
sbrazhello, why isn't https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/commit/076b51b362402d821414ee329a90c6ecd5b8aa7a included in tag 22.4.2 (and therefore Debian 12) although it is included in e.g. 24.1.4? 10:12
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Commit 076b51b in canonical/cloud-init "network: Deprecate gateway{4,6} keys in network config v2 (#1794)"10:12
meenasbraz: that's very odd12:25
meenasbraz: would you mind reporting that as issue?12:26
meenasbraz: the problem might be that it was included in the 22.4.2-0ubuntu* tags, and someone forgot to pull it into the actual release tags, so if debian builds from 22.4.2, and ubuntu builds from 22.4.2-0ubuntu2, you'll have drift between their packages12:33
sbrazmeena: yeah i noticed that it was in the ubuntu tags, it is indeed weird, i assume that debian builds from the non-ubuntu package because the patch is not present on Debizn 1212:37
sbrazi'll create the issue immediately12:37
meenabasically, the only way to fix that is to issue a 22.4.312:38
meenaor if you import the patch… as patch12:38
meenaor if you update to a newer version12:38
sbrazmeena: of course, hopefully Debian would upgrade to 22.4.3 if/when you do this12:39
meenathe way debian releases work, there's no chance12:40
sbrazmeena: not minor enough to warrant inclusion in a stable release?12:41
meenaI misread 22.4.3 as… a different number12:41
* meena has something like dyslexia/dyscalculia but not quite12:42
sbrazmeena: oh actually you're right, this commit was never included in 22.x tags, except the Ubuntu ones, 24.1.4 > 22.4.212:46
falcojrsbraz and meena: this first appeared in 23.112:51
meenafalcojr: but github says it's in earlier -ubuntu tags12:52
meenaanyway, back to trying to figure out why this damn test is failing12:53
falcojrif you're talking about `22.4.2-0ubuntu3` and `22.4.2-0ubuntu2`, those were uploads to ubuntu/devel which is the pre-release version12:54
falcojrwe've since renamed how we upload to ubuntu/devel to more accurately represent that it's really a prerelease of the next version rather than a supplement to the previous one12:54
meenanow i get it12:57
meenay'all, I need some hand-holding from someone who knows what they're doing with Python tests, because I have no idea15:33
meenamaybe I just don't know how to read15:48
meenaI should build a VM with that code, just in case I changed anything since trying to add unittests15:59
meenaI'll give https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/5169 another  testrun on AWS, and if it still works, it's actually ready for review16:04
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 5169 in canonical/cloud-init "growpart: Fix behaviour for ZFS datasets" [Open]16:04
holmanmeena: sounds like progress :-)17:32
meenaholman: i have now tested it, and it still works, so i think it's more than progress18:34
meenaAlthough I'm not happy with those tests, they all feel fake18:34
holmanYeah an integration test would go a long ways with this kind of thing 20:16
holmanI thought of a way to make the current integration tests not be tied to a single cloud 20:17
holmanStill hacky, but in bootcmd we can create a sparse file-backed block device and do whatever operations we want in our other modules20:19
meenaoh, makefs -t zfs works on 14.0!20:47
meena(I thought it was only in CURRENT)20:48

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