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eelstreboris dd a good alternate for clonezilla? i need to copy an existing drive to a new drive and it needs to be an exact copy and bootable.00:53
oerheksdd with progress && sync, sure00:54
sarnolddd clonezilla probably builds in some nice things about resizing filesystems or similar00:54
sarnolderr, delete the "dd " from the start of my sentence :)00:54
devslashIs there a site or place I can check to know when I can upgrade to 24.04 from 23.10?01:07
oerheks upgrade path is available with 24.04.1, somewhere in july01:08
sarnolddevslash: easiest is to run the do-release-upgrade command periodically .. I think it will require do-release-upgrade -d    before 24.04.1 is released. I understand it's currently blocked due to some bugs. I *think* this is controlled by a file on a webserver somewhere, but it might be easier to just run the command01:08
oerhekswe officially do not recommend to use the -d development option, but if you do, prepare an usb with a fresh 24.04 iso first01:09
sarnoldI think this is the file https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts01:10
devslashWell that's not exactly what I meant01:11
devslashIn the past I have had issues running do-rrlease-upgrade soon after a new version is released. It's happened a few times where I had to run some commands to repair the boot loader because it fails to boot after an upgrade01:13
oerheksas usual,  upgrade path is available with 24.04.1, somewhere in july01:13
oerhekstons of sites/blogs reviews that give the do-release-upgrade -d trick01:14
oerheksbut i would wait01:14
devslashOh I'm not rushing at all to upgrade. I'm on 23.10 and it doesn't sound like there are any features in 24.04 that I have to have right now01:17
sarnoldjust be sure to jump before 23.10 hits EOL01:17
oerhekssure you do !01:18
oerheksGames are no longer installed by default01:19
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itui have 2 gnome-terminal windows with several tabs running01:33
itusuddenly form first windows scrollbars just disappeared01:34
ituhow to fix (without closing)?01:34
sarnolditu: the reptyr package might be able to help you move those programs to another terminal. it might also just kill them as part of trying to do what it does, I haven't tried it in ages.01:40
ituthere are not so much running programs01:50
itueverytime i click  []scrollbar visible    both terminal windows shrink in width  ... very funny :-/02:02
stuvhey, someone still up ? i'm searching for the ytdl.py script, i only find pip install ytdl and that doesn't want to work because of: error: externally-managed-environment02:05
ituif i ever manage changing the scrollbar-width ... i theoretically should have solved the problem implicit02:05
itustuv afaik the new yt-dl ist called yt-dlp02:06
sarnoldsudo apt install yt-dlp02:07
SuperLagor by pip02:11
SuperLagI live by yt-dlp :D02:11
SuperLagNever can tell when The Powers That Beâ„¢ are going to pull a video, so I pull down all the stuff I like on a daily basis.02:12
Aventrasounds like that'd take a lot of storage lol02:14
sarnolda most excellent idea. I've lost too many videos that I liked just because I didn't do the same :(02:14
SuperLagAventra: I have tens of TB at my disposal. And I just did a "du" on my videos directory. It's taking up about 4.8TB02:16
SuperLagAventra: storage is cheap cheap cheap02:17
SuperLagAventra: a Syno 1821+ w/8x8TB, and a Syno 923+ with 4x8TB.02:17
AventraSuperLag: wow!02:19
SuperLagAventra: one is shared storage for non-VM stuffs, and backups for local machines. One is shared storage just for VMs.02:20
itu(suddenly i managed to get back the scrollbar .. eventually with opening a third window )02:41
sarnoldha :) I didn't expect that02:43
SuperLagsarnold: question for you, sir.03:00
SuperLagis it expected that resolutions you set in an RDP session should be honored?03:01
sarnoldSuperLag: heh, sorry, i've never seen rdp before :(03:01
SuperLagI turned on desktop sharing, and RPD'd in, and then tried to set both 4K res, and fractional scaling… and *SIGH*03:01
sarnoldman, just what kind of network traffic would that take?03:02
SuperLagI'm not sure. Windows to Windows seems to do just fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯03:03
sarnoldare they sending Windows protocol messages instead of pixels/ it feels like they'd have to be..03:04
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geekyis telegraf now a snap on 24.04?03:38
LuckyMangeeky, type snap info telegraf03:41
geekythanks, was trying to follow the lma stack doc on ubuntu.com and the apt install telegraf step failed03:46
Ali_nzTrying to install ctypes04:02
Ali_nz(andrej) PS C:\Users\AlGrant\andrej_branch\test_fft> pip install ctypes04:02
Ali_nzERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ctypes (from versions: none)04:02
Ali_nzERROR: No matching distribution found for ctypes04:02
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illuminatedso I installed ubuntu cloud, I think it was, a few weeks ago.  I never installed it before, so I think that's what it was called.  I installed it just because I don't want to do anything with it other than run a few docker images.  Anyway, I noticed on it there is a docker.io package in the repo, but that does not seem to be installed per a apt list --installed | grep docker.io, yet the docker runtime is already there04:30
