
Bashing-omThunderstorms in the area -I will cut and run with no further notice -when required :(00:20
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Alan Pope: Do you know Simone? @ https://popey.com/blog/2024/04/do-you-know-simone/02:32
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Salih Emin: Ucaresystem 24.04.0 released @ https://utappiablog.wordpress.com/2024/04/26/ucaresystem-24-04-0-released/02:32
guivercBashing-om, is there a reason for Ubuntu-MATE's link being way from the flavors??  or typo/distraction from earlier storms etc approaching02:43
* guiverc is going to skip non-english/non-ocker (aussie slang) summaries02:45
Bashing-omguiverc: Not sure now what I did IRT MATE - will have a re-look soon as you are caught up.02:49
* guiverc going to paste two summaries (struggling, may walk pup who is nagging ... and try to write more later)03:00
* guiverc out (MATE moved up with other flavors.. and a "###" removed from end of 24.04 LTS released (not sure if you had it there as a reminder for something or typo, but it's gone now)03:03
Bashing-omguiverc: All good :) I suspect the 24.04's ### was a hold out from before to a better placement now.03:05
* guiverc posting hub summaries... my concentration is poor (am tired) so they could be very rough sorry05:34
Bashing-omguiverc: I smooth when freah tomorrow :D05:36
guiverc:)  'smooth' maybe a understatement... large bulldozer maybe required..05:38
* guiverc out05:38
* guiverc returned the '###' as i finally realized it was a space that was missing... included space too05:38
guivercI don't see Ubuntu referenced in the car.driver.assistance one Bashing-om , feels more like 'other news' to me...  (do see a ">" in page so minor mixup needs correction probably)05:47
guivercok.. I now see "together with Canonical..."05:48
Bashing-omguiverc: ^ "together with Canonical..." reason that it did catch my attention. :D05:51
* guiverc posting press articles05:51
guiverci including the Canonical bit rather early in summary... summary is vague (high level) ubt okay i think05:52
guivercsorry.. I now see a comment you left for me telling me why.05:54
guivercI usually view the page as readers see it.. only when pasting (or in review tomorrow) do I regularly read further (alas I usually don't peek down beyond where I'm up to as I summarize..)05:56
* guiverc out anyway05:56
Bashing-omOpening - 1 to add to the release list.06:11
Bashing-omguiverc: "Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS Release Notes" // I feel better placed in the 'release notes' category.06:17
guivercokay.. 06:19
Bashing-ommoving ^06:19
* guiverc adding summary for Joey's 20 changes..06:24
* guiverc out06:25
Bashing-omguiverc: I am out too - will pick this back up in a few hours.06:38
Bashing-omlaters ~\o06:44
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 837 for the Saturday thingies - will be a spell (thunder heard - may have to cut and run).20:07
Bashing-omUWN: Saturday wrap completed - Added https://discourse.ubuntu.com/upcoming-events to Meeting Reports section link.22:51

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