
sgmooreoops sorry valorie I did make it home safe and sound14:49
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} we didn't have quite enough hugs, sgmoore18:17
valorienext time18:17
valorie@ahoneybun ^^^^^^^18:20
* sgmoore hugs valorie18:20
valorie @ahoneybun it looks like mparillo fixx0red18:22
valoriehmmm, a search does not find me dates when Rick_Timmis might return - anyone remember?19:56
valoriearraybolt3 needs the slide deck files and I have no clue where he might have stashed 'em19:57
valoriehopefully on git somewhere?19:57
mmikowskiValorie: I recall the 12th.22:18
valoriewow, nice long holiday!22:19
mmikowskiFor Rick's return.22:19
mmikowskiAlthough it might be the 6th.22:19
mmikowskiBut I do recall thinking "wow! Right, Europe..."22:20
mmikowskiHere we take a week off and work remotely the entire time.22:20
valorieI try to not work remotely at ALL when I'm gone22:21
valoriegoing to our cabin makes that easier - even cell phones are chancy up there22:22
valorielandline is it22:22
valoriebut it's been years since I spent even a whole week up there22:23
valoriemmikowski: do you perhaps know where the source files for the slideshow live?22:24
valoriethat's what led to my question; arraybolt3 wants to fix the bit that says we supply VLC by default but we do not22:25
mmikowskiHey valorie I do not, but they might be in the Kubuntu branding GitHub. That's my best guess.22:55
valoriearraybolt3: ^^^^22:56
valoriety mmikowski22:56
mmikowskiI seem to recall Rick talking about that. I did create a few of the slides and I seem to recall him mentioning that during discussion. 22:56
mmikowskiHowever I haven't looked to see if they're there.22:57
valorieright, I was searching through old emails etc. looking for the deets and didn22:57
valoriet find 22:57
mmikowskiAren't we going to put the VLC back in?23:03
mmikowskiOr has it been supplanted?23:03
mmikowskiBecause if it's coming back, then I'd say the slide is probably just fine.23:03
valorieno clue23:06
arraybolt3I'll see if those slides exist there.23:08
arraybolt3btw is there anyone here who has admin powers for the kubuntu-users ML?23:08
arraybolt3"Jeffery Walton" and "Cody Smith" have gotten in a fight23:09
arraybolt3basically rude user vs. attempted substitute moderator23:10
valoriehmmm, I may have, but does bitwarden have that info? doubtful but I will look23:26
valoriethank you arraybolt323:27
valorielordy it's been awhile since I did anything but delete spam using listadmin in the clie in any MLs23:29
valorieI do!23:31
arraybolt3aha, and I found the XCFs of the Calamares slides! https://github.com/kubuntu-team/kubuntu-branding/tree/main/Calamares-Installer/Slides/XCF23:35
valoriedealt with; modded the insulter and warned the ML to be polite & helpful23:46
valorieI had gotten a bit bored with that thread; thank you for bringing it to my attention. 23:47
valorieI can share the admin pwd with any other KC member who actually reads the -user ML23:48
valoriebut I can't recall having to login forever23:49
valoriesgmoore: I applied for a table to SeaGL and put it on my calendar23:51
valoriehttps://seagl.org/ for deets23:52
valorieneed to post about it on Discourse and perhaps the kub-user ML23:57
valorieand the KC ml too of course, first23:57

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