
patrick__how is everybody enjoying the 24.04?01:08
lotuspsychjegood morning03:09
semitonesgood morning lotuspsychje 04:28
lotuspsychjehey semitones 04:28
semitonesi've heard that 24.04 might be 404 not found for upgrading users until a bug gets fixed ;) 04:29
semitonesI am enjoying it on lubuntu though -- I've been booting from the daily iso for a bit, and didn't realize the release date had come and gone04:30
lotuspsychjesemitones: upgrading at this stage can be flaky04:56
Bashing-omsemitones: See: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-24-04-release-status-tracking/44043 for known issues upgrading.05:02

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