
=== darth_tux_ is now known as darth_tux
gem_catI am running Ubuntu Studio 22.04 and I have a problem, I can't see where to click. Google search says to turn off features, I have turned off everything that has a switch to no avile. I am using a desktop here so powersaving is meaningless anyway. I have cataracts which dims everything to begin with. I loaded Ubuntu 10 on my laptop and it does not have this problem but then, I can't update it either. please help00:05
sarnoldwhat do you mean with "can't see where to click"?00:05
gem_catwhen the mouse cursor moves tword where i would clock everything under the cursor dims til i can not see it and just have to guess00:06
sarnoldoh wow, I haven't heard of that one before :)00:08
sarnoldEickmeyer: any chance this is a feature? ^^00:08
gem_catI have tried about 7 different monitors and the problem varies but is noticable00:09
oerhekson what hw/videocvard?00:10
gem_catI think windows does this now and Ubuntu copied it to be cute00:10
gem_catoerheks, I have tried this with 5 different computers and all do it00:13
gem_catthis computer has a mesa intel HD00:13
gem_catI think this effect is also called bloom00:14
sarnoldgem_cat: so, I've got a few guesses: (a) try changing mouse pointer theme, there's probably a tool to let you change that somewhere in the settings (b) if that doesn't work, try setting the mouse to *software* mouse cursor rather than *hardware* mouse cursor; this is a pain in the ass to actually do, but the general idea is described on00:18
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gem_catsarnold, I tried a variety of 'high contrast' themes. You may be right about the software mouse if somehow but I susp[ect it will cause problems with blender00:21
sarnoldgem_cat: ooh! try disabling the high-contrast mouse themes! I could believe that would be the cause00:23
gem_catsarnold, I dont think so I am just using a basic theme right now00:29
sarnoldoh dang :( I liked that idea, better than mine, heh00:30
gem_catsarnold, what does your ubuntu do, maybe it is just my bad eyesight.00:34
sarnoldgem_cat: well, mine is very different from yours. I'm running i3 on 20.04 -- there's no dimming beneath the mouse pointer at all, i've never seen that before00:34
gem_catby my recollection this began around version 2000:37
gem_catmy laptop was giving warnings the hardware would not be supported in the next release so running 10 on it will probably be all I can do00:38
Tingokenzu: why did you chose voidlinux ? :)00:39
gem_catgood nite sarnold00:53
sarnoldgn8 gem_cat, good luck00:53
peirikThe onscreen keyboard seems to be fixed to the primary monitor. Is there any way to move it to other monitors? Preferably like a window I can move around freely.00:59
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bobdobbsHi. I'm running ubuntu 22.04. I'm running a dark theme. But some apps don't have the dark theme. afaict, this might be because they are using qt?01:55
sarnoldthere's probably dark themes for qt, too01:56
bobdobbssarnold: ah, ok. So I've installed kvantummanager, which allows the user to switch themes.02:07
bobdobbsbasically I'm trying to get wireshark to run in dark mode. I believe that wireshark uses qt02:07
WildKeccakI wish that I understood how to install pip-tools in Ubuntu Noble02:08
sarnoldbobdobbs: sorry, gotta run :/ does that tool do *multiple* toolkits?02:08
bobdobbsI'm not sure02:09
Tingobobdobbs: did you check preferences/Settings of Wireshark... for running it in Dark mode ?02:09
bobdobbsTingo: I couldn't see a theme in the appearances settings of wireshark.02:10
bobdobbsTingo: brb. I think I have to reboot to enable qt settings to change02:10
WildKeccak"pip install pip-tools" complains that it shouldn't be used, and there is no apt package.02:11
esvhey folks, from time to time my machine just ignores the USB mouse and keyboard, the only way to recover is reboot,  it usually happens after the screensaver has kicked in for a while. I tried to run a sosreport but it just hung on the lshw section and had to open a new window to take the machine down.02:36
