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RhondaIs there a potential codename for the 24.10 release already known?10:41
sudipRhonda: it seems there is "Oracular Oriole". but I have not seen any mail about that11:00
tobhehey. I am hitting a bug on arm64 where libreoffice fails to upgrade on mantic. It looks to me as if libreoffice-common wasn't published to ports.ubuntu.com (at least I can't find it in the Packages list for mantic-updates/arm64 but I can on archive.ubuntu.com in mantic-updates for amd64). any idea who could help me figure out what's going on there?11:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2055114 in fail2ban (Ubuntu) "fail2ban is broken in 24.04 Noble" [Undecided, Confirmed]13:45
sem2peieWill the package be updated promptly now that a new version is available?13:45
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asikromsem2peie: Not the full version update per se, but the bug fix will hopefully be cherry-picked and patched into Noble soon.15:08
sem2peieasikrom: it would be easier to update the complete package, since the fail2ban version delivered with noble is not compatible with the python version delivered, just replace it with the version that is compatible (just my personal opinion)15:39
asikromsem2peie: At first glance, perhaps. But stable releases of Ubuntu generally do not accept functionality updates, which said version update would include15:43
asikrom(i.e. feature updates)15:44
asikromHence the proposed patch in that bug which includes a cherry-pick of that specific bug fix15:45
sem2peieWell some packages are updated like Thunderbird or Firefox. (it would be a shame if you had to use a 10 year old browser version)15:49
sem2peieIf a package is defective and incompatible from the beginning, you should also allow an exception.15:49
sem2peieHowever - it would be nice if fail2ban would work15:50
asikromYes, I know there are exceptions, but fail2ban is not one of them15:54
asikromHence the patch15:55
tewardwhos a good POC on the 24.04 desktop installer. 'cause for 24.10 theres missing features that were in 22.04 that should be poked/investigated16:12
arraybolt3teward: pretty sure you want the Desktop Dev room on Matrix.16:55
tewardarraybolt3: derp forgot there's a matrix room xD16:55
tewardthank you kindly arraybolt316:57
arraybolt3sure thing17:01
jbichaRhonda: the codename is showing at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files19:31
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