=== Beauregard43 is now known as Beauregard42 [00:40] looks like resolvconf package that was part of ubuntu 18/20/22 is no longer available in 24. systemd-resolved doesn't seem to support ndots option, so I'm wondering what options are available in ubuntu 24 that would allow me to set that option? === gschanuel537 is now known as gschanuel53 === antonispgs2 is now known as antonispgs === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest1363 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest80 [03:22] HOla [03:33] part [03:33] / === Pixi` is now known as Pixi === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest6991 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest9497 [04:21] Hi all! I just upgraded to Numbat / 24.04 a few days back. [04:23] I see a lot of stuff in snap that i reckon i do not need - core18, core20, core22, kde-frameworks for core(s) gnome-42, gnome-32... etc..any idea on those? [04:38] Hello !? [04:49] rbox: ` [04:51] hellooo !! [04:51] Good night then... laterz! [05:15] Why does steam asks to install games in /usr/lib/modules? [05:15] is this a safe place for games? [05:34] Oh I get it, the snap thinks /usr/lib/modules is the disk === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [08:07] Installing official amd drivers on amd 570 rx 8gb pc wont boot after [08:07] Shows the logo then goes dark screen [08:08] Using the official amd gpuinstall script. Any help [08:15] Installing official amd drivers on amd 570 rx 8gb pc wont boot after [08:15] Shows the logo then goes dark screen [08:15] Using the official amd gpuinstall script. Any help [09:04] Buongiorno volevo segnalare un problema [09:06] quando c'è un gestore file apeto, poi il pc va in sospensione, quando rientro dalla sospensione mettendo la password e continuando ad usare il computer, i gestori file, solo quelli se non erro, sono allargati dietro la barra laterale delle applicazioni, cioè non sono ingranditi solo nello schermo a fianco della barra laterale di sinistra con le [09:06] applicazioni, ma la parte sinistra si sposta dietro la barra applicazioni, bisogna ridurre a finestra e poi ingrandire di nuovo e dopo si riadatta allo spazio di lavoro [09:07] !it | Guest53 [09:07] Guest53: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette) [09:08] excuse me, i wrong the channel [09:10] Hello, I wanted to report a problem. [09:10] Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS [09:10] when there is an open file manager, then the PC goes to sleep, when I return from sleep by entering the password and continuing to use the computer, the file managers, only those if I'm not mistaken, are enlarged behind the applications sidebar, that is they are not only enlarged on the screen next to the left sidebar with the applications, but the [09:10] left part moves behind the application bar, you have to reduce to a window and then enlarge [09:11] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/2017376 [09:11] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1961508 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Dock displaying over window after resuming from blank screen" [Medium, In Progress] [duplicate: 2017376] [09:11] seems to be already reported [09:14] ok [12:29] Hi all === wdb1 is now known as wdb === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest2224 [13:11] hey, when I set up a bond + slaves using netplan on networkd the bond gets a randomized MAC (which is fine), but it also sets this MAC on the two slace interfaces, making netplan matching against MAC broken [13:21] p3lim: you could bring this to #ubuntu-server, but it's probably better to look for existing bug reports or to report a new one. === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest3000 [14:10] Hello! [14:10] welcome maydo [14:10] is there non or off the topic? [14:11] !chat | maydo yes [14:11] maydo yes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [14:11] Oh Thanks<3. === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest8915 === maydo is now known as Maydo === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest7235 [15:14] if anyone wants to help seeking out this bug #2061132 and bug #2064192 testing these apps for window resizing; hexchat spotify gimp discord teams-for-linux [15:14] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2061132 in hexchat (Ubuntu) "Hexchat cannot resize window anymore + freeze" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2061132 [15:15] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2064192 in Ubuntu "Unable to resize windows" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2064192 [15:15] i can reproduce them on ubuntu-desktop 24.04 desktop/wayland [15:17] hi when i start nfs-kernel-server i get 'Condition check resulted in Kernel Module supporting RPCSEC_GSS being skipped.' in the syslog, how do i disable that check or rpcsec_gss? [15:21] Bombo: you can't, unless you wish to compile your own from scratch and edit out the check [15:28] pragmaticenigma: hm so how do i enable it then? [15:28] nfs server doesn't start [15:30] Bombo: This channel specializes in Ubuntu Desktop, I think you want to ask in #ubuntu-server for help on that [15:33] Are there any known issues connecting via smb from macos to ubuntu? [15:33] no [15:34] Great [15:35] Must be something on Mac side. [15:35] got something specific in midn? [15:35] ah [15:35] maybe, just, state your actual problem [15:38] Trying to connect to smb share with my mac in finder or by running 'mount_smbfs //user@host/share ~/some/folder' and it says that authentication is incorrect. Now that can't be because I have just changed passwd on my ubuntu server and restarted smbd [15:38] Changed samba password* [15:40] with smbpasswd? [15:40] yes, smbdpasswd -a username [15:40] have you checked your config with `testparm -s` ? [15:41] did you follow it with smbpasswd -e $USERNAME [15:41] No? [15:41] -a ADD, -e Enable [15:41] one sec [15:45] Issue must be on MacOS Catalina side. I have managed to connect via ipad but not on macos. [15:46] stenno: config seems to be just fine [15:46] does the hostname even resolve to the correct server? [15:47] dunno why macos wouldn't connect whereas ipad would [15:47] Yes, it prompts me for password on mac terminal [15:47] are they on the same network? [15:47] mh ah well [15:47] Same network [15:48] And my linux laptop dropped dead today, so I am tryig to get things work on macos. So much for "best operating system in the world" [15:48] Maybe restart will help, a la Windows style :D [15:50] i doubt the death of your laptop is related to linux specifically [15:51] I think that was just a annecdotal comment [15:51] No, I was reffering to Apple publicly refereing to themselves as the best [15:51] do they? where [15:51] not important, lets not go on side quests please [15:51] also macos is really good, all things considered [15:51] true [15:52] * stenno vanishes into the bushes like homer simpsons [15:52] -s === marek is now known as perosos93 [15:54] Hi [15:58] drigy: if post reboot isn't helping, you may want to inspect (and optionally post to dpaste.com) parts of the logs in /var/log/samba as they may have clues what's going on with authentication [16:05] pragmaticenigma: will do [16:14] i just installed ubuntu and now i cant boot anything. it just says grub minimal blah blah [16:30] pragmaticenigma: the server creates the logfile as it sees the client trying to connect but the file is definetly empty [16:31] There are no other log files === vai is now known as Jari-- [16:51] guys [16:51] which linux will bring best performance for gaming [16:51] ? [16:52] you are in the right channel; Ubuntu [16:52] but I tried the older version of ubuntu, it was kinda weird performance issues on counterstrike 2 [16:53] is the new one the same [16:53] ? [16:53] depends on your hardware,try it? [16:53] https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop is this the correct one [16:53] ? [16:53] https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?version=24.04&architecture=amd64<s=true [16:53] this [16:55] seems to be free on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike_2/ [16:55] yes, lats LTS or the previous one, stable 22.04 [16:56] but why is arch bad performing [16:56] ? [16:57] I have amd rx 7600 and i7 9700t [16:57] dunno about arch, dunno about your hardware .. [16:58] Hi I have a question about building/testing ppas. Is this the channel I should use? [17:01] ewlu, there is #ubuntu-devel for that, or basic info on https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA [17:03] oi [17:03] @oerheks thanks! I was using the wiki but I couldn't find the answer there. I'll ask in the #ubuntu-devel channel [17:04] other way of publishing is snap packaging [17:05] https://snapcraft.io/docs/creating-a-snap [17:16] webchat60: probablt Garuda linux with Zen kernel [17:17] probably [17:19] drigy: they left that chat 20 min ago [17:21] and it was a lost cause anyways, as to get a desired performant result from a program, it needs to be running in the environment it was designed for. Most steam games are running through some sort of translation/emulation layer which will add some amount