
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
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lmcHey everyone, I bought a shiny new lenovo legion laptop but it has a lot of hardware issues. You can follow this bug report for details: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=218444. Anyway, I was wondering if I could get some help on how to go about applying a patch to my Linux kernel? The Ubuntu wiki is outdated and I don't know what I'm doing :) Any help is super appreciated!03:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu- bugzilla.kernel.org bug 218444 in Drivers "Lenovo Legion 9i Audio, TrackPad, Battery not detected" [High, New]03:40
Guest66:lmc Is it new hardware? Linux always has issues with brand new hardware.03:50
lmcIt's new yeah03:52
lmcThing is, the bug seems to have been fixed in the bug report I linked to. They suggested I try to build my own kernel with their patch but I don't know how to do that03:54
Bashing-om! info linux-image-generic noble04:00
ubottulinux-image-generic (6.8.0-31.31, noble): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 10 kB / 16 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)04:00
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TuxFaroTheGreatubuntu-report popularity-contest apport whoopsie05:05
TuxFaroTheGreatmy favbe ubuntu software05:05
pickanickHow to increase the number of backup log files such as auth.log.4.gz ? Currently 22.04 rotates logfile every week, so older logs are deleted.05:18
pickanickwhere is the number of backup logs set? Can it be set per file or for all log files?05:20
gebbionehttps://termbin.com/eyas are the lines at 09:19 (last 4) likely to delay wake from self locking of the screen05:21
rboxpickanick: logrotate configs are in /etc05:22
pickanickrbox : thanks, that helps greatly!05:25
arraybolt3younder: ?06:28
younderJust a topic I have been studying in advanced type theory.06:28
younderUsed in Higher order Categorical Logic and Typed Lambda Calculus06:33
younderThe Dutch are in general huge on taking theory of computation and making it into usable algorithms. Might mention Duck DB that came out of their study group on Database Theory.06:36
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smoltalkHey all, this is more of a licensing question, so please let me know if it's better suited for #ubuntu-discuss . I'm working towards publishing a group of Subiquity autoinstall configs and associated tools/scripts (for creating NoCloud cloudinit-compatible USBs) to act as a stopgap for missing functionality I've found useful. I know Ubuntu projects09:03
smoltalkare released under a mix of Apache 2, GPL 3, and AGPL 3. I was planning to release this project under GPL 3. I know Subiquity is a mix of GPL 3 and AGPL 3, and cloud-init is GPL 3. Are there any issues I'd run into if I released the project under GPL 3?09:03
smoltalkTo provide more context, the project involves a user-data file that uses Subiquity's schema extensions and scripts to validate and create cloud-init NoCloud -compatible removable media.09:06
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Chosihow can anyone not notice that apparmor is blocking dhclient during installation and you're losing connectivity? the entire apparmor situation after an upgrade is ridiculous10:49
tomreyninstallation of what on what? upgrade from what to what?11:03
ravageDon't bother him with details. It is ridiculous! :) 11:05
Chosifrom 23.10 to 24.0411:07
ravageUpgrades to 24.04 are not enabled yet unless you force it 11:09
Chosifair point :>11:09
ravageSo you can check if your problem is a known bug11:10
ravageIf yes mark yourself affected and if not report it 11:10
Chosii apparently falsely assumed that upgrades were already tested/supported with the release of noble11:11
Chosimy bad then11:12
tomreynglad we could clarify that so easily.11:13
Chosiactually the issue is apparmor related, like 90% of the issues i experienced during upgrade11:14
Chosiguess it'll just take a while to update the profiles accordingly11:15
tomreynthere are other issues which will need to be solved to make the upgrade process go smoothly, such as the desktop crashing.11:16
tomreyn(in some cases)11:17
Chosiexperienced that when my session was for some reason set to wayland, back on x11 everything was smooth again11:19
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u0_a241someone here13:15
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CosmicDJu0_a241: try :q!13:21
u0_a241thank you bro13:23
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tribuGood morning, accidentally I deleted some NTFS files and I cannot access to 2 HDD  "Error mounting /dev/sda1 at /media/tribu/1TB: Unknown error when mounting /dev/sda1"13:48
ducasseis anything like config etc saved under ~/snap?15:28
ioriaducasse, you mean a .config or a .local directory ?15:39
Guest5492Hi, touchpad is not working in my laptop after installing ubuntu 24.04 LTS. I also tried the mainline 6.9.0rc6 kernel but nothing changed. The touchpad seems to be recognized and i2c_hid_acpi is installed, in gnome I have a touchpad menu but touchpad is not working. Touching it does not move the coursor. I have the following in system journal:15:41
