
enshi folks. i'm looking to see if there's an available copy of a 24.10 lubuntu iso i can use to test with20:22
ensi'm looking to see if i can avail of it using wayland compositor by default20:22
wxlway too early in the cycle, even for ISOs of any kind20:23
wxlto boot, no development has been done that would provide a wayland session in lubuntu20:23
wxlthere's been some experimentation, but nothing that would show up on an ISO20:23
ensah that's a pity20:39
ensthanks for the info anyway. much appreciated20:39
wxlens: fwiw we're going to be very busy this cycle20:39
wxlwe have to get qt6 in20:39
wxlthen lxqt220:39
wxland then we can start working on wayland20:40

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