
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
BluesKajHi all12:17
=== vibbe1 is now known as vibbe
=== vibbe1 is now known as vibbe
=== vibbe1 is now known as vibbe
ZaxDoes anyone know when they are going to get the real Kubuntu Torrent up on the website?18:50
=== Zax is now known as Lofful
LoffulIt's currently just a placeholder: https://kubuntu.org/alternative-downloads/_wp_link_placeholder18:51
oerheksoh i see18:53
LoffulThanks, I got it; just wondering when the website is gonna be updated for the masses18:55
oerhekshave fun, i hope an editor of the website reads this too18:55
=== vitor is now known as Testeur
=== madmax__ is now known as madmax
administradorHello, I just installed Kubuntu 24.04 and Muon is missing, and can't install  it via apt or Discover20:37
administradoris it depreceated?20:38
administradorE: Unable to locate package muon20:38
bpromptadministrador: I was thinking Discover is the new Muon, no?20:40
bpromptnot that I use either20:40
oerheksyes, muon is old20:41
bpromptI mean, I don't use them to install stuff, but I've run them20:42
bpromptadministrador: https://apps.kde.org/muon/     <------ notice the red-banded-text20:44
administradorwell, I guess I'll just install stuff via the Terminal...20:49
valoriediscover works really well, and I often use it just to test20:51
valorieit will update flatpaks and snaps (?) too20:51
valorieotoh konsole is faster, especially with yakuake20:51
valorief12 - up arrow, boom, done20:52
valoriebut then you have to do the other stuff too, which... fine20:52
valoriemuon is long gone20:52
valorieaptitude probably still exists just like IRC does!20:53
bpromptwell, there's also Synaptic20:57
oerheksnot sure that can handle flatpak and snap?20:59
valorieoerheks: it updates my flatpaks23:25
valoriebut my install is so new dunno about snaps - this install is the first time I've used them23:26
valoriethey seem to be far less buggy these days23:26
valorienot surprising; Scarlett our current lead maintainer is the queen of snaps for kde software23:32
oerhekssnaps give settings, in gnome, an argument against flatpak, that needs flatseal or the like https://flathub.org/apps/com.github.tchx84.Flatseal23:40

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