
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
RhondaHmm.  I'm confused about #2045164 - are the LTS releases now publicly supported for 10 years instead of 5, or is that the paid ESM version?10:32
RhondaLP#2045164 - does that trigger the bot? :)10:32
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045164 in pkg-website "Please add LTS releases for the last 10 years" [Undecided, Won't Fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204516410:32
RikMillsRhonda: standard support is still 5 years as per:10:50
=== bandali is now known as mab
RhondaRikMills: So what are those 10 years referring to?  ESM then?12:21
=== sudip_ is now known as sudip
RhondaIs there something similar like this list for the ports mirrors?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors12:21
PaulW2URhonda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases should give you all applicable dates for each release12:30
guiverc5 years standard support; an extra 5 with ESM, a further 2 with legacy12:46
RhondaPaulW2U: Right, but … that page is confusing if you take a look yourself.13:32
RhondaOh. I read the ESM table wrongly and was confused with the End of Life column in there, and was in the wrong line.  So the End of Life column in the first table is actually indeed ESM time, and only available to paying customers13:34
=== mab is now known as bandali

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