[00:45] santa_: done [17:55] RikMills, sgmoore, santa_, arraybolt3: I put two transition dates on the release schedule. They are *not* set in stone, and can be moved if we deem it necessary. Please ping me to get dates updated if you don't have access: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/oracular-oriole-release-schedule/36460 [17:57] ty! I do **not** have access. [17:57] but that's fine [17:58] is that thing restricted? I can access it with my modest permissions level [17:59] and I'm not even logged in :| [18:01] I mean I don't have *modification* access. [18:01] ah [18:01] maybe I don't either :D [18:02] but it's ok [18:31] just FYI misc news from my front: [18:32] - fw 5.116.0 almost finised for oracular, pending: noble backports, I'll get to it soon [18:32] - as a result of that, four bugs found and fixed in Ka, releasing 2.6.1 at the moment [18:33] - my servers area51 and watertown have been already doing oracular package builds, pending: migrating groomlake as well [18:35] - kf6 related: at some point. I'm going to retry the experiment of building everything kf5-based against e-c-m 6.x [18:36] - I have been doing some mockup to support the 'frameworks6' release type in KA, this is material for a future 2.7 release [18:36] and that's all the news so far [18:37] tsimonq2, RikMills: recommended reading for frameworks 6 packaging: [18:37] 1. https://community.kde.org/Frameworks/6.0_Release_notes [18:38] 2. https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Plasma_6.0_Release_notes [18:38] 3. https://community.kde.org/KDE_Gear/24.02_Release_notes [18:41] as you can see in 1. there's a number of packages in kf5 that will need adjustment for co-installability [18:42] that's something that we could start to prepare soon + I'll get to kf6 support in KA soon like I mentioned above [18:43] for these 2 things it would be convenient to have a separate staging PPA for frameworks6 [18:44] we already have ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks [18:44] so my suggestion is to create ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks6 [18:45] and we could start to put there the packages from kf5 that need post-kf6 adjustment [18:46] regarding these packages that need post-kf6 adjustments my idea is creating a kubuntu_oracular_postkf6 branch (or maybe you can suggest a better name) [20:21] santa_: It may be useful to start looking at what Plasma 6 (and Gear) would look like on KF6, whether we need package renames of some kind. [20:22] I just don't think Plasma 5 on KF6 is something we should plan to support [20:22] It'll be like that for ... maybe a few weeks at most, while Plasma 6 is getting prepped [20:22] The idea is to do it all this cycle [20:24] tsimonq2: yes, atm - after a quick look on the release notes I linked above the imprssion that I have is that we need to do it in this order: kf6, plasma6, applications [20:24] but please note that kf5 and kf6 will co-exsit for a while, many apps are still at 5 [20:25] that's in fact a repetition of the plasms 5 upgrade from 4 [20:25] we wil have things using 6 already, others still using 5 [20:25] and at some point we will have everything in 6 [20:39] Can we start a list of packages not ported over to 6 yet? [20:39] I concur re: FW then Plasma then Gear [20:41] we can, indeed crate lists, we can put them in ka-metadata in case we want to use them with do-all or something [20:43] hoever I think the next things I'm going to do are: [20:43] - repeat the ecm experiment (not very time consuming on my side) [20:44] - prepare KA with some initial support of fw6 so we could extract interesting things in ka-metadata + build those lists + do experimental builds of packages [20:44] I'll get to it soon [20:45] s/hoever/however/