
DanSimmons[m]<wxl[m]> "[This Reddit post](https://www...." <- That doesn't seem like edge cases. That seems like something that is fallen off the edge and rolled under the  couch. 00:18
arraybolt3I'm going to need to use that terminology in the future00:22
ThomasWard[m]just want to say Thank You to SImon for restoring my Debian upload rights for my packages I directly maintain there as DM :D02:05
Roberalz[m]. 14:29
-Ubottu[m]:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Jammy 22.04.4] has been updated (20240504)17:17
-Ubottu[m]:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Jammy 22.04.4] has been updated (20240504)17:24

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