illuminatedalong with a docker network interface.  Does it just come pre-loaded with docker runtime without the docker.io package installed or am I missing something?04:30
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roadkillI'm experiencing the black screen on reboot issue with my desktop after updating a nightly 24.04, wiping disk and installing 24.04 as well. First boot after installation, everything is fine. Reboot and system hangs on a black screen after some initial messages. Using Radeon 6800XT with Ryzen 5 5600X CPU. I've seen several mentions of similar issues, tried the nomodeset workaround to no success. Has there05:19
roadkillbeen any other methods to fix this issue discovered yet?05:19
dlsndhelp, I no longer have gui anymore05:20
roadkillUsing Mainline to update the latest kernel also did not resolve my issue. Nor has booting to safe mode first then restarting. The problem always comes back.05:20
dlsndhow can I fix gui again?05:21
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roadkillWell. I can confirm it's an AMDGPU issue. Swapped out my Radeon 6800XT for a GeForce 1070 I had in storage and everything works fine on reboot. No blackscreen. Seems to jibe with the reports in the bugtracker about people having blackscreen issues: Most (all?) use AMD based GPUs.05:45
roadkillWiped, reinstalled, tried to duplicate the issue on multiple reboots. Cannot duplicate with the 1070. Swapped out the GPUs. Got the black screen on second reboot with the 6800XT.05:45
roadkillCannot get desktop back with the AMD card installed. Got it back when I swapped the 1070 back in.05:46
roadkillLast thing I did before I experienced this issue was apt update, about 3 days before the 24.04 release using a nightly iso.05:46
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int33hMorning in ubuntu 24.04 and also caracal cloud repo cephadm complains about cephadmlib, have anyone tried ceph in 24.0406:51
dlsndwhy does gdm3 service not doing anything and exiting?06:56
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dananjayahow to install sinhala07:45
lotuspsychjeroadkill: try a previous kernel version as a test?08:02
MadLambI am having some issues with a thunderbolt 4 dock, and I got a brand new cable. The dock is showing as disconnected on boltctl list.08:38
ph88where can i download the binary of this directly? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rust-alacritty/0.13.2-1ubuntu109:03
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ravageThe binary package built from it is linked on that page09:08
Niklas_E_is there any good webmail clients for nginx or apache?10:12
ravageI don't think the webserver that shows you the html content matters10:15
Guest5Hi, is there no upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04 yet?10:33
Guest5I can get to 23.10 by changing LTS to normal in "release-upgrades" but cannot see 24.04?10:34
lotuspsychjeGuest5: upgrade path might take a while to open usualy10:37
lotuspsychjeGuest5: and its also not really reccomended to upgrade right now10:37
Guest5OK, I'm only doing this because the new installer doesn't have the ability to select LVs in manual partitioning, so had to install using 22.04. But this new Asus g16 doesn't seem to work with nvidia drivers on this earlier LTS.10:39
Guest5Guess I'll try to upgrade to 23.10 and see if everything works there10:39
lotuspsychjeGuest5: LTS upgrade from 22.04 will be available in august when 24.04.1 releases10:40
Guest5I don't understand why if there is a major decision to be made to switch to another installer, that all functionality of the old one isn't implemented before releasing it...10:42
lotuspsychjeGuest5: the new installer is new, hence needs more improvement10:44
Guest5Then don't switch to it10:44
lotuspsychjethe devs surely have their reasons to switch to a new one10:44
Guest5They haven't considered it blocks many people from installing the distro altogether, shocking decision.10:45
Guest5Make sure it works and replicated historic functionality before making such a major switch10:45
lotuspsychjeclean install should work Guest510:46
Guest5Many people have reported this and they are calling it "feature requests"...10:46
lotuspsychjeand if the user needs the LTS route, await 24.04.1 for a stable experience10:46
Guest5lotuspsychje it doesn't work, they haven't implemented the ability to select logical volumes from manual partitioning10:47
lotuspsychjedid you try clean install Guest5 ?10:48
Guest5When was subiquity introduced?10:48
Guest5lotuspsychje what do you mean clean install, that's exactly what I'm referring to here. The change of installer doesn't have the ability to manual partition as previous one did10:48
Guest5So you cannot properly implement FDE where boot is also encrpyted etc10:49
lotuspsychjethere are a few bugs still indeed, read the releasenotes10:49
ubottuUbuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) is the 40th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release - Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/nn10:49
Guest5Its not s bug, they just didn't implement this, but its been possible for years and years in the old installer.10:49
