
=== JoeBk is now known as Guest5546
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felcoI have this weird problem when trying to open a new tab: https://snipboard.io/GUPgmz.jpg - I click the + but it actually clicks the hexchat icon and the chat comes up00:56
felcoI guess it would activate any other icon in the same area of the system tray icons00:57
UndrWateris the browser maximized?00:58
felcoAnd I can tell now when it is going to fail, because it is like there is a hidden something above the + tab button, so it doesnt highlight the button00:58
felcoYes, it is00:58
UndrWaterwhat if you hover the pointer the same number of pixels below the '+'00:59
UndrWaterthen click.00:59
felcoyes, i have to hover until I 'find' the button to click00:59
felcoif not, the system tray get clicked00:59
UndrWateri have similar issue (not ubuntu) and am reading it's related to compositor. can you turn off compositor and see if that works?01:01
felcocan you tell me how?01:02
UndrWaterwhat desktop environment?01:02
UndrWaterapparently, gnome does not allow the compositor to be turned off.01:03
UndrWaterdo you happen to have another DE installed?01:04
felcono.. not on this machine01:04
UndrWaternot sure if that's related to your issue01:06
oerhekssimply drag the window away, as it is 50% over the panel, then panel is ruling01:08
UndrWateroerheks: would the panel push the pointer's click action area away from the visible cursor?01:11
oerheksyes, unless it is more than 50% over the panel, i guess01:11
oerhekssolution would be some sort of smart alignment, so the panel never drops onto another panel control01:12
oerheksandroid does that01:12
UndrWaterthat might be the issue. i have a similar one that is completely not that01:13
felcohere a little screencast of it happening01:14
UndrWateryeah, that look different than my issue, but i feel i'm not seeing the whole story with the cropping.01:17
felcolike what?01:24
felcothis happen even without a window in the background01:25
UndrWaterit looks like one of the windows is coming into the picture, but i'm not sure if it was  random click bringing it up...01:25
masberhi, I have ubuntu 23.10 and the clock is not getting updated while traveling to another timezone01:26
masberI checked the settings and it should change the time automatically, also location services is enabled and I have access to internet through wifi01:26
masberso I don01:26
masberI don01:26
masberI don't understand what the issue may be?01:26
masberany hints?01:26
felcoUndrWater yes, it is the hexchat window that comes up, all clicks there goes into the hexchat icon in the system tray01:42
felcoalso, you can notice that the icon tooltip shows up01:42
mandle@masber check privacy settings maybe? This might help... https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/privacy-location.html01:56
felcohuh that is annoying... changing the primary display created a 'ghost system tray'01:58
masberyeah I have location services apps allowed to access location data02:01
mandlecheck the logs? grep time or errors may help02:02
oerheksmaybe it is the bios time bugging02:03
mandleI was trying to set ntp up last night, and was having issues...systemd-timesyncd.service was where I stopped last night... doesn't know ntp,maybe depreceated or something, haven't finished troubleshooting.  give me a bit, i'll update in a bit02:08
felcodisabling the system tray extension solves the issue02:09
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mandle@masber run timedatectl status you should see System clock synchronized: yes03:02
mandle              NTP service: active03:02
mandle if not, sudo nano /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf scroll to the bottom, uncomment "NTP=" and add a ntp server NTP=ca.pool.ntp.org that's me up in canada. sudo systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service, then check with timedatectl status. and if that doesn't work, I have no idea.03:02
mandleyou may need to apt install systemd-timesyncd03:03
Macersaw something where it sounds like you can't install debs?03:04
Maceris that just with the ui?03:04
Macerah ok03:05
Maceri don't think snaps are a bad idea but i find that a lot of them have quirky things that don't work.. like not having an icon for the app or not being able to access smb shares (i don't think there is an option in ubuntu to even allow it under apps in settings)03:05