esvany recommendations on how to troubleshoot the issue?02:37
esvrunning ubuntu 22.0402:37
esvI'll try to capture it before rebooting next time.02:42
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smoltalkHey all, does anybody have feedback/confirmation on these feature requests / bugs for the Subiquity server 22.04/24.04's "custom storage layout" UI before I file them? With the exception of one noted below, I haven't seen any similar bugs or feature requests already filed:03:47
smoltalk* Doesn't allow a to be selected as the boot device if partitions already exist or are planned to be created on the device03:47
smoltalk* Doesn't allow EFI system partitions to be created/mounted manually03:47
smoltalk* Doesn't allow LVM partitions to be created if partitions already exist or are planned to be added to the device03:47
smoltalk* Doesn't allow LUKS partitions to be created unless creating one as part of an LVM volume group03:47
smoltalkThe last may possibly be a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/202395703:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2023957 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity: Manual partitioning: Add 'physical volume for LVM', and make it possible to encrypt it" [Undecided, New]03:48
sdcgHi is there a help room?03:48
smoltalksdcg this is it. Please read the rules and then have at it03:48
sdcgok in that case can anyone help me figure out why my wifi dongle is seen but not usabel?  https://termbin.com/8xsh03:50
smoltalkAlso for subiquity 24.04 on the desktop 24.04 image, can anybody confirm/refute this bug? Restarting the installer via the UI after the installation fails (due to error in autoinstall.yaml on the install media root) does not restart subiquity. It will immediately show the error UI from the previous failure, and it ignores new autoinstall.yaml files03:51
smoltalkin locations that should take precedence.03:51
=== boompow is now known as BoomPow
smoltalksdcg you should provide more information than that. Please answer all of the following questions: Which flavor/version of Ubuntu are you using? What is the vendor/model of the wifi dongle? What have you already tried to resolve this issue?03:56
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sdcgubuntu cinnamon 22.04 (the termbin shows the dongle) and tried a number of things04:00
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gebbionehi folks, recovering from a locked screen (ie moving the mouse after a while when screen is locked) takes a good few seconds before the login is shown again ... is that expected or can something be done to fix it11:43
tomreyngebbione: is this on ubuntu with gnome-shell / gdm, or a different Ubuntu flavor / login manager? Xorg or Wayland? Which graphics driver? which ubuntu version, which kernel version? are you using customizations such as gnome-shell-extensions which might get in the way? Is anything logged in the systemd journal (use 'journalctl -eb') at the time you start unlocking the screen?11:51
tomreynplease generally provide at least the basic environmental information.11:51
tomreynif you need help gathering any of this, please point it out11:52
gebbionegraphics is nvidia rxt207011:56
gebbioneux is just unity11:57
gebbioneecho $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP -> ubuntu:GNOME11:58
tomreyni think that's gnome-shell, not unity11:58
tomreynunless you installed ubuntu-unity?11:59
tomreyn* ubuntu-unity-desktop11:59
tomreynapt list --installed ubuntu-unity-desktop12:00
gebbionejournal output (i must say it is faster if i lock it and reopen12:00
gebbionethe output of apt list --installed ubuntu-unity-desktop is Listing done12:01
gebbioneso not listing that package as installed i guess12:01
gebbionealso not really sure how to interpret all the journal output12:03
BluesKajHi all12:04
tomreyngebbione: unlock it again, and take note on the time when you do, then check what was logged in the journal.12:06
tomreynand feel free to share those lines of the log using a pastebin12:06