of latency. === rails is now known as peer [18:01] hi [18:01] welcome bps [18:01] hi [18:04] list [18:04] no [18:04] pragmaticenigma: It's a good thing forr linux that gaming is not optimal on linux. [18:06] hi [18:30] alguno de argentina¿ [18:31] !es | negrogod [18:31] negrogod: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [18:31] ok, [18:31] i try install opera en ubuntustudio [18:32] negrogod: Opera is not in the Ubuntu repositories and is therefore unsupported here. [18:32] https://snapcraft.io/opera [18:33] tnks [18:33] `snap install opera` might work. [18:33] for bugs contact the maintainer, indeed [18:33] Maintainer in this case > Opera Software [18:33] negrogod: sudo snap install opera [18:34] tnks, i get now === stenno is now known as Guest7946 === chao is now known as stenno [20:44] Been testing steam in ubuntu 24.04. Yesterday the two games I playes didn't work. Then I noticed vkcuke would only work if I gave it the opion --gpu_count 1. So The gpu it was trying to connect to was GPU 0 which wasn't hooked up to a screen. When I disconnect GPU 1 and the GPU becomes GPU 0 the games started to work. [20:44] vkcube [21:30] hi , i have install rustdesk. , for now its ok. [22:25] is there no /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/headers.conf ? only headers.load? [23:18] Hi, I just installed Noble Numbat and there is this behaviour were if I click one time in the titlebar of a window if resizes and a orange placement appears, how can I disable that? [23:20] It seems to happen only in Google Chrome [23:20] ... [23:20] this sounds like it could be a bug, someone else reported similar before [23:20] Using GTK or QT doesn't change it [23:21] which graphics driver? Xorg or Wayland? [23:21] Xorg + NVIDIA [23:21] so it doesn't happen with the firefox snap? [23:22] No [23:22] It is totally a Chrome thing [23:22] any chance you've also got chromium-browser installed and could see if it does the same thing? [23:22] Well Google is dying, I guess this is one more sign! haha [23:22] Let me check [23:23] oh there's no snap for chrome, 'just' chromium [23:24] https://snapcraft.io/install/chromium/ubuntu [23:24] Oh it seems to just affect Google Chrome! [23:24] Chromium is OK [23:25] I guess I will use it for now [23:25] Thanks guys [23:25] nice [23:26] Wait a minute haha [23:26] It happens, but is kind different [23:26] The orange placement doesn't show up, but the window do resize [23:27] Guest62: Are you using a HiDPI screen? [23:27] Like do you have display scaling enabled? [23:27] No scaling, let me double check [23:27] No, no scaling [23:28] hmm [23:28] are the symptoms at all similar to this though? https://kfocus.org/wf/browsers.html#bkm_google_chrome [23:28] I have a ghost display tho [23:28] see the "jitter bug" video [23:29] Its weird thing... But I will reinstall the system just to be sure this is happening in a clean install of Chrome [23:29] brb [23:45] Oh yeah guys, Chrome Bug Guy Here [23:45] It happens in a totally fresh install on Chromium [23:46] Let me check Chrome [23:46] Did you install Nvidia drivers? [23:47] Xorg + NVIDIA might just give you nouveau [23:47] I using the ubuntu shipped proprietary drivers [23:48] Let me try nouveau [23:48] brb [23:50] nouveu didn't save the day today :/ [23:51] Same bug, it seems to be restricted to Chrome/Chromium [23:52] Hell, since I'm at this, let me check KDE [23:55] This is a Gnome thing, KDE doesn't have this [23:56] To test this, you just need Chromium and a single click in a maxed window [23:56] It will resize and the orange placement appear, usually in the top part of the screen [23:57] like this? [23:57] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1508199/bug-with-window-resizing [23:57] Yes, like that [23:57] The thing is that, you don't have to move the window at all [23:58] i notices some reports before, i find no official bug report [23:58] yes, we call that an artifact [23:58] you are not the first one to report this. i disabled the enhanced tiling [23:58] that fixed it for me [23:58] oh wow that's way more annoying than I expected [23:58] ravage where is that setting? [23:59] still worth the bugreport, no? [23:59] settings -> ubuntu desktop (bottom) [23:59] !bug [23:59] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [23:59] let me get back to gnome [23:59] i think there already is one. maybe i can even find it [23:59] just this, xorg https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/2064192 [23:59] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2064192 in Ubuntu "Unable to resize windows" [Undecided, Confirmed]