
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Mozilla Devs Adding ‘New Tab Wallpapers’ to Firefox @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/firefox-new-tab-background-images00:53
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
* guiverc is behind NBN doing work locally today... my internet will be up/down somewhat ~regularly (box was on normal time this morn., but without internet could only do stuff locally)02:09
Bashing-omguiverc: NBN is your service provider ? -- Wondered what was happening that you had not made a presence.02:11
guivercnaiotional broadband network; fed. gov entity that owns country infrastructure.. one level above isp here02:12
guivercmy isp claim reliability may not return for 3 hrs more.. nbn indications say they're 'done'... 02:14
Bashing-omguiverc: Ack -- seems here too working on internet routes - Intermittently - some - loose connectivity --- // Nother subject: got a medical appointment tomorrow, will be about 2 hours delayed in starting the publishing.02:15
guivercack & no problems... thanks for notification..  I"02:16
guiverc(sorry)  ... I'll wait till you're around..02:16
guivercthough as you're usually starting when I'm still in bed... i may not notice..02:17
guivercBashing-om, ... first in general news.. I don't like "Major details of the install are provided"   I think s/install/release/    02:19
guivercthis is late, but I'll suggest moving "The pretty ‘noble’ Ubuntu Server.." and "Ubuntu 24.04 Server Big Updates" in flavor currently to Media attention on the flavors... those aren't official announcements but blogs as I see it02:22
guivercaskubuntu has the ~same entry twice; https://askubuntu.com/questions/1511903/cant-upgrade-from-ubuntu-23-10-to-ubuntu-24-04  (title was edited it looks like but same question)02:24
guivercduplicate also in ubuntuforums - https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249629302:25
guivercparty like a noble... s/with a install fest for all/with an install fest for all/  maybe???02:26
* guiverc notes europe/asia not us world format in ubucon north america02:28
guivercloco events are that format, currently party.like.a.noble differs most02:29
Bashing-omguiverc: doing ^ re-dos :D02:29
* guiverc still reading & just noting what I see inc. thoughts02:30
guiverclets talk open design... I wonder if "and offers you the chance" would be better as "and offers us the chance"  ie. you (reader) vs. us ???   02:32
* guiverc disappearing outside briefly (birb nector food) ~4-5 mins02:32
guivercs/24.0.41/24.04.1/  in subiquity 24.04.1 released   (dot in wrong spot)02:35
guivercblogo:   s/with the reason being improvements are many/with the reason being the many improvements/  maybe02:39
guivercI wonder if there is a \n in the 9to5 linue description quote...02:41
guivercgrrr.. I note DJWar's doesn't mention Xfce for one... in summary anyway02:43
guiverc24.04 end of support June 2029?  you've not listed april; announcements said 5 years02:47
guiverci've finished my read thru   ... ^ all of what I saw & any thoughts (unrelated to my drink anyway)02:48
Bashing-omguiverc: So many re-edits - boy was I ever in a distracted state ! // Saving what is and will give it another look over later.02:59
guiverc:)  @ open design change03:06
guivercblogo:  s/the maby/the many/03:07
guiverc9to5 has a ">"  that needs removal... didn't notice it before though03:08
guivercIssues, Minimal seed>.03:09
guivercI'll suggest (again) 24.04 to say april 2029 not june; matches https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle etc.  (easier to extended as closer to date without annoying folks, but harder to walk back if it is April...)03:11
Bashing-omguiverc: Like you April 2029 seems right - but I think it was the release announcent that has the EOL date as June ?? // checking.03:15
guivercwhat i posted to fridge just said 5 years standard support03:16
* guiverc often doesn't read much beyond that general ML post.. after all I'm required to read, re-read, re-read that numerous times in massage for fridge post, scanning to find any missed > </a> </p> etc... 03:17
Bashing-omguiverc: We go with that traditional April as the EOL. // saved and out.03:23
guivercthanks Bashing-om , looks good03:25
Bashing-omUWN: Pulling WIP/Comments/WIKI adding the news tag // log checked and no further edits are known; will start the push soonest.21:37
Bashing-omUWN:M/L is away - doing the Forums posting next.22:01
Bashing-omUWN: Forums post completed - Making up a Mastodon blog next.22:25
Bashing-omUWN: Mastodon blogged :D22:52
guivercposted uwn 837 to twitter, telegram, (mewe) 22:53
Bashing-omUWN: Making up 838 next.22:56
* guiverc found support request on 22.04 released post (fridge) & trying to see if user asked help anywhere.. or how i can nudge poster to support sites..22:57
guivercuwn 837 posted to fb23:11
Bashing-omUWN: 838 off and running :D23:13
Bashing-omguiverc: ^ Doing support is a good thing :)23:14
guivercs/22.04/24.04 ^  23:14

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