
=== tertitten_ is now known as tertitten
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Jim`is the Xubuntu version of the new LTS out?23:27
arraybolt3Jim`: Yes it is.23:37
Jim`arraybolt3: I guess no better time to see if I can get off the M$ train before it derails Oct 202523:37
Jim`cause aint nobody being forced to upgrade parts 23:37
arraybolt3Jim`: Neat. Derails Oct 2025? That's when Win10 goes EOL I'm guessing?23:37
Jim`arraybolt3: yes23:38
Bashing-omJim`: https://xubuntu.org/download/.23:38
Jim`I aint being forced to upgrade my 8 year old hardware23:38
arraybolt3neat. Hope you end up enjoying Linux as much as I do (I daily-drive it and have done so for years).23:38
Jim`arraybolt3: I just worry if my HP Deskjet 2640 is going to work 23:38
Unit193hplip just works, right?23:39
arraybolt3I would guess it would, I have a couple HP inkjets and one laserjet here that "just work" upon being plugged in.23:39
arraybolt3The laserjet even works over WiFi without any fancy gymnastics23:39
Jim`Unit193, arraybolt3: I should be able to test it in Live mode first?23:39
Unit193One brother laser printer that needs their driver and libc-i386 (yes...) and it works great.23:39
arraybolt3Just boot from the USB, then plug in your printer and see how it works.23:39
Jim`I don't think it did in Pops23:40
Jim`when I tried about 3 years ago23:40
arraybolt3A lot can change in three years :) Also Pop!_OS isn't Ubuntu, so it may have had a bug that made it not work in that regard.23:40
Unit193hplip is seeded in Xubuntu, so yep you're good.23:40
Jim`It was on sale for $25 at walmart when I got it, the ink is more lol23:42
Jim`but I don't wanna have to change out the printer either23:42
Jim`I still need it to copy, for return labels, etc23:42
Unit193You don't have a CartridgeWorld near you?23:42
Jim`never heard of it23:43
arraybolt3cheap printer ink I think23:43
Unit193They refill the container.23:43
arraybolt3are HP cartridges still even refillable? All mine warn that you can't refill them and I think HP has some weird "security" stuff to make refilling hard23:44
Unit193arraybolt3: All of the printer makers try to complicate it.  I remember *years* ago that CW said the new cartridges were padded so held half the ink they should too.  For the brother one I use EZ-Ink and it works great, but I've never let the system update firmware (that tends to lock-out third party refills.)23:45

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