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trippehI'm not seeing anything on vlan aware bridges in netplan docs - is it not supported?20:07
trippehappears not: https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/179312820:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 1793128 in Netplan "support vlan-aware bridges (vlan-filtering)" [Wishlist, Triaged]20:07
trippehfigured I'd give netplan a go on a open ethernet type switch, but I guess not :)20:08
trippeh(note: oldskool per-vlan bridges + a metric crapton of vlan devices would work)20:24
znftrippeh, do you want to do filtering? 21:24
znfelse, is there a reason you want to use vlan-aware?21:24
trippehznf: this device can do 64 ethernet ports, managing per vlan virtual devices for every port with more than one vlan and adding them to per vlan bridges would be .. a lot21:44
znfUnderstandable 21:45
patdk-laphmm, I have never had an issue running vlans on bridges22:15
patdk-lapfor several releases now22:15
patdk-lapoh wait, I'm thinking bond22:15
patdk-lapI do a bond, then vlan it, then run bridges on those vlans22:16
trippehthat is the traditional way, yes.22:17
patdk-lapnot possible using ebtables?22:18
trippehwell the point of vlan aware bridges are to make vlan things less complicated, not more complicated :p22:21
trippehalso dont think ebtables gets pushed down to the switch asic22:21
trippehswitching 64x25Gbps over the x4 pcie gen2 link to the cpu would be pretty terrible (:22:23

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