Guest5Stupid decision, end of!10:50
lotuspsychjenothing the volunteers can do about here Guest510:50
lotuspsychjewe try to help where we can, with the release there is10:50
Guest5In didn't come to complain about it but that's what happened, I came to see if it was possible to upgrade having used the old installer on 22.04.10:51
Guest5This new hardware doesnt seem to like 22.04, so I must upgrade some way. Trying 23.10 now.10:51
lotuspsychjei upgraded from 23.10 to 24.04 at early stage, to help debug the devel cycle10:52
lotuspsychjebut that was with -d in my case10:52
Guest5Maybe that'll show up once I'm on 23.10. But if 23.10 works I'll.happily stay there.10:53
Guest522.04 live CD graphics don't work on this new laptop, but the 24.04 worked fine.10:53
Guest5Hopefully 23.10 is enough10:53
lotuspsychjeGuest5: what you could try on 22.04 is the !HWE kernel see if your graphics work there10:54
Guest5OK thanks will try that10:55
lotuspsychje!hwe | Guest510:55
ubottuGuest5: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack10:55
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lotuspsychjeGuest5: install 22.04 physicaly, then if you cant get in, enter via grub/recoverymode and install the HWE kernel10:55
Guest5Yea I was there, I tried all the nvidia drivers even the new graphics-drivers PPA, didn't know about the kernel option so will try that if 23.10 doesn't work (assume it will though)10:56
lotuspsychjeallrighty good luck10:57
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cosmicrajivHi all. I am thinking off coming back to ubuntu with 24.04. Is snap ok nowadays?11:56
cosmicrajivI mean are apps from snaps perform good?11:57
GSMarquisUbuntu started compressing linux-firmware files in 23.10?12:06
jeremy31GSMarquis: I think that is correct12:19
BluesKajHi all12:57
mortWhat's the Ubuntu package for GNU Lightning?14:11
leftyfbmort: it doesn't look to me like it is available anywhere but the gnu ftp server14:15
JanCwell, supposedly GNU Smalltalk, GNU Guile & CLISP (can? optionally?) use GNU Lightning, but from what I understand Guile uses an embedded fork of it, and maybe that's also true for the others?14:48
lotuspsychjewelcome DarkWitcher15:07
DarkWitcherI was messaging yesterday about a problem with PipeWire on Ubuntu 24.04 on an XPS 9560. Basically, whenever I restart the laptop, I get dummy output. However, I found out that if I restart it with a USB audio card in it, the internal sound card gets registered and is on after the restart.15:07
DarkWitcherAt this point I am absolutely not sure how to fix it. Any help would be much appreciated!15:08
kzarSorry if this is a common question, multiple guides online say to try `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` to upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04, but that reports "There is no development version of an LTS available." for me. I know the upgrade process still has some rough edges, but is there a way to give it a try anyway?15:22
kzarogra_: Right, I've read some of those posts. But it seems at least some folks were able to upgrade. So is the above command wrong, or has the upgrade been disabled?15:30
ogra_nope, but you are coming from an LTS and there is indeed no development LTS around currently (since 24.04 became stable) so the message is not wrong 🙂15:32
respawnthere will not be uprades yet15:32
ogra_here is the official buglist FWIW https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-24-04-release-status-tracking/44043#current-blockers-for-enabling-upgrades-from-jammy-715:33
ioriakzar, grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades   what it says ?15:36
WeeBeyHi peeps. Just got 24.04 and I'm unable to install nvidia drivers through the proprietary drivers panel in 'software updates'. 550 gives an empty error box with just an "x"; 545 fails complaining about nvidia-dkms-545..15:42
WeeBeyIs there one that you have noticed works?15:42
WeeBeyI have tried starting from scratch a few times. i have purged all nvidia and cuda.15:46
WeeBeyAt this point, I just want basic driver functionality.  :-(15:46
kzarioria: It says "lts". If I change it to "normal" and run the `sudo do-release-upgrade` I'm offered to upgrade to 23.10, but not 24.04.15:48
respawnupgrade is not availible yet15:48
ioriawell, i did it some times ago15:49
WeeBeyNvidia driver porblem: I see some suggestion about using 535 instead. Ugh. Another reboot and another attempt.15:49
WeeBeyWhy do I always adopt so early? I get excited and then 50% of my stuff stops working. Haha15:49
kzarioria: Right, that's why I'm here asking questions. Some folks have upgraded, or at least tried to. So I'm wondering if the command I was using was wrong, or if the upgrade was just disabled since then somehow15:49
WeeBeyvbox + vmware don't work either.15:50
WeeBeykzar, what is the command you used?15:50
kzarWeeBey: Well, I tried a few including `sudo do-release-upgrade -d`15:50
WeeBeykzar, i just did that yesterday morning and it worked.15:50
WeeBeyi was on 23.10, however.15:50
kzarWeeBey: OK thanks that's good to know.15:51
ioriakzar, some ppas installed ?15:51
WeeBeykzar, btw15:51
WeeBeymy upgrade crashed15:51
WeeBeyleft the entire system broke and unconfigure15:51
