
kuruminalguém vivo? kkk00:20
JustDoomHey, Does anyone know if its possible to set the Application Launcher icon to a gif instead of just a still image?00:42
Jim`Should Kubuntu run OK on 950SC and FX-8370 ?04:06
Jim`Or should I be looking at LXDE, XFCE ?04:06
valorieJim`: why not try it out on a thumb drive?04:45
valorieit runs great on my many-years-old dell travel laptop04:46
valoriethen if you like how it runs in a live session, install04:46
Jim`valorie: good idea04:48
Jim`aint like I got nothing to lose before OCt 202504:48
Jim`but a little time04:48
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BluesKajHi all13:07
Jim`What do people use for scanner software usually?13:25
Your_DogJim: I use skanlite but these days I barely scan anything and just either do phone + OCR if its needed to be digitized14:17
fanny123hi, my kubuntu 22.04LTS stopped working i believe dns or smthing similar. i saw a bind9 update, could it be the cause?14:18
fanny1231:9.18.18-0ubuntu0.22.04.2   i have this version. what do you recommend install previous version? is it something known? i've lost internet a few days ago14:19
Your_Dogwhat you mean by stopped working, it doesnt proceed to desktop?14:19
fanny123im not expert but ping didnt resolve names. i added a resolv.conf manually and still i dont have internet, while i know that that same connection works in other computer and phone14:20
fanny123i saw on the history log that bind9 was updated, thats why i tought could be the issue14:21
fanny123i dont know if i replied corerctly, dont understand accurately doesnt proceed to desktop. Obviously web browsing,discovery etc doesnt work. Your_Dog14:22
Your_Dogugh he left14:27
Your_Dogoh well 🤷🏻14:27
fanny123i've lost connection didnt see if there were replies after h:2214:29
fanny123could i try to remove bind9 and install previous package? or it need dependencies?how do i proceed?14:30
Your_Dogah you're back14:32
=== Guest3034 is now known as maccabee
sayemHi, how much time does it usually take to get distribution upgrade releases. I'm using kubuntu 22.04 lts and waiting to upgrade to 24.04 lts.17:49
bpromptsayem: what do you mean by how long?   how often do an LTS happen?17:51
sayemI mean, after a LTS release. Probably we can't just upgrade to one lts release to the new one immediately. I might be wrong though.17:54
sayemthere might be some time taken to prepare the upgrade path. I've run `sudo do-release-upgrade` and result is ```17:57
sayemThere is no development version of an LTS available.17:57
sayemTo upgrade to the latest non-LTS development release17:57
sayemset Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.17:57
bpromptsayem: tried -> sudo apt dist-upgrade <- yet?18:03
sternisWhen downloading the ISO Torrent of Kubuntu 24.04 LTS from the kubuntu.org website Firefox gives me the error "File Not Downloaded: Potential Security Risk". Any thoughts on this?18:09
tomreynsternis: what's the exact url?18:10
tomreynare you using addons in friefox? (you can get a list of firefox addons and non-default preferences at this url: about:support )18:10
tomreynsayem: upgrades from lts releases to lts releases are never available before the target release hits .1, usually a little later.18:11
tomreyni.e. 24.04.118:11
sternistomreyn: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/noble/release/kubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent18:11
bprompthmmm it could be because is a "torrent", some ISPs make it an issue on torrents ports access18:11
bpromptwrongly, but they do18:12
sternisBut the Ubuntu 24.04 torrents gave me no error18:12
bpromptsternis: yeah, I'd say nevermind it, is just a false-positive18:13
bpromptsternis: and I'd think is just because is a torrent download, as opposed to an http or https or ftp18:13
sternistomreyn: just using uBlock addon18:13
tomreynsternis: try adding an S to http18:13
tomreyndoes this overcome the message?18:14
tomreyni.e. https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/noble/release/kubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent18:14
sternistomreyn: works ok on https18:15
sternisLink on Kubuntu page points to http18:15
tomreynThis discusses the background of this Firefox core 'feature' and how you can change it: https://www.askvg.com/fix-file-not-downloaded-potential-security-risk-error-message-in-firefox/18:15
sternisOnly the Kubuntu 24.04 link points to HTTP, the other ones 22.04.4 and 23.10 uses HTTPS18:16
tomreynthanks for pointing this out, i'll pass it on to the -devel channel18:19
sayembprompt: yeah tried. there's no upgrade.18:20
guruprasadsayem, not sure if it is the same in case of Kubuntu, but for Ubuntu, the upgrade from the previous release is enabled when the .1 release of the new LTS is out.18:22
sayemtomreyn: thanks for making it clear. understand now how it works.18:22
guruprasadSince Kubuntu shares the same base as Ubuntu, I wouldn't be surprised if the same applied to it as well.18:23
guruprasadUbuntu 24.04.1 is not due to be out for some time.18:23
bpromptsayem: well, on that note, I'd like to say, I'm getting 24.04 till July, not now, seems the .1 version is more stable18:24
bpromptor august18:26
sayembprompt: Thanks. I can wait, LTS user after all. Although I'm usually excited for the new LTS releases.18:29
tomreynyes, the same applies to all flavours18:31
bpromptsayem: mind you that for Kubuntu LTS means 3 years, not 518:32
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xrandrHi there. I am trying to figure out why zoom backgrounds (and background blurring) won't work on my desktop, but will work on my laptop. I know it's different hardware (thanks to bprompt reminding me of that in a different channel), but it just boggles my mind as to why it will not work. Dunno what I am missing. Even bought a webcam that advertised to be fully zoom compatible20:49
xrandrUsing the Zoom Workplace deb that comes from the zoom website20:49
xrandrany suggestions or any more info I can provide, except both are using Kubuntu 22.04?20:52
oerheksdifferent GPU/gpu memory?20:58
oerhekswhy background and blurring on a zoom or vnc, it makes it more difficult20:58
xrandrBecause I work from my bedroom, and don't need clients to see my bed, etc.21:00
oerheksthey don' t give exact video req https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB006000721:04
oerheksbut sure there is a difference between buildin intel or amd/nvidia gpu21:04
xrandrthe desktop has an nVidia GeForce 770 GTX card21:16
xrandrseems to be a processor issue21:24
xrandrsays i5-6000 or higher, and my desktop has an i5-4690 chip21:24
xrandrHmm. Not looking to upgrade my desktop at this time (if i did, I would just get a whole new system)21:25

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