
holmanminimal sounds like an easy enough logic to implement 18:52
minimalholman: yeah. I'm surprised that it didn't come up before.18:55
minimalI guess perhaps not many people use the disk_setup or mount modules18:55
holmanYeah i guess not18:59
minimalso that NVME devices are more common these days so it's the most likely type of device with the "pX" naming to be encountered18:59
holmanminimal: I made a patch to fix it... but i think that I lost it while rebasing earlier, I'll see if i can dig it out of git's bowels22:31
holmanIf not it was trivial22:31
holmanNot sure we really need to worry about /dev/by-*22:32
holmanSince partition number is a user-provided value22:32
holmanThe more i look at this module the more problems i see22:34
meenaholman: git reflog + cherrypick?23:02

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