WeeBeythankfully an apt update from tty suggested just running the confguration of all packages and everything got back to normal.15:52
WeeBeyok. restart time15:53
kzarOK, well thanks everyone I'm going to assume the upgrade is being hidden now. E.g. because this says "Supported: 0" or something like that https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development . Thanks for the help, good luck fixing your system WeeBey15:53
mandem0110What *exact* kernel is 24.04 using?15:56
WeeBeyWell then.. Today I learned that newer drivers don't work for the graphics chip on this laptop. I have to use 535 and not 545 or 550.16:00
mybalzitchhttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/introducing-kernel-6-8-for-the-24-04-noble-numbat-release/41958 some flavour of 6.916:00
WeeBeyalso, i noticed at login the settings for choosing wayland or xorg is gone. At least it's defaulting to xorg.16:01
mybalzitchso the kernels shipped in the release images will have the stable updates up to 6.8.1, plus a few cherry picked patches from stable.16:01
WeeBeyanother FYI: virtualbox doesn't work on 24.04  ( sigh...)16:02
WeeBeyneither does vmware workstation pro 17.16:02
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careybalboahello world!16:05
tomreynhello carey16:08
tomreynWeeBey: try qemu-kvm16:08
careybalboahola tom!16:09
WeeBeytomreyn, :-|16:09
rfmWeeBey, the session selector is still there for me.  I do have to select the user first, then the gear is there on the password screen16:09
careybalboaso i was soooo excited for the new 24.04 release I marked my calender and looked around Nashville (where I live) for any nerdy celebrations and nada ha ha.16:10
int33hhave anyone tried ceph in 24.04 ?16:10
tomreynWeeBey: i'm guessing that wayland isn't setup if the installer detects somewhat current nvidia hardware. bt that's just a wild guess.16:10
WeeBeyrmf yea.. it's gone It's odd.16:10
WeeBeytomreyn, I wasn't there with nouveau either.16:10
WeeBeyNot sure why. Not a problem though since I don't use wayland16:11
careybalboaand then update-manager did not offer me the release and i found out im suppossed to wait until august 15th, is that correct?16:11
WeeBeyok. At least nvidia driver is installed. I think... lol16:11
JanCLTS-to-LTS upgrades only happen after the .1 release16:13
JanCif you are on 23.10 it should happen earlier (but not for everyone at the same time)16:14
careybalboayeah I got a little too nerd excited.16:14
careybalboathats ok, aug 17th is my birthday so ill wait16:15
rboxits just some updated packages16:15
JanCalso, if you want "nerdy celebrations", someone has to organise them--it could be you!  :)16:15
rboxits not a cure for cancer16:15
WeeBeycareybalboa, just format and reinstall. :-)16:15
WeeBeyrbox, lol16:16
careybalboawell now we are closer to proving that we are in the Matrix https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a60553384/covid-simulation/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR28RYHY9zlbqCaGrpWjr5OKsMJLnJWgkwRsIeH_J9hY2Iv5FZP-yKUvZwQ_aem_ARiUGr2Dwj13w1FtNRh7nVCDcejQ3IC9OucYxjYUpvjfVl11lCRDyTcErdIYL_UKYS8mU9GqdTtZgTIj7xf4MX8z16:16
WeeBeywell, for the time being, I can't use my virtual machines. Which really sucks and now I regret updating. They work if i boot to kernel 6.5 but I don't know if this will break nvidia again.16:16
tomreyncareybalboa: please don't post links unrelated to ubuntu support here16:17
careybalboaoh sorry16:17
tomreynno worries, we just do support here, but there are other channels16:18
careybalboaoh yeah, in a recent support case I noticed the file uploader to the right on the support webpage does not function, the rep did not get my uploads even tho i got a confirmation...16:19
cosmicrajivHow is firefox performance in ubuntu 24.04?16:26
oerheksDepends on the website, good.16:27
CosmicDJcosmicrajiv: define performance16:27
cosmicrajivCosmicD3: I mean the default firefox from snap16:27
cosmicrajivbecause i am thinking of coming back to ubuntu. previously with ubuntu 22.04 it was not good like its starting time and such things16:29
CosmicDJcosmicrajiv: i dont have numbers but it felt slow for me, so i replaced the snap with https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-firefox-linux#w_install-firefox-deb-package-for-debian-based-distributions16:30
cosmicrajivCosmic: ok16:31
cosmicrajivSo, is thunderbird also behaves like that?16:31
oerheksonly you can answer that, on your hardware?16:32
cosmicrajivoerheks. yeah. you are right only i can answer that but don't you give me an approximation for that.16:33
int33hcephadm seems to be a bit broken in 24.04 (it was in caracal cloud repo also) anyone got a fix for that ?16:33
oerheksint33h, if you are hit by this, add yourself to get it confrmed?16:36
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2063456 in ceph (Ubuntu) "package cephadm: dependency 'cephadmlib' missing" [Undecided, New]16:36
oerhekscephadmlib missing16:36
cosmicrajivCosmicD3; How do i uninstall firefox snap completely (with all its dependency)?16:38
int33h@oerheks yepp thats the one, doing a rebuild from source now16:38
oerhekssnap remove <x>16:38
cosmicrajivoerheks; thanks16:40
loswedseded24.04 has already been released, correct?16:57
oerheksiso's yes, upgrade path: no16:58