Maceronly external media which i guess smb is not considered03:05
bobdobbshow list all physical drives?03:35
mybalzitchlsblk ?03:35
bobdobbs`lsblk | grep -v loop` seems to do it03:36
Jim`Is it "normal" to have to install "xsane" to get GIMP to use your printer to scan ?03:44
jiqirenJim`: yes03:45
oerheksno, libsane1 uses simplescan as frontend, AFAIK03:46
oerheks!info xsane03:46
ubottuxsane (0.999-12ubuntu4, noble): featureful graphical frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy). In component universe, is optional. Built by xsane. Size 462 kB / 2,313 kB03:46
Jim`oerheks: I had to install hplib or whatever and the printer worked to print03:46
Jim`but GIMP wasn't picking it up as a scanner device03:46
Macerah ok. seems like gvfs crams the network shares in /run/user/uid/gvfs which i guess snap doesn't have access to even when allowing external media03:47
Macerthat should probably be something added to snap to allow03:47
oerheksgimp as snap?03:48
Macermaybe i'll test out the libreoffice snap again to see if it can access it. seems like vlc is working although using 'open' sends you to the snap dir and not the home dir03:48
Macernor are network shares listed03:48
wwsmurfI just installed vimtutor, and it's not working (Ubuntu noble). I don't see the tutorial's text. I installed vim-runtime.05:19
wwsmurfI see text flashing before my eyes, but no tutorial.05:24
wwsmurfokay . . .05:28
wwsmurfgot it working.05:28
DiagonWhy am I getting "no release found" when I try to do-release-upgrade from 23.10?06:13
DiagonOops - I see.  They're not available "immediately": https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NobleUpgrades06:16
shinjukuI can't install Ubuntu 24.04 on GA-B75M-D2V (https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-B75M-D2V-rev-10) i gеt it  https://pasteboard.co/qg6ZnmCTO698.png what could it be and why06:53
zaggynlshinjuku: sounds like Ubuntu isn't detecting your disk for some reason06:58
zaggynlI do need to test 24.04 actually06:58
shinjukuzaggynl, this is weird... i have one SSD Sata SmartBuy 256 Gb for a system and two SATA Toshiba 320Gb for backups on this GA-B75M-D2V, and Ubuntu 22.04 is worked now07:02
shinjuku2xHitachi, soory07:02
zaggynlas 24.04 is still very very new, I suspect a bug07:04
shinjukuzaggynl: just i not use any RAID or NVme on this system. Okay07:08
SkyWayi'm having a script in my home folder.. called `send.py`, that i need to run every 5 minutes.. so in crontab i entered `*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 send.py` but that doesn't get executed. if i run manually the script via command line like `python3 send.py` everything is ok .. any ideeas why crontab ignores that?07:19
webchat21 package can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see it.07:26
webchat2Reading package lists... Done07:26
webchat2Building dependency tree... Done07:26
webchat2Reading state information... Done07:26
webchat2Calculating upgrade... Done07:26
webchat2The following upgrades have been deferred due to phasing:07:26
webchat2  distro-info-data07:26
webchat2How to solve this error?07:26
SkyWay`sudo apt install -f` ?07:27
toddc!phasedupdated | webchat207:28
toddcSince Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See  https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.07:28
webchat2Okay, will just ignore it07:31
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lotuspsychjeshinjuku: there is a bug report out there for kernel 6.8 on gigabyte mobo08:52
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: bug #206070908:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2060709 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel 6.8 and Gigabyte F2A88XM-D3H mainboard do not collaborate" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206070908:53
lotuspsychjesee if this is you?08:53
zaggynlhuh, good find, so it _is_ appearing to be an ubuntu bug08:57
=== TheCaptain898 is now known as TheCaptain89
lenovodo you know how to join linuxmint help chat ?11:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/11:39
lotuspsychjelenovo: also see their official website, more ways of support are listed there11:40
lenovothank you very much loty11:40
lenovolotuspsychje, thank you verymuch11:40
lenovovery much11:40
