=== cxl_ is now known as cxl [10:54] hey [10:54] is this about debian package thing [10:54] or the ubuntu one [10:55] is this the place people talk about adding packages to `apt install` ? [13:10] ah launchpad is canonical only [13:11] wont it all be merged into snap eventually anyway? [15:55] Hello! How can i search all users that have put that they speak latvian, so i can add all to loco team and they could help in loco team? [15:57] 3 how to find what packages top 10 has most bug reports? [15:59] 2 how to find most ubunut bug reporters- who has reported more bugs. i bet im nr 1 === bandali is now known as mab [18:54] hi everyone [18:55] just in case this wasn't noticed: at the moment there is a high number of riscv64 buildd machines disabled === mab is now known as bandali