tomreynyes, as accessing https://ubuntu.com would tell16:58
ongolaboyloswedseded: yes. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2024-April/000301.html16:59
ongolaboyit's been a while I have not installed ubuntu .. How do you perform a netinstall nowadays? I no longer see an 'installer-$ARCH/current/images in the repository17:02
oerheksmini iso, or server https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/17:02
ongolaboyoerheks: thank you17:05
webchat7Hi guys, need some help. i had a issue with the settings not showing text until i point it out with mouse17:21
ioriawebchat7, font issue maybe; try to change it17:22
webchat7same thing, changing font in tweak not fix it17:24
ioriawebchat7, what release ?17:25
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webchat724.04 lts..17:25
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ioriawebchat7, dpkg -l | grep fonts-ubuntu17:27
webchat7ioria, this is the output17:28
webchat7dpkg -l | grep fonts-ubuntu17:28
webchat7ii  fonts-ubuntu                                  0.869+git20240321-0ubuntu1               all          sans-serif font set from Ubuntu17:28
ioriawebchat7, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name17:30
webchat7ioria, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name17:31
webchat7'Ubuntu Sans Mono 13'17:31
ioriawebchat7, gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name 'Ubuntu Mono 13'17:31
webchat7ioria, done but still the same..17:33
webchat7should i try rebooting my pc?17:33
oerheksor make it bigger?17:34
ioriawebchat7, nope, does it happen only in Settings or in all interfaces text ?17:34
webchat7ioria, it does happen in Settings, Files, or any gnome apps (i think)17:35
ioriawebchat7, well, you can restore the old fonts pkg (fonts-ubuntu-classic), but it will remove the spinning splash  (you can reinstall it, btw)17:37
webchat7ioria, this is my second fresh install. same things happened on the first installation.17:38
ioriawebchat7, so, let's try it : sudo apt install fonts-ubuntu-classic17:39
oerhekssystem specs ?17:40
webchat7ioria, still same..17:41
ioriawebchat7, sudo apt install --reinstall plymouth-theme-spinner plymouth-label  and reboot17:41
webchat7oerheks CPU, AMD R5 3500x with Gpu nvidia k5200 and 16gb17:42
webchat7ioria, done reboot but still the same17:45
ioriawebchat7, ok, purge fonts-ubuntu-classic and reinstall fonts-ubuntu17:45
webchat7ioria, not working.. but i just found out that it is ok if i maximize the apps, when i make the apps windowed all the fonts is missing17:49
oerheksint33h, https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/24/04/27/043219/the-ceph-community-now-stores-1000-petabytes-in-its-open-source-storage-solution17:51
ioriawebchat7, i doubt it's a driver issue, but easy to test; can you reboot with 'nomodeset' ?17:52
Guest30Any yaml for automated ubuntu installation?17:54
webchat7Guest30, just interactive installation17:56
webchat7ioria, rebooting it now17:56
int33hoerheks: im planing on migrating from vmware to openstack / ceph so in the process of building a test system18:02
oerheksI have 0.05 petabyte storage18:04
int33hoerheks: in total i think im on 2 petabyte raw storage but that includes backups18:06
WeeBeyok new question. I can't compile some stuff (vbox) and the error makes no sense to me: https://pastebin.com/thqGZqGm18:15
cbreakhmm... so... 24.04 is still unsafe to upgrade to?18:15
WeeBeyit's a warning that im not using the same gcc as was used for the kernel18:15
WeeBeybut... it's the same! innit?18:15
WeeBey(aside from file name?)18:15
ice9so "current" is the latest version of that snap right? so why it doesn't delete older versions after "snap refresh"? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/h0y2dq3h18:16
oerhekssnap keeps 2 or 3 versions .18:17
lotuspsychjecbreak: better clean install, or await 24.04.1 indeed18:17
cbreakhmm :(18:17
lotuspsychjecbreak: and read the !noble releasenotes before you give it a go18:18
cbreakyeah, I did, that's why I haven't updated yet... :/18:18
cbreakI hoped to be able to do that this or next weekend18:18
cbreakwant to change the cluster at work in major ways, and that'd be a good time to update the OS too18:18
cbreakit seems the problems are in part related to the nonsensical snap transition for thunderbird18:19
cbreakwhich shouldn't be an issue for servers18:19
WeeBeyI am seeing a couple bugs already. It's been a day.18:19
oerheksbut noble gives virtualbox .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+source/virtualbox18:21
ice9oerheks, does flatpak do the same?18:21
oerheksice9, not sure it does or can.18:21
webchat7ioria, im back. i tried to boot into nomodeset but it not working, i also tried to remove nvidia driver and reinstall but still same issue occurred.18:21
webchat7i think i just play with it for awhile and wait for new updates18:22
oerheksone can limit snap versions, snap set system refresh.retain=N   # where N cannot be less than two.18:22
ioriawebchat7, i still  think it's a font problem; maybe you can try again to change them or install some18:24
WeeBeyi may need to switch to kvm like tomreym suggested ...18:25
ravagesudo apt install virt-manager18:25
webchat7ioria, anyway thanks for your help18:27