gebbionei think i will need to wait for next time that it auto locks12:07
tomreynprobably, yes.12:07
tomreynthis probably says "gnome", too, right?  echo $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP12:08
gebbioneno that says ubuntu12:08
tomreynah thats right, good12:08
gebbioneanyhow i wonder if the delay is because of the lines ...  gnome-shell[6194]: Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 31 with keysym 31 (keycode a).12:08
tomreynso you're not using unity12:08
gebbionewell after a quick googling it looked like the unity image12:09
gebbionehere where it says unity https://superuser.com/questions/96151/how-do-i-check-whether-i-am-using-kde-or-gnome#:~:text=Have%20a%20look%20at%20your,%2C%20you're%20on%20Gnome.12:09
oerheksunity --version or apt-cache policy unity12:10
gebbioneunity 7.5.112:10
tomreynhttps://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours?cp=hide has a current ubuntu unity screenshot12:12
tomreynand here's a current ubuntu 24.04 screenshot https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/7-Wcy72kffGY3f_KhI4VNoDGow_nnsGwB10oSO2oACqBYORb5xRWuQSKwAkaLE0YWciUWlrf5Hk2yKNb66kdo7t3d8YQSu1yS1JaJiGliqn3aFDAG5Qy558ApHb_did8V0EGmWKaH2DzhOnGa8pR50I12:15
oerheksNot sure what can be done for that pause before lockscreen appears12:15
HootchHi, I'm using 24.04 with xrdp as remote user with gnome46/X11. I can't see the dock panel on the left side. If I logged in as a local user (no xrdp) I can see the dock panel - any hints?12:15
gebbionetomreyn, this is indeed how mine looks like approximately but i have 22.04.04 and CairoDock12:17
tomreyngebbione: which of the two?12:18
tomreynhmm, cairo-dock, that seems like a relevant configuration change12:19
gebbionethe screenshot looks similar12:20
tomreynthe first or the second screenshot i posted?12:20
tomreynCrimsonRaven4826: hello!12:21
gebbionetomreyn, like this https://imgur.com/AZbdPG9.png12:21
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CrimsonRaven4826how to login12:22
tomreyngebbione: okay so that's gnome-shell with the cairo dock, i think. you can identify gnome-shell by the "activities" menu top left.12:22
tomreynCrimsonRaven4826: login to what?12:23
tomreyn!nickserv | CrimsonRaven482612:23
ubottuCrimsonRaven4826: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera12:23
tomreyngebbione: i'd try this without cairo-dock, see whether login is faster then12:24
tomreynjust to get a better idea of what may be causing it.12:25
tomreynand inspect the logs, too12:25
tomreynalso take note of whether you monitor also goes into sleep mode, which can take time to reactivate12:26
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CrismonRavenwhy isn't /ns register working14:23
Roeyhello all14:44
RoeyI installed Jellyfin, and made a PKCS#12 certificate (put it in /var/www, with permissions for user and group set to rwx). When I go to, I get a "The connection was reset" page.  Why isn't this working?14:44
ravageRoey: try https://jellyfin.org/contact14:49
Roeyravage: thanks14:53
RoeyI got it owrking (I had forgotten to open the 8920 port in my firewall. Fixed!)14:53
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mintcobranie dikih dronov15:40
minti ne tol'ko15:40
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turganti43im angel18:07
turganti43gabrile turganti18:07
jiggawatthola turganti4318:08
jiggawatti'm jaroslav ignacy wattz18:08
turganti43hi jaroslav18:27
=== Milencho_ is now known as Milencho
turganti43im a develop ubuntu18:37
turganti43ubuntu is a so open code18:37
turganti43this is very easy modified18:37
ZaYhow to dinstall kiwirc ? please19:54
rboxapt search can search for packages19:54
ZaYi have aunether user19:59
ZaYi need stup to do that please20:03
peirikis there any way to detach the on-screen keyboard from the main monitor? I'd like to move it to a secondary monitor, or preferably move it freely around like a window šŸ¤”20:07
wwsmurfZaY, what do you need?20:09
ZaYdinstall kiwirc please20:10
wwsmurfYou want to remove it?20:10