lenovogood day11:41
=== EriC^^50 is now known as EriC^
donofriowhat would cause this, when I try to update I get "release file for http://archive..... is not valid yet (invalid for another 5h 59min 27s). Updates for this reporisty will not be applied?"12:58
ravageprobably a wrong time/timezone on your side12:59
donofrioyah it thinks it is sunday, bah13:00
BluesKajHi all13:07
Fabsswhats up13:20
Jim`What do people usually use to scan with ?13:25
Jim`the software ^13:25
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lotuspsychje!info simple-scan | Jim`13:37
ubottuJim`: simple-scan (46.0-0ubuntu2, noble): Simple Scanning Utility. In component main, is optional. Built by simple-scan. Size 203 kB / 1,468 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)13:37
jhutchinsJim`: What are you scanning for/with?13:39
FossilOkay am I an idiot? Running 22.04.4 LTS. do-release-upgrade -d says nothing avail. I change the Prompt from LTS to Normal. Run do-release-upgrade -d and get "Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release." So I run it again with -d and it wants to upgrade to 23.10 first, without directly going to 24.0413:47
FossilI guess I need to wait for the first point release right13:47
ravageUpgrades are not enabled at the moment 13:47
ravageNot even from 23.1013:47
ravageAnd official upgrades from 22.04 will be available after 24.04.113:48
FossilNoted. Just wanted to test one upgrade before doing the rest in August. Guess I will wait13:48
Jim`jhutchins: HP Deskjet13:52
Jim`jhutchins: I had to install "xsane" for GIMP to detect it?13:52
Jim`jhutchins: I was wondering if there was something else to do after installing hplip so that I don't have to use GIMP and xsane or whatever13:53
Jim`jhutchins: HP Deskjet 2640 *13:53
Jim`Once you install the HP software it runs fine as a printer, but not a copier, etc13:53
shinjukuHey! What about bug #2060709? i was offline14:29
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2060709 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel 6.8 and Gigabyte F2A88XM-D3H mainboard do not collaborate" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206070914:29
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: i recall this bug with a kernel 6.8 combo with gigabyte mobo, just look at the description, to see if its your case14:31
fanny123 hi, my kubuntu 22.04LTS stopped working i believe dns or smthing similar. i saw a bind9 update, could it be the cause?14:32
fanny123 1:9.18.18-0ubuntu0.22.04.2   i have this version. what do you recommend install previous version? is it something known? i've lost internet a few days ago14:32
shinjukuI just don't see options for installing to disk. Like here in the screenshot https://pasteboard.co/qg6ZnmCTO698.png I’ll take a look now14:33
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: an idea could be creating a 22.04 install usb, and compare it to see if your disks get recognized there14:34
shinjukulotuspsychje:  Ubuntu 22.04 installs and works flawlessly on this PC14:36
shinjukuwith 24.04 problem only14:37
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: ok, so its maybe the bug, or the work in progress of the new 24.04 installer14:37
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: but a clean install 24.04 with a full disk install, should work14:37
shinjukulotuspsychje: okay, I'll try today14:38
=== duckworld_ is now known as duckworld
fanny123delsol_laptop >  hi, my kubuntu 22.04LTS stopped working i believe dns or smthing similar. i saw a bind9 update, could it be the cause?14:59
fanny123 1:9.18.18-0ubuntu0.22.04.2   i have this version. what do you recommend install previous version? is it something known? i've lost internet a few days ago14:59
delsol_laptopno idea.14:59
CosmicDJfanny123: bind9 is a full blown DNS server that's not in use by default unless you install/configure it by yourself15:00
fanny123CosmicDJ ok thanks didnt know that, should be other thing then15:01
fanny123how can i  know if a recent update in last few days can break internet conf?15:01
CosmicDJfanny123: forums would be full of complains? packages would have been rolled back?15:02
shinjukulotuspsychje: the problem remained with the only blank disk without EFI in the system https://pasteboard.co/MSokDXWqwQsg.png https://pasteboard.co/KYbDrjIqZ1vo.png15:20