WeeBeyoerheks, thanks for that tip. i removed the installed virtualbox (.run file install) and am getting it from repo. Seems to be building ...18:27
WeeBeybefore, repo only had virtualbox 6.x18:28
lotuspsychjewebchat7: can you make a pic of what your distortion looks like?18:28
webchat7lotuspsychje, here you go https://ibb.co/Jpj7tSp18:30
lotuspsychjewow thats empty18:31
lotuspsychjewebchat7: did you try a theme switch yet?18:31
webchat7and this for files https://ibb.co/vjpCDv618:31
webchat7lotuspsychje, no, its still in a fresh install18:31
lotuspsychjetry switching via gnome-tweaks18:32
WeeBeyyay oerheks thanks! it works.18:33
WeeBeyi'll try to stick to the repo as much as i can18:33
oerhekshave fun!18:33
coresAssuming I have a external USB hard drive larger than my laptop hard drive, what's the easiest way to back up my Ubuntu system?19:31
coresSingle boot Ubuntu 20.04 install, no separate /home partition, UEFI I think19:32
coresluckily i have more than one USB-C port on the machine (Dell XPS 13)19:32
coresI want to back up _everything_, not just the stuff in my /home19:33
ravagefor a full backup try rescuezilla19:33
oerheksdd the disk from a live session, so the hdd is not in use19:33
oerheksor just clone packages19:33
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate19:33
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup, !borg, and !cloning19:33
ravageyou need to boot rescuezilla from a thumbdrive or network though19:34
coresravage, right, i was hoping to avoid that but that makes sense19:34
coresoerheks, thanks19:35
oerhekshave fun!19:35
bpromptcores: cloneZilla is one that's pretty well known, it runs off a liveUSB , and does the "imaging" of the partition or HD, and your backup type is called "imaging" btw19:41
ravageclonezilla is rescuezilla without the GUI19:42
ravageor well. text based only19:42
coresbprompt, ravage, yes I saw that. I'd rather use the GUI so I might try Rescuezilla19:45
bpromptcores: I think you misread ravage, he said rescuezilla is CLI, not GUI19:45
bpromptcores: why the backup btw?   20.04 has one more year :)19:46
oerheksrescuezilla gives the gui ..19:46
ravagei think he already checked out the websites19:47
bpromptravage: oooh rats, nevermind, "I" misread you =)19:47
ravageso he know what is what19:47
oerheksbackup of snaps is pretty useless19:47
ravagetrue. i do it anyway 😄19:48
coresbprompt, I have spent too much time installing, configuring and tweaking this system. I'd be very mad if I had to do it all over from scratch.19:48
ravagei like setting up a new LTS19:49
ravagefresh install. mount my old backup. restore what i need and improve on the old setup19:49
bpromptcores: well, mind you that mine setup comes all the way back from 12.04 I think, maybe even earlier, what I do is mostly backup $HOME, about 90% of my configurations are there, most of it in ~/.local or ~/.config, and I install from scratch quite often, copy over my $HOME which I have in a 512gbs USB stick with a bunch of other things, and  my configurations is mostly there, I have to do, not much19:51
bpromptcores: and I "tar" the files, because that keeps permissions and filenames intact, so I can move an ext4 structure in a tarred file to whatever, ExFat, fat32 or ntfs19:53
ErotemicI've got a fresh install of the first 24.04 release, and I'm seeing strange behavior related to super+arrow keys and the enhanced tiling. I've disabled tiling popups and tiling groups, but I like the quad blocks.19:58
ErotemicThe issue is when I'm moving around windows, sometimes the orange shading that indicates what a window will resize to will persist even after I'm done with the adjustment. I'm not sure how to reproduce yet, but it's happened several times. Not sure if I'll be able to take a screenshot or not. I'd like to report this, but I'm looking for the best19:58
Erotemicway to do so.19:58
ErotemicOh, right now it's continuing to display the monitor icons "1", "2", and "3". I'm not sure why they popped up, but they're just sitting there. I was able to screengrab it, but I don't know what other diagnostic information I could provide to report something like this.20:00
ErotemicMoving around windows didn't seem to do anything, but the monitor indicators did disappear when I hit a different category in the "settings" gui.20:01
ErotemicOk, so the the monitor indicator issue appears to just be the normal behavior when you have the "Ubuntu Desktop" category selected in settings. That's fine I guess.20:02
tomreyndescribing the issue well textually, especially what is and isn't reproducible, and adding screenshots (maybe even short openly encoded videos) should help. together with an ubuntu-bug created bug report against, i guess, gnome-shell.20:03
tomreyni mean you just described it well, just need to repeat in the bug report20:03
ravageI think I experienced that too now that you described it 20:04
ravageI have the extended tiling disabled right now20:04
ravageWill try to enable it again soon. Please link then bug should you report it20:05
tomreynmake sure that the most relevant environment info will be included: graphics server (Xorg or wayland), graphics driver, ubuntu version and flavor, customizations you made to the desktop etc.20:05