ZaYyes please20:10
mihalisany must have app?20:13
wwsmurfJust out of curiosity, what does "whereis kiwiirc" tell you?20:14
serjantHello everyone,Why does "Ubuntu 24.04 LTS" come with libc6 2.35 out of the box?. I downloaded insynchq 24.04 and it requires libc6 version 2.39. With the new versions of Ubuntu, will libc6 not be updated?20:15
ZaYwhen i do user unrealircd wwsmurf20:15
ZaYuesr unrealircd20:16
mihaliswhere i find software?20:18
younderYou can start with the apt senter.20:21
youndersorry app senter20:22
novaTopFlexUbuntu 22.04 LTS: Installation of Apache2 packages results in "Ign:" on various lines.20:26
novaTopFlexUnsure if this is the fault of not updating to 24.04 LTS (I am on the LTS release cycle and was told to wait until 24.04.1 for a more secure--and stable--system.)20:27
ravageSounds like a problem with your sources file(s)Ā 20:34
ravageWould be helpful if you can pastebin your outputĀ 20:34
ZaYI am a beginner I want to uninstall kiwiirc from my Ubuntu vps please21:17
rboxZaY: if you want to install some random thing thats not in the repos, you need to follow the instructions from their website21:19
tomreynZaY: the same goes for uninstalling some random thing. if there are no uninstall steps listed, then try executing the installation steps in reverse.21:27
ZaYI don't know how to do it rbox21:32
rboxdo what21:32
ZaYfor uninstalling21:33
rboxyou'll have to talk to the developers if their documetnation is missing somethign21:33
TingoZaY: first find out where is this KiwiIRC Folder... its in /home/YOURUSER/KiwiIRC ? or in /opt/ ?21:38
Tingo./kiwi stop and then delete this kiwiIRC Folder which you had downloaded from Github.. git clone https://github.com/prawnsalad/KiwiIRC.git && cd KiwiIRC21:39
ZaYin /home/unrealircd/KiwiIRC21:40
Tingook. cd /home/unrealircd/KiwiIRC/21:41
ZaYi need to uninstall kiwiirc21:41
Tingo./kiwi stop21:41
ZaYi did this21:41
Tingorm -rf /home/unrealircd/KiwiIRC21:42
Tingoit will not run again ..21:42
TingokiwiIRC has been Uninstalled/Removed from your Server..21:44
ZaYkill ?21:44
tomreynnote also how the installation guide at states that it is outdated and there are also package installations nowadays, pointing to v1.6.0 (nov. 2021) and later versions' release assets https://github.com/kiwiirc/kiwiirc/releases21:44
tomreyn* at https://kiwiirc.com/docs/installing21:44
TingoZaY: ps -aux | grep kiwi21:45
tomreyngenerally, i would recommend against 'installing' software in such manual ways if you're not comfortable with managing and uninstalling it manually on your own. use packages from apt repositories (or at least snaps / flatpaks instead)21:46
Guest65In ubundu 24.04 wayland, there is a non-clickable area on the upper right side of the screen up to 4 finger area in post-installed applications. when the applications are full screen, buttons such as closing cannot be clicked. has anyone encountered a similar problem or knows the solution. I temporarily solve the problem by logging into xorg and21:47
Guest65returning to wayland at every pc startup.21:47
Tingotomreyn: is it Server app or onlly kiwirc Desktop Clients ? https://github.com/kiwiirc/kiwiirc/releases21:49
tomreynTingo: i see packages which contain the words "server", "desktop" and "client" there21:50
TingoYea. now i see Server.. Well yes, always prefer to use apt or .deb files for installing Apps..21:53
GSMarquistomreyn, you sent me a few links on suspend modes. It started a click session for me of about 2 hours of reading. Led me to a forum with Intel IOAPIC causing suspend/sleep not to work. I disabled it in BIOS and all is good.22:09
tomreynGSMarquis: sounds like you know more than i do. :) congrats.22:10
tomreynyou can control ioapic also from the linux cmdline btw.22:10
GSMarquisWell aparrently it needs to be configured or breaks suspend.22:11
JoeLlamaI'm running lubuntu but the power manager sux for this box.  Is there another power manager I can run instead and how did do I do that?22:20
rbox"the power manager"?22:25

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