[21:27] Riddle me this, how to I make GDM in 24.04 use my primary monitor to display the login prompt? Currently it goes to my secondary, which is orientated vertically. [21:28] And don't say orientate it horizontally, because that wont help or work :) [21:51] i've seen multiple monitors over displayport ignore changing the order they're plugged in in... when attempting to reverse such a thing, albeit not on Linux [21:51] I iwsh these things displayed the prompt on all monitors [21:54] davef: Rumour has it that there's a /var/lib/gdm/.config/monitors.xml [21:55] That works until I load the nvidia driver [21:55] oh, now he says there's an nvidia driver involved [21:55] :D [21:56] davef: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GDM [21:57] davef: One thing it says there is that if gdm is using wayland you need a config file geenerated from wayland, so I wouldn't be surprised if nvidia changes that and you need to...I dunno [21:59] In the /etc/gdm3/custom.conf I turn off wayland [22:00] how come you don't turn off gnome? :) [22:02] maybe it's weirdness with 24.04 [22:06] I'll try 22.04 [22:09] Do I really need to use wayland? [22:12] standard rule, the future's coming - the more you fight, the more work it will become in time [22:50] * penguin42 tries it every few years [22:57] i've been fighting against the whole "icons only" app indicator type thing since Windows 7 mind you, i always turn the text labels back on :) [22:58] both with Windows and in KDE/Plasma