tomreynyesterday someone was reporting having graphical glitches (sounding similar to these) with 22.04 on an external monitor with amdgpu20:07
ravagei had the issues during the xz phase of 24.04 so i did not think too much of it20:07
ravageand just have never enabled it since then20:08
ErotemicMade a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/206397020:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2063970 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Enhanced tiling orange shading that indicates what a window will resize to will persist even after I'm done with the adjustment." [Undecided, New]20:09
ravageoh i actually have "Actice Screen Edges" enabled. that is what causing problems for you?20:09
ErotemicAlso, it's weirdly difficult to copy messages from this chat.20:09
ravagei do not use any of the other options like "hot corner"20:09
ErotemicWhere is "active screen edges"? In the settings?20:10
bpromptErotemic: shouldn't be, depending on the IRC client you use20:10
ErotemicIt's the browser based webchat one. Minor annoyance.20:11
ErotemicI don't see "Active Screen Edges" or "Hot Corner" options. I seem to remember seeing them, but I don't see them at the moment, they are still available in 24.04 via the settings menu?20:13
ravageyes but i think i found what you mean20:14
ravagethe advanced tiling at "Ubuntu Desktop"20:14
ravagethe settings i described are at "Multitasking"20:14
ravageand it looks like those get disabled when you enable the advanced tiling20:15
ErotemicYes, "Enhanced Tiling" is on. but "Tiling Popup" is off, and "Tile Groups" is off.20:15
ErotemicAh, I see them now. I have "Hot Corner" off, and "Active Screen Edges" off.20:15
ravagei enabled the advanced tiling now. seems do replace the orher option maybe. i will see if i get any bugs20:16
ravagewayland with nvidia on 2 monitors here20:16
ErotemicI was able to turn on/off "Active Screen Edges" while enhanced tiling was enabled.20:16
Erotemicdidn't seem to effect anything20:16
ravagei like the tiling popup one20:17
ErotemicTiling popup really annoyed me when I first saw it. I'm so glad it was easy to turn off. You lose focus of the window you are resizing when you do it. I move things around so often it adds non-trivial overhead to my workflow.20:18
dlsndI reinstalled gdm3 and it came back; ubuntu is really *rded20:24
younderHardly ever use resize. Just the snap left, right or top options.20:25
scoffinhow to set up focus-follows-mouse in 2404 ??20:39
Martiiniscoffin, KDE settings20:43
scoffinuhh.... don't think default ubuntu install uses kde ??20:43
MartiiniI've always used KDE - best desktop. .. linux geeks use i3 - efficient keyboard controlled desktop .. etc20:45
MartiiniKDE is the only desktop for me, for sure20:45
scoffinok.  does this mean that gnome does not support focus-follows-mouse ?20:46
MartiiniGoogle it20:46
scoffinyeah, goggle has about 50 different ideas, none seem to work :-)20:47
roadkillWhelp. I can confirm that the kernel that ships with 24.04 is broken for some AMD GPU based configurations. Both my laptop and desktop boot to black screen after first reboot unless you downgrade the kernel before you reboot again.20:48
MartiiniI use Arch linux + KDE on lenovo laptop20:48
scoffincontrol panels that don't exist, additional apps that don't seem to exist, etc20:49
GSMarquisThe navi31 32 33 family cards have been updated in linux-firmware. Just need to be pulled by distro for updates.20:49
roadkillI have Navi 21.20:50
roadkill6800XT in the Desktop20:50
roadkillBlack screen issue started last week after I updated the 24.04 nightly I was running.20:51
Martiiniroadkill, I compiled linux-tkg kernel on Arch20:51
GSMarquisThe last week a ton of commits to the firmware bin files was done.20:51
roadkillDowngrading to 6.7.10 was enough to fix the issue on my end.20:52
roadkillHighly frustrating, however.20:52
oerheksNavi31  Navi33 roadkill you encountered this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/206341720:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2063417 in linux-oem-6.5 (Ubuntu Jammy) "Fix system hang while entering suspend with AMD Navi3x graphics" [Undecided, In Progress]20:53
oerhekswith some fixes in the answers20:54
GSMarquisLOL There is another one.20:54
roadkilloerheks: The blackscreen hang occurs on reboots, not suspend.20:54
roadkillGSMarquis: Looking at the new tracker entries, so many black screen + amdgpu reports now.20:54
GSMarquisWhen I went 24.04 sleep mode lock and turns fans full. I have a 7900 GRE.20:54
tomreynroadkill: can you file a bug report (or have you already)?20:55
roadkilltomreyn: now that I've been able to identify a fix after several reinstalls to isolate the issue (swapped my 6800XT with my GeForce 1070, did fresh install, nomodeset in grub, etc...) I plan to do just that.20:57
roadkillDowngrading the kernel was all that I needed to do in my case.20:57
roadkillGSMarquis: For what it's worth, no 100% fans on wake from suspend with my 6800XT after the kernel downgrade.21:00
roadkillSeems to me the last minute changes before releasing 24.04 was ill advised. This bug bit me days before release.21:01
GSMarquisIf I put a 6700xt in from another machine its fine.21:04
tomreynroadkill: great, i would appreciate you sharing the bug id once it's been reported.21:04
