
guruprasadcjwatson, we have deployed changes to have Launchpad generate a replacement (which doesn't yet replace the old key) 4096-bit RSA signing key for PPAs which only have a 1024-bit RSA key atm and the publisher dual-signs an archive if it has more than one key. Your PPA, https://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+archive/ubuntu/ppa, had a new key generated for it and I would like to test the dual-signing. So when you get the time, can you upload something 11:08
guruprasadto this PPA and/or mark a relevant suite dirty so that it gets picked up in the next publisher run? Thanks!11:08
guruprasad(I am reaching out to a few known users whose PPAs got a new key generated, in order to test things out)11:09
cjwatsonguruprasad: OK, I ran "copy-package --from ubuntu --from-suite noble --to ppa:cjwatson/ubuntu/ppa --to-suite noble -b hello"11:12
guruprasadI will keep an eye on what happens during the next publisher run and verify that the results are expected.11:15
guruprasadThe publisher appears to have processed your upload but I don't see any information corresponding to actually publishing the package though. And the PPA page says that the publishing hasn't happened yet.12:20
guruprasadI see the same for another user whom I had requested to upload a package.12:20
guruprasadcjwatson, I think something could be wrong with publishing the package. These are the only lines that I see regarding publishing the hello package to noble - a lot of lines regarding translations but nothing about publishing the actual packages - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/XWv9tznCrS/13:32
guruprasadDoes this appear familiar?13:32
cjwatsonguruprasad: that doesn't seem very related.13:33
cjwatsonguruprasad: and also I think that's a different phase of the publisher?13:33
cjwatsonguruprasad: process-accepted vs. publish-distro13:33
cjwatsonguruprasad: IIRC publish-distro skips archives where it thinks they need keys that aren't generated yet, so I suspect the place you should be looking is the logs of the key generation script13:34
cjwatsonguruprasad: ppa-generate-keys.log I think13:34
guruprasadSure. Will do.13:34
guruprasadThis is an existing archive that has had packages published to it. So surely it must have a signing key already?13:35
guruprasadOr maybe not - let me check my code changes too to make sure that it has all the data it needs to determine whether it can sign this archive or not.13:36
cjwatsonguruprasad: I haven't looked at what changes you'd made, but I'd expect them to affect this decision13:36
guruprasadYes. That is what I suspect too. Thanks for the pointers.13:37
cjwatsonI could be wrong though since it looks like process-accepted also checks Archive.can_be_published13:39
cjwatsonHave you checked that the PPA publisher isn't crashing before it gets to this PPA?13:39
guruprasadThere were no other log lines that had your username or the package name mentioned. So I just assumed there may not be any other relevant things to check.13:40
cjwatsonSure, but if there's a crash before it would have got there ...13:40
cjwatsonAlways a good idea to search for "Traceback" just in case13:40
guruprasadThere are no tracebacks. But I see a lot of log lines mentioning OOPS. Let me quickly scan those to see if there is anything relevant.13:45
guruprasadFound nothing relevant. Now I will check if my changes are adversely affecting the 'can this repository be signed?' check.14:11
guruprasadcjwatson, can you submit something for publishing again so that I can check what is happening?14:15
guruprasad(not urgent, please do it when you can)14:17
cjwatsonguruprasad: I ran "copy-package --from ubuntu --from-suite noble --to ppa:cjwatson/ubuntu/ppa --to-suite noble -b man-db".  Let me know if you need something other than a copy15:49
guruprasadcjwatson, thanks for the help. I found an issue with the publisher that is breaking the publishing of the first PPA with 2 keys and raising an exception that is likely preventing the processing of all subsequent PPAs.15:51
guruprasadI am currently working on changes to add some relevant logging to debug the issue further, cowboy it, and hopefully identify enough about the issue (lp-signing is returning a 400) to then fix it.15:52
ernstpRight, I saw publishing was stuck 20:48
ernstpWould be interesting to look into the new key stuff, though I might be busy the coming days...20:49

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