NeilRGShould I manually update distro-info-data?15:20
NeilRGdistro-info-data/noble-updates 0.60ubuntu0.1 all [upgradable from: 0.60]15:20
ELFrederichI'm trying to install 24.04 server and it's stuck on some "curtin cuthooks" just spinning forever with "installing missing packages".  On first install this didn't happen, then I deleted the VM and on 2 subsequent installs it's hanging there.16:22
ELFrederichany ideas what to do there?16:23
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: please report your bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-provision and attach your /var/log/installer logs to it please16:31
lotuspsychjeELFrederich: same for you, see if you can catch the logs inside /var/log/installer16:39
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shinjukulotuspsychje: yes, already done. i sent a report with screenshots17:04
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: whats your bug ID please?17:04
shinjuku lotuspsychje: #2064893 block probing crashed with RuntimeError17:07
lotuspsychjebug #206489317:07
shinjukulotuspsychje: #2064935 https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/206493517:08
lotuspsychjeerror not found17:08
shinjukulotuspsychje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2064935 not found?17:09
lotuspsychjeThis page does not exist, or you may not have permission to see it.17:10
shinjuku lotuspsychje: maybe this is only available to developers. I see my bug in my profile17:10
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: ah, you filed the bug from inside the installer crash?17:11
shinjukulotuspsychje: yes :)17:12
lotuspsychjeshinjuku: ok thanks for filing your bug, follow the advice of the developers on your bug ID now17:14
shinjukulotuspsychje: Thank you! I will do so. but for now I’ll go back to 22.04 probably17:16
dustwhere is the 24.04 iso which is smaller than 4,7gb?18:11
lotuspsychjedust: there's a xubuntu minimal iso if you like18:12
dustlotuspsychje, i mean the standard ubuntu... there was a legacy version which was smaller than 4,7gb18:13
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=== guest02 is now known as test924
test924I heard there are problems with upgrading to 24.04. Is it advised to wait?19:54
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oerhekswait for the 24.04.1 point release, upgrade path is not released yet.19:55
bprompttest924: dunno, but I'll be getting it in July or august, when the .1 version comes out19:56
oerhekswe do not recommend to use the -d development option, but if you do, prepare an usb with a fresh 24.04 iso first19:56
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test924I see that 23.10 is end of standard support some time in july and 24.04.1 is scheduled for release in august. Does that mean that 23.10 has a period of no support and no upgrade path?19:58
oerheks23.10 + 9 months, so indeed around july/august20:00
oerheksfor 24.04 https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-schedule/3564920:01
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=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
mobiusI installed a package with snap (snap install k9s) and it gets put in /snap/k9s/155/bin and doesn't get linked from /snap/bin. Is this a snap package problem? Or why would it do this? System is Ubuntu/PopOS 20.04 snap 2.6221:37
pycuriousIs 24.04LTS something I should wait on? or can i start using it? Especially with nvidia drivers.21:58
pycuriousIf I run an incus vm that runs 22.04lts but the base os is 24.04LTS - does the nvidia driver work for a gpu pass through from the main OS to the VM? For containers, it seems I have to match the baseOS=guestOS for nvidia. Is that the case for VM as well? Thanks.21:59
SuperLagI'm trying to set needrestart.conf to only restart services interactively. https://gist.github.com/akulbe/64ffcf50af4dead586c6581651ee722e <- I thought uncommenting and setting line 38 to 'i' was all I needed to do, but it's still not working. I'm not clear on how this works.22:01
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Bashing-omSuperLag: Recent changes - see: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/needrestart-changes-in-ubuntu-24-04-service-restarts/44671 ,22:37
SuperLagBashing-om: thank you22:46

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