bpromptroadkill:  they usually say April something, reliable bet is May 1st, though I may not get it till July, my understanding is that the July version is more robust, less buggy    ---- repost from another channel21:05
quidnuncIs thumbnail creation in nautilus broken for anyone else?21:07
GSMarquisI rember in the past I pulled an updated bin from linux-firmware git and slipped it in myself. They seem to be zst compressed now.21:07
luna_323.10 can I put an image on my desktop I want to be able to more it around, great if I could size it too, but justa rectangle not the background.??21:39
bpromptluna_3: w0t?21:41
bpromptluna_3: can you have a floating rectangle about?21:41
luna_3I remember in the past Iused to be able to have an image on my desktop. (Not what I want but think mayabe a picture of your daughter.) You could move it around like any icon. Not part of the background.  bprompt21:50
luna_3And hopefully bigger than an icon size.21:50
luna_3Sreaming it would be nice if it had a choice of uner or over the icons but that's a dream not my question.21:51
bpromptluna_3: hmmm what its use though?21:54
JoeLlamawhat is the best way to integrate software RAID 1 in ubuntu?21:54
bpromptluna_3: I mean, you can just load an image in imagemagick and have it floating and move as  you wish =)21:55
rboxJoeLlama: what do you mean "integrate"21:55
JoeLlamaoh I meant install21:56
JoeLlamathanks rbox21:56
rboxyou want to install raid 1?21:56
JoeLlamaI do rbox two SSDs21:56
JoeLlamaSSDs those are solid state drives21:57
JoeLlamarbox I'm setting up RAID 1 with two SSD drives...  I'm looking for the best way to do that in software...  I saw mdadm out there22:00
rboxyes, mdadm22:00
JoeLlamaoh ok22:01
kjhi all22:20
kjtesting ubuntu cinnamon 24.422:21
* xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF testing gl ... 40%22:25
zph0nxis there a way to disable the "Welcome to ubuntu" dialog that pops up when no user has been added to the system? we are using ldap on our side, and we clear out our initial user with puppet, this makes ubuntu log straight into "welcome to ubuntu" dialog that asks to add a user after a reboot.22:28
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debarshi-kunduHello! I am trying to become an ubuntu developer! Where should I start?22:53
JoeLlamaI would suspect typing in ubuntu developer to google22:54
oerheksregister on launchpad.22:54
xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAFsuspects found .. arresting22:54
JoeLlamathat too (:22:54
oerheksthen type !contribute22:55
semitonesHey everyone... using apt upgrade on a server that has unnatended-upgrades configured... got a weird dpkg error I don't know what to do with -- and the process has not ended in a while. http://pastie.org/p/5XLuabLn8nXcfuUbAawqQo22:56
debarshi-kunduI tried to register my PGP key on Launchpad, but it does not accept it for some reason. I already synced to the default ubuntu servers22:56
oerhekssigned CoC ?22:56
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv22:57
tomreynsemitones: this looks like a packaging bug. both update-notifier-common version (in main) and apt-config-auto-update version 2.1+nmu1 (in universe) provide the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic - which should never happen.23:03
tomreyni'd say file a bug against apt-config-auto-update23:04
semitonesalright, can do23:04
JanCwell, it can happen, but then they shouldn't be installable at the same time23:04
JanCyou don't need 'apt-config-auto-update'23:04
tomreynit's already been reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-config-auto-update23:06
semitonesthanks for the link!23:06
JanCdo you know how/why you have that package installed?23:08
JanCor why it was about to be installed?23:09
semitonesHonestly not sure. Can I investigate if something depends on it?23:10
JanCapt rdepends apt-config-auto-update23:11
JanChobbit-plugins ?23:11
JanCalthough it only suggests it23:12
semitonesI am not sure what hobbit plugins is, although that shows up for me too23:12
semitonesapt lets me remove apt-config-auto-update without removing any other package23:13
JanCyeah, it should be no problem23:13
JanCand at least that should prevent further "overwrite attempt errors"23:14
semitonesdoes this affect unattended-upgrades?23:14
semitonesok. Thanks a lot for your help :)23:15
tomreynHobbit is the former name of the Xymon network monitor (which provides plugins)23:15
JanCsemitones: maybe check the configuration again to make sure the values are still the same though23:16
semitonesyeah, good idea23:16
JanCjust to be sure  :)23:16
debarshi-kunduI cannot sign the code of conduct yet, because I am having a hard time registering my pgp key23:26
debarshi-kunduLaunchpad keeps rejecting it23:26
shivam_what is this app is i dont get it do anyone can read this massag23:27
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=== breno is now known as juliaw
Beauregard42The net seems awfully quiet today. A few months ago there were hundreds of messages per hour on Ubuntu and other channels23:36
semitonesseems about normal to me for the last few years... quite different back in the 2000s23:37
Beauregard42How was your day?23:37
semitoneslets move to #ubuntu-offtopic23:37

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