install kubuntu" [21:00] will the snap command install the latest firefox? [21:00] yes [21:00] Guest63: then maybe retry using "normal", in the minimal version, which seems is not what you're after, installing the browser is just one of the 50 things you'd need to install [21:02] hmm sudo snap install firefox did not work [21:02] Guest63: my guess is that "minimal" is not what you want [21:03] what are the other things you think would be needed that are missing? I actually do prefer minimal, I only need the internet this once due to activeative a code for jetbrains [21:03] did not work ..? what error >? [21:03] sure kubuntu comes with snapd .. [21:04] Guest63: hmmm just for that, you can run a LiveUSB version and you don't need to install anything, the LiveUSB can connect and runs a browser and the whole lot [21:04] "Sudo: snap: command not found" [21:06] is there a way to check if I have snapd installed? [21:07] I see I have snap and flatpak under settings for Discover [21:17] Guest63: I think those are just choices for packaging, doesn't mean you may have snapd though [21:18] Guest63: but as I said, if you just need to go online and get something, you can do all that from the LiveUSB session [21:18] ya I think I have to allow flathub [21:18] Guest63: hmmm you could also do it from your smartphone, no? I mean, assuming you have one around [21:20] I got flathub working and I see librewolf version 125.02-1 [21:20] Is there anyway to validate this package, if that makes sense? [21:21] trust the publisher? [21:22] ubuntu supports snap natively, so i wonder why snapd does nto work. [21:22] Last I heard they were more privacy respecting than firefox [21:24] hmmm [21:25] Guest63: privacy respecting, hmm in which way? I mean, there is lots of PR on products, you have to watch out if they're just selling "snake oil" [21:27] that said, cookies and other data gathering is not a bad practice it itself, can be used to forecast predilections on the user and accomodate that way, or they can be misused to profile them and target them for spam and junk [21:28] Guest63: you mean validate besides the validation that flathub has done? [21:28] or validate integrity? [21:30] I think its the policies within firfox and a good bit of them are disabled off the bat. Ya I was talking about validating the integrity like doing a SHA256 checksum but I guess that isnt a thing here. [21:33] Guest63: you know you're overdoing all this, heheh, just to get a code for Jetbrains [21:35] As far as I know there's no validation of that sort. [21:38] I swear I am going to lose my mind. I spent hours trying to get everything set up and I might just have to reinstall from scratch for internet. I downloaded librewolf but couldnt find it anywhere on the computer. [21:40] What distro are you using? have you rebooted after installing flatpak? [21:42] tertitten74: he's on 24.04 "minimal" install [21:42] no I did not restart after installing flatuhub. ^^^^ [21:42] restarting the computer now that has the Linux distro [21:42] Guest63: dude, just run off the LiveUSB and get the jetbrains code, be happy, eat icecream :P [21:58] yay it is working! [21:58] ty everyone for helping. === alucardromero7 is now known as alucardromero === tertitten74 is now known as tertitten