[01:49] hello! [01:55] the ISO finally done === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [02:35] added r [03:42] arraybolt3 , Unit193: So I installed hplib and it worked [03:42] For a printer [03:43] arraybolt3 , Unit193: I had to install "xsane" for it to work in GIMP as a scanner though? [03:43] is that normal? [03:44] \o/ [03:45] Unit193: also I remembered I like LXDE better now lol [03:45] so I'd be installing Lubuntu instead [03:45] but anyway [03:58] Jim`: Lubuntu switched to LXQt so it probably will be significantly different than you remembered. [03:58] XFCE is probably closer to LXDE than LXQt is now. [03:58] (As a Lubuntu developer, I won't tell you to *not* use it, but you should probably know before you go and try it :P) [03:59] arraybolt3: I just want close to Windows as possible without KDE [04:00] or the "LOL YOU BROKE SUCKER! YOU SHOULD HAVE UPGRADED YOUR HARDWARE BEFORE 2025 !!!" [04:00] Xubuntu is probably going to be a lot more like Windows than modern Lubuntu. Modern Lubuntu is great, but it's more like classic Windows, whereas with some work XFCE can be made to be more like Windows 7 or 10. [04:00] And hey, I have a machine here that is too old to run Windows 11 (officially anyway) that gets plenty of use with Linux :D [04:02] arraybolt3: Yeah why I gotta upgrade my FX-8370 and 950 SC [04:02] I'll have to to play GTA6 [04:02] but why can't I make that choice myself [04:15] If that's your thing, look into xfce4-docklike-plugin and xfdashboard too. [04:16] Unit193: I don't like the "up top" thing [04:16] Panel can be moved. [04:17] https://docs.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-docklike-plugin/start that's docklike. [04:19] Unit193: I'm thinking I should probably be using these "min" GUIs for sure [04:19] and not KDE or Ubuntu? [04:23] Up to you what works best for you. [04:24] Unit193: I don't want the GUI to be eating up all the VRAM trying to play games on Linux before I can get a new Win machine === BigBadQuanta is now known as BadQuanta [11:24] If I want gcc-14 on my current install of xubuntu is there a good ppa to add? ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test doesn't seem to have gcc-14 yet. [11:43] Huh... so 24.04 also defaults to gcc-13? [11:59] Good news. I'm trying out 24.04 in a VM right now; I see it allows me to install gcc-14 from the default repos. Good news. === Guest9516 is now known as iosys === iosys is now known as opios === opios is now known as iosys