Guest5492i2c_hid_acpi i2c-GXTP7863:00: device returned incorrect report (255 vs 14 expected). Could I ask for any ideas how to resolve this or should I report it as a bug?15:41
Guest5492In Windows touchpad is working fine, also it is enabled in bios etc.15:42
ducasseioria: yes, will all that be recognized on a new install?15:42
ioriaducasse, i guess so ; it's like a container15:43
ducasseok, thanks15:44
tomreynGuest5492: this touch panel doesn't seem to be very common. apparently this is a Goodix GXTP7863 with USB ID 0x27C6:0x01E8. libinput added a quirk for it 3 years ago according to https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libinput/libinput/-/issues/604 , so this should already getting detected fine. i'm not sure why it's not happening for you. one generic issue with usb is that you can have too many devices connected, spreading power amongst them and leaving16:00
tomreyntoo little poewer to run some. and there can be other side effects. tempoarily disconnecting some usb devices may help.16:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 604 in libinput/libinput "quirk for Lenovo Yoga Slim 9 14ITL5" [Closed]16:00
tomreyn3 mins late :(16:01
tomreynalso firmware updater here in case they return: https://github.com/goodix/gdix_hid_firmware_update16:01
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floogyI got issues with my system. It seems, that I'm not able to use the base system. With BusyBox I could list files in /bin, but if I use the prompt without BusyBox, /bin/ls: no such file. Also chroot /bin/bash results in /bin/bash no such file.19:12
floogyI think the journal was clearing some files and the Kernel was panicking after rebooting.19:12
floogyAfter that filesystems are clear, also smart healthy.19:12
floogyWhat are my options? Fsck force? Rebuild the base system from live CD?19:12
floogySorry for the line breaks. I'm using irc from my phone.19:13
floogyI don't have currently access to the system.19:14
oerheksyes, exit and runfsck /dev/sda1 -y or something, see https://ostechnix.com/how-to-fix-busybox-initramfs-error-on-ubuntu/19:15
oerheksor reboot in rescue mode19:15
floogyIt's clean. Rescue mode is panicking19:16
floogyI think maybe to install the base system over it. Isn't there an option for dpkg to do that remotely from the live CD?19:17
oerheksyou need to get overthere, i guess19:18
oerheksnow you have no access anyway19:18
oerheksgood luck!19:18
tomreyn"chroot /bin/bash results in /bin/bash no such file" -Y if that's still so, then either the file system was not recovered properly or file systems are not mounted at the right place.19:21
floogyI'm currently out to lunch. So I'll look into dpkg or apt for such options, because I thought chroot will do the trick, but something is wrong with searching /bin/bash or the core tools under /bin or /use/bin etc19:22
tomreynbash is in /usr/bin/bash in current releases according to https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/amd64/bash/filelist - but i imagine there can be symlinks19:24
floogyIf root is mounted under /mnt I should run `chroot /mnt /bin/bash` right? bash is in /mnt/bin/bash, but due to chroot /mnt I gave to give /bin/bash, not /mnt/bin/bash?19:25
tomreynthat's right, the executable path refers to inside the chroot19:26
floogyYes, I got ls in /bin and under /usr/bin for example.19:26
tomreyn"chroot /bin/bash" would have been wrong, though, if this is really what you ran earlier19:27
tomreynyou need to provide the chroot target as a first argument19:28
floogyBizarre situation. I interrupted a check install script which ran false due to white space, empty lines in a pasted info text. After interrupting it with crtl+c I had no longer access to the tools like sh, bash or core tools under /bin or the like. But Firefox or gedit(?) did run just fine. But I couldn't start any program from the dock or terminal cmd line. But typing BusyBox ls did find them. I could also do sha256sum19:32
floogyon /bin/*19:32
floogyI'm not able to figure out, what's happening. Really strange.19:32
floogyYes I did chroot /mnt /bin/bash19:33
floogyMaybe with chroot and ldd I could get some info on what's happening. Or using strace19:34
tomreynwell busybox got its own ls and the most basic commands internally19:34
floogyBut since chroot didn't work, I have to install first the base system from outside (live CD)19:35
tomreynbut if the single binaries were gone for some reason... that'll be why19:35
floogyYes I know. First I searched for static sash, but then BusyBox came to my mind.19:35
floogyBut BusyBox can list them and also BusyBox sha256sum can get the  hash of those files otherwise hidden. I never had such situation.19:38
floogyEcho $PATH was sane.19:39
floogyThank you all. I will see, when back home.19:39
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Jim`Is the new LTS "stable" and I should jump on the Ubuntu wagon if I'm going to?23:05
Jim`Or should I wait a bit23:06
oerhekswait for the 24.04.1 point release, upgrade path is not released yet.23:07
oerhekswe do not recommend to use the -d development option, but if you do, prepare an usb with a fresh 24.04 iso first23:07
Jim`oerheks: I suppose they'd do this before Oct 2025 :p23:08
oerheksend july/august23:08
Jim`oerheks: I waited this long , less M$ gets more agressive with win 11 ads I'